Questions for people with tattoos



  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    You can just bring in the design on a piece of paper and they will trace it and copy it onto your body ! That's what I did with mine.

    but yeah, you should have your bf draw it on you first just to see if you like the location, etc but don't have it drawn on there right before you go in !

    When i got my first tat, i made a few rules for myself..
    1. I had to like the design for at least a year before getting it
    2. I had to get it in a place that I could cover up easily
    3. It had to be meaningful to me.

    good luck!! oh and I got mine on my foot and it didn't hurt at all.. but my friend also got one the same day, same tattoo artist on her foot and she said it hurt really bad. so I guess it's just how well you can tolerate pain ;)
  • caitles14
    I have 2 tattoos, one behind my ear and one on my foot. Everyone always asks if the one behind my ear hurt like hell, but I actually didn't feel a thing (the tattoo artist told me there's no nerve endings there?) The one on my foot hurt a lot, but it was nothing I (or anyone else I'm sure) couldn't handle. I distracted myself with thoughts of what I was having for dinner that night ;) So I wouldn't pick your spot based on what would hurt's worth a few minutes of pain to have it where you want for the rest of your life! Also yes, I would have your boyfriend write it out on a piece of paper beforehand. Lastly, just a warning...tattoos are super addicting! Once you get one, you'll want even more :) Not that that's necessarily a bad thing... ;)
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    make sure you get something you love. never a name unless somebody thats passed, or a relative. the neck only hurt me, i have buddha, a big one, on the back when i had it sprayed with alcohol to clean it. that hurt so bad, i have one on my breast, only hurt near the bone, shoulders, again, towards the bone, lower back didnt hurt, one my ankles didnt reeally hurt that bad. also, the best thing you should do, is to get it somewhere you can cover. i have long hair so i can cover my neck, clothes hide my back, and socks or pants cover my ankles. also, make sure you tip your tattoo artist:wink:
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    I have 2 tattoos, one behind my ear and one on my foot. Everyone always asks if the one behind my ear hurt like hell, but I actually didn't feel a thing (the tattoo artist told me there's no nerve endings there?) The one on my foot hurt a lot, but it was nothing I (or anyone else I'm sure) couldn't handle. I distracted myself with thoughts of what I was having for dinner that night ;) So I wouldn't pick your spot based on what would hurt's worth a few minutes of pain to have it where you want for the rest of your life! Also yes, I would have your boyfriend write it out on a piece of paper beforehand. Lastly, just a warning...tattoos are super addicting! Once you get one, you'll want even more :) Not that that's necessarily a bad thing... ;)

    they are terribly addicting. started with one, 6 now, want my sons name, another alice in wonderland characters and then im finished, maybe.
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    i get mine in places people can't see - just personal preference. working in the beauty industry, i can't begin to tell you how many ladies tattoo's i got asked to hide on a daily basis.. these ladies range from all ages.

    sure you wanna get something in your boyfriends handwriting?? ehhh! i wouldn't.

    tattoos feel like an intense sharp massage to me, but i do have high pain tolerance. my sister says it's like a hot pencil digging into your skin.

    all the best! xo
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I have one disgusting distorted tattoo on my hip that I got before children. I wish it would have flown off my hip when my children flew out of my....

    I have another on the top of my foot. I love it. It's 2+ years old and I still stare at it in admiration :) I think the boyfriend's handwriting is pretty cool - and if you do split - which you don't even want to consider now ... you can always cover it up! :)

    It doesn't tickle. But you can do it. :)
  • CallieRettig

    As a heavily tattooed individual, I will offer you my advice. Getting one on your hip with stretch out with weight loss, gain, having children etc...I've seen some pretty bad results from all of those scenarios. I didnt read through all of the replies, but have your boyfriend write it out on a piece of paper and stress to the artist it must be just like his handwriting :) As a general rule of pain, the more muscular or boney, the more it hurts. I have found the least painful area to be the thigh and the most painful is the elbow. I have one on the entire inside of my foot and I didnt think it was that terrible. I think a lot of people pick the foot as their first tattoo and it seems overwhelmingly painful (hence, boney prominence) It all just depends on your pain tolerance. I'll leave you with this, getting your foot tattooed is less painful than getting the septum of your nose pierced.

