Do your siblings share your body type?



  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    the VAST majority of my extended family is heavily overweight, including my mother and both sisters. i myself am just a few pounds over weight by technical bmi standards, however i'd still like to drop about 30..

    i lucked out and got my height from my father, i'm 5'9 [he was 6'3] and both my sisters while not super short arent any taller than 5'7 same with my mom. theyre all much heavier and not active whatsoever and eat awful. i've begged my mom and one of my sisters to join my gym but they just arent ready i guess. its kinda like a drug addict i suppose theyve gotta want it. my other sister i dont get along too well with so she can deal with her issues without my support seeing as she doesnt support me in any of my goals.

    so basically i lucked out. soon enough i'll be the tal and skinny sister. not just the tall slightly chunky sister! haha
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Not if I can help it! :-P
  • I have 5 siblings....I am the biggest of my siblings. All of us, except my youngest brother, have struggled with weight issues. We all have to be careful about our consumption. We are all very similar body types, all the girls with large chests and skinny legs. The boys are both very broad shoulders, and both very strong without trying. The boys have skinny legs too.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    My sister has always had a Victoria's Secret figure. She used to be able to eat as much as she wanted but now she has to workout to maintain her figure and eating habits. I've always been overweight but I can see that my body under all this is very similar to hers, just a bigger frame. She's 5'4, small frame like my mom; I'm 5'7 with a medium frame like my dad.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    My oldest brother is 6'6" and weighs about 200 lbs, My other brother is 6' 2" and weighs about 190. Me.. I'm 5'10' and heavier than either of them by quite a bit.

    Sigh... wish I was built like my big brother...except with boobs and no man parts!
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I have the same mother as 3 of my siblings and the same father as 1 of them (from previous marriages) so it's not easy to compare. I have the same chin, intelligence, and love of wine and cheese and the 1... but the same short stature, sense of humour and broad shoulders of the 3 lol I do have a reasonably similar body type to my youngest elder sister though, and when I pile on the pounds, I see her looking back at me in the mirror (she's a big girl). That's when I know it's time for me to lose weight.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    BARELY. We're both pear-hourglass, but my younger sister's boobs are HUGE making her look more like an hourglass (she's still my shape though), and I put on muscle a lot easier than she does, so I'll always be slightly larger and curvier (and always stronger...for those obligatory older sister beatings, lol.)
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    Another interesting tidbit. I am 5' 3" and 116 ish pounds ( and going down) and have never been more then 140 and my mother is 5'6'' ish and is morbidly obese,and has been overweight her entire life. So you can't always accredit your upbringing as to whether you are thick or thin.
  • Absolutely not. I've always been on the verge of being overweight, while my brother was always on the verge of underweight. He's now picked up elite training so is in MUCH better shape than I am, as I try to just slim down. He does help me out a lot though. Like my own personal trainer!
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    Complete opposites. I take more after my paternal side and am a bit chubbier, always have been and have had to work harder to maintain my weight. My brother on the other hand has a RIDICULOUS metabolism, rarely exercises anymore and could care less what he ingests. [Can you tell I'm a smidge jealous?!] He remains muscular, lean and thin.
  • joceyofdoom
    joceyofdoom Posts: 21 Member
    I have two older brothers and they are both over 6'5" and skinny! I am 5'4" and have always been a bit tubby (before gaining weight in my teens). They promised me that when I hit puberty I'd get tall and skinny. They lied! haha
  • joceyofdoom
    joceyofdoom Posts: 21 Member
    (whoops, double posted somehow)
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    When we (I have a younger sister and brother) were born I was the long and light one - now I am the short fat one! :noway:
  • SherNY
    SherNY Posts: 87
    Nope I look Mom but a taller classic pear shape...or rain drop they call it now (Riiiiight it still sucks!) while my sister is taller still and leggy more like rectangle shape. My brothers are both thin and tall. How as the second of 4 kids I got to be the shortest (5'7") and roundest I don't know :(
  • There's definitely a contrast between my brother and I. He's 3 years younger than me and very thin. He's only about an inch taller than me and a good healthy weight. I, on the other hand, am way over weight. We ate the same foods growing up and we were both very picky eaters and even as our appetites developed more, I just started to gain weight while he didn't. He has my dad's genes because my dad was skinny back in the day at his age too. I guess they have high metabolisms. My mom on the other hand used to be thin as well but it's always been easier for her to gain weight. After giving birth twice, she never lost all the weight but age makes it harder I think.
  • Out of seven kids (five girls and two boys) I got the fat genes!!! Ugh!!!! I have struggled with my weight all my sisters were HORRIBLE to live with....they teased me and made me feel awful about myself....I have one sister who STILL to this day makes cracks about my weight.....I am about 164 lbs (5'7) and its still NOT thin enough for her....she makes comments about how fat people gross her out....very hurtful. But the good news is...I have two boys now and they do not have weight issues because I have taught them to eat right and I have also taught them to be KIND to others no matter what their weight is.......Still looking to lose about twenty pounds but I am doing it for ME one else!!!:wink:
  • Out of seven kids (five girls and two boys) I got the fat genes!!! Ugh!!!! I have struggled with my weight all my sisters were HORRIBLE to live with....they teased me and made me feel awful about myself....I have one sister who STILL to this day makes cracks about my weight.....I am about 164 lbs (5'7) and its still NOT thin enough for her....she makes comments about how fat people gross her out....very hurtful. But the good news is...I have two boys now and they do not have weight issues because I have taught them to eat right and I have also taught them to be KIND to others no matter what their weight is.......Still looking to lose about twenty pounds but I am doing it for ME one else!!!:wink:
  • My sister and I couldn't be any more different lol. I am 5'4 and need to get in shape. She is 5'9 or so and is slim. She's blonde, I'm brunette, I wore glasses, she never did (i've had lasik since lol). Yeah, we are totally not even close, would never know we were related!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My sister is slightly taller and was chubby as a kid but through her teens she's been fairly small. I'm shorter and have bigger hips and was getting to become the fat sister =p.
    My mom would also say she fed us the same things, but I was a closet eater!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    There's six of us. I'm the only one who is fat.