    Good Luck and Happy Tattooing!
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    I have 2, my kids names with design... The first one hurt like hell , right on the shoulder blade. The second was 10 years later, last year actually on my calve, that wasn't as bad. The closer to the bone , the worse. Also keep in mind your artist, some can be very heavy handed. I m saving the inside hip area for something, but not until the weight loss. Mine haven't shrunk, or anything, but i know im not going to show off a tattoo like that till i can confidently wear a 2 piece. As far as social status and tattoos i see people all the time with them. I was worried about my leg tat, but im going to nursing school, so i'll be wearing scrubs at a job. Ive have seen plenty of nurses with tattoos, some even on the neck. Since this is your first one, maybe a hidden spot though.
  • sailorsiren13
    When getting a tattoo no question is a stupid question. I have many from all over the country and even one from the Phillipines and i always make sure the environment is clean and the artist is good. I had a name once it was my husbands (we are still married) we had some issues not long after i inked his name i covered it up because i felt branded it was a mistake that i won't repeat now the only names i have are my kids. Even then i go for symbols. My weight goes up and down and the ones on my hips don't look bad at all they look worse from the sun then from the weight fluctuations remember its permanent so you can be a bit of a pain. Just be a nice pain you catch more flies with honey!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    1) Have him write it on a piece of paper close to the size you want (they can resize it if need be, but don't bring in the sample in say a 12 font if you want it in a 72 fond). They'll make a transfer of the tattoo and place it on you so you can see how it looks on you before they start, and then they basically tattoo over the transfer.

    2) Unless you are getting it in a spot that is susceptible to weight gain (midsection for example) I wouldn't think weight gain or loss would make a big difference. I have two (lower back and ankle) and thank God weight hasn't affected those areas.

    3) It's hard to say depending on the area on the body. For instance in the places I've used an epilator, a tattoo in that same place might hurt just as much. However I am going to say the epliator was worse. I can't use it, it just hurts too much, even for a few minutes. Whereas both my tattoos took over an hour and I'd say the pain was very tolerable. Felt kind of like a hot scratch. It's best to take someone along, having someone to talk to helps take your mind off from it.

    4) Any place that is more bony if going to hurt more than someplace more fleshy. Of all the places you mentioned, I would think the back of your neck would hurt the least. Hip might be painful if your hips are bonier and collarbone seems like it would be the most painful.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I like the idea...then again, I am partial to it because I got a tattoo of my mom's handwriting on my wrist (Sleep Tight). I just took the words she wrote from a note, cut them out, made a copy of it and gave it to the artist who then copied it onto my skin. That tattoo took all of 5 minutes or less and did not hurt a bit.

    I have a large one on my back (song lyrics) and it took about 2 hours...I would say the pain is akin to having someone use a sewing machine on your back...ha, that makes it sound bad...but it was really just an incessant and annoying thing, like a constant poke of a sewing needle.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    My best advice - like the artist, because getting a tattoo is an intimate experience no matter where you get it. If he/she is a jerk it does not make for an enjoyable time. I like to talk (or be talked to) during the more painful bits to distract my mind, one reason why I go to the same guy for all my work now. He just makes it an amazing experience. Be very sure about the design and that it will always have meaning for you. (This has been addressed ad nauseum already.) My tats were less painful than 12 hours of back labor when I gave birth to my daughter. Be prepared for the healing process - it will feel like road rash for a couple days, bruised and tender. And a few days later when it is healing nicely, the itching begins... do not scratch, do not peel/pick!! I have 4, I will have more.... it is what part of tax refund goes toward every year. :bigsmile:
  • kkalamchi
    1) Get your bf to write it clearly on paper, the tattoo artist can trace it and then make a stencil, getting your bf to do a few practises on you with pen is a great idea, perfect for getting the right size, area etc

    2) I asked my tattooist this question, he said as long as you dont gain (or lose) too quickly the tatt should retain its form.

    3) i have a hand held epilator and it is more painful than that but it really depends on where you get it, on bone of areas like inside wrist are more painful, if you want less pain, go on an area with more padding. I have six tatts, back of neck wasnt too bad, inside wrist was torture. Its sore but its worth it. In the case of a stencil (what the artist willl make from you bf's writting) the outline is the worst, when they get to the colouring in its not so bad.

    4) as mentioned before some places are more painful, ribs are really sore so i imagine on the hip itself would be too, across bone - ouch. the only thing i would suggest you consider (and these things might not be of any importance to you) but think about although right now you are happy to show off your tatt to the world but what about in the future, in certain settings? Picking up kids from school, wearing a wedding dress, at a job interview for your dream job, would you be happy to show if off then. If not, try and pick a place that can always be covered up if you need to, like a long sleeve or a collar on a shirt etc

    hope this helps :) - tatts are great, dont let the though of a little short term pain put off something you can enjoy for the rest of your life.
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    So, I'm on track to hit one of my mini-goals later this month, and I promised that I would reward myself with a tattoo! Problem: I have never had a tattoo, and I'm not close friends with anybody who has a tattoo, but I've seen some cool ones in MFP photos. I have a few questions, and I know I should ask the tattoo artist, but I kind of don't want to embarrass myself with really stupid questions before I embarrass myself even more by crying or throwing up as soon as I see the needle/needles/whatever they do tattoos with. (Clearly, I am in the *very* preliminary stages of researching this.)

    However, I have no fear of embarrassing myself in front of the website that already knows I had chocolate for dinner the other night. Questions!

    1) The tattoo I want is in my boyfriend's handwriting. Do I just get him to write whatever I want clearly on a piece of paper and bring it along? Do I get him to write on my skin? Should I get him to write it on my skin anyway so I get a feel for the size and placement I want before I get it permanently drawn onto my body? (Yes, actually. I will do that last thing.) But again: do I bring a paper copy of my "design" with me?

    2) For people with tattoos who've lost a lot of weight, has it affected the tattoo? I sort of want it near my hip but I'm worried it will get all distorted as I lose weight (or, god forbid, gain it back).

    3) If you've used one of those hand-held epilators before - the ones with the tiny little rotating tweezers - how does that compare to a tattoo? Similar sensation? More/less painful? What would you, personally, compare it to?

    4) Subjective question: I'm tossing up between my hip, below one of my collarbones, or the back of my neck. Thoughts? Considerations? Is one of these places epically more painful than anywhere else (which is what I've heard about foot tattoos)?

    Don't worry, I really will ask the actual tattoo artist all these things, I just wanted to not walk into the tattoo place feeling like a complete noob. Thanks in advance! :D

    I have four tattoos, my foot, hip/side, right shoulder blade and on the part where my neck meets my back (its small)

    1) just get him to write it on paper and bring it. They need to clean/shave the area before they tattoo so no point in having him write it on you when you go. But if you want to have him do it before you go so can see where exactly you want it, thats a good idea.

    2) I haven't noticed any difference when I was about 30lbs lighter and when I was at my pregnancy weight they looked the same

    3) Never used one of those (I'm afraid it will hurt too much lol!) Tattoos hurt, but it depends on how you handle repeat pain, when I first went in I panicked because I didn't know what it was going to feel like, but once I got the first one and was aware that I could handle the pain it wasn't bad.

    4) The most painful one I got was on my side/hip. The tattoo artist said it was top 3 worse places to get one (the other two being your foot, and your armpit ((IDK why someone would tattoo themselves there but he showed me his tats and he had one there lol)))
    The least painful was my first one on my shoulder.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    I have a tattoo, and I enjoy it and do not regret it ONE BIT! It's been 20 years.

    Just get the thing where you can cover it up easily with clothes.
    Tattoos are a sign of low class - remember that.

    Cool, sure, but low class, and forget ever getting a real important position if the interviewer can see it.
    Tattoo people make great service workers but lousy executives for the most part.

    Don't be offended - again, I HAVE ONE, and I love it!

    Wow, classism. Nice.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182

    2) For people with tattoos who've lost a lot of weight, has it affected the tattoo? I sort of want it near my hip but I'm worried it will get all distorted as I lose weight (or, god forbid, gain it back).

    3) If you've used one of those hand-held epilators before - the ones with the tiny little rotating tweezers - how does that compare to a tattoo? Similar sensation? More/less painful? What would you, personally, compare it to?

    4) Subjective question: I'm tossing up between my hip, below one of my collarbones, or the back of my neck. Thoughts? Considerations? Is one of these places epically more painful than anywhere else (which is what I've heard about foot tattoos)?
    I have 7 tattoos - inside of an ankle, running up the outside of my lower leg, on my lower back, on the front of my torso just above the hip bone, along the front of my torso from the hip bone to above my ribs (by far the most painful), a shoulder blade, and a half sleeve.

    2) I've gained and lost, but I gain my weight in my hips/thighs - the ones on my lower abdomen haven't distorted much at all by this, but I have a girlfriend who has one on her abdomen above her hip and it got all kinds of ugly after she gained weight during pregnancy and had the baby. You can't even tell what it was.

    3) Having spent my fair share of time in the chair under the needle, the pain to me feels almost like a burn. The "needle" is more like a sewing machine - it goes up and down into the skin like that, so I don't think needle fear is a problem. But, imagine running a sewing machine over you, then as it drags across the skin....sometimes across taunt skin it almost feels like it's ripping. I have a high tolerance for pain - when the needle went across my ribs, it hurt like hell and vibrated my entire rib cage. The second pain was the one on my back - the tattoo artist also painted and he kept touching it up, looking at it, going over it, adding color, looking at it....well, imagine that sewing machine going over the same piece of skin over and over again; it just became super sensitive. My point is, there are different kinds of pain :)

    4) I'd go for the hip. I've listed where mine are, and the only one that's visible is the one on my arm when I'm in short sleeves. As for the corporate world, well, I was the Assistant to the Mayor and City Manager for two different municipalities. When out in front of the public, I always wore a suit, and no one ever knew about them. In fact, I was suited up for my interview - it was "funny" the first time I took my jacket off at work after I was hired :)
    You never know where life will take you, so I suggest getting it where you can cover it. While the neck can be covered by hair when down, I pull my hair up far too often to be able to cover one in that location.
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    most people advice has been spot on! but i will say this.........take your time deciding on a tattoo artist, make sure your not only comfortable with them but like their style as well ( its no good going to someone who specialises in skulls when you want flowers)
    and that they are reputable!
    when i got my tattoo i had so many people recommending me to their "amazing" tattooist, but when i saw their work it was very so-so!! so shop around!

    when it comes to pain its hard to explain, it doesn't matter where you get it done, it will still hurt to a degree. my first ever tattoo covers my shoulder blade ( 8 hours of work!) I got it done in 2 sittings, the second sitting by far was the most painful but then again she was tattooing over a fresh tattoo!! it was a bearable pain, though i was pulling some seriously funny faces haha! take someone with you to distract you and I'm sure you'll be fine!

    my advise........its going to hurt no matter what, don't let this dictate the size or positioning of your tattoo. I believe its better to go through a little bit of pain to get exactly what you want. make it count.
  • Trishapet
    TRUST ME....DONT EVER GET A TATTOO!! I have two and it's the worst mistake I ever made! I'm a 31 yr. Old young gal and believe me it only trashes up your body! YouRE BEAUTIFUL WITHOUT IT!!!! definitely something I wish I could take back!! It's not attractive!! :) just my advice! Good luck!