Jenny vs Weight Watchers vs Nutrisystems

Does anyone know a good website that compares weight loss programs? I need a jump start to get going.


  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    If you want a comparison of these two programs go to:

    otherwise you are at the best place to jump start you and that's MFP. Just cut back on your calories and increase your daily activities and that should help you get going.
    ABELL Posts: 16
    I have been a member of both programs and they were good. However, I got tired of spending the money and MFP offers the same things. Teaching you to track what you eat, getting the most out of your food, and the message boards are a good way to relate to others on the subject. If you need face on face group support WW is a good place to start. Both WW and Jenny are good if you need others to help you remain accountable.
  • dogwdots
    dogwdots Posts: 146
    Thanks - I will check it out. I have cut back on calories and I am exercising, but I am not getting any results, so I think what I am doing is not right. I have been making healthy food choices too. Probably something I am missing that I don't realize somehow.
  • rocknrolla2009
    rocknrolla2009 Posts: 63 Member
    I do know Jenny Craig is really expensive..Nutri System is a bit cheaper than Jenny. But with both programs you have foods that are full of preservatives...even after shelling out a bunch of money you still have to purchase dairy, fresh produce etc.

    Weight Watchers I did off and on..good if you need face to face group support and don't mind going to the meetings. (Myself, I'd recommend going with a friend as I found most people buddied up with others and I felt like the odd person out at times.) I really enjoyed the online tools when just doing WW online. But again you are looking at paying to use a site. MFP contains most of the same ETools as WW Online, including a supportive group on the message boards.

    Good luck!

  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I do know Jenny Craig is really expensive..Nutri System is a bit cheaper than Jenny. But with both programs you have foods that are full of preservatives...even after shelling out a bunch of money you still have to purchase dairy, fresh produce etc.

    Weight Watchers I did off and on..good if you need face to face group support and don't mind going to the meetings. (Myself, I'd recommend going with a friend as I found most people buddied up with others and I felt like the odd person out at times.) I really enjoyed the online tools when just doing WW online. But again you are looking at paying to use a site. MFP contains most of the same ETools as WW Online, including a supportive group on the message boards.

    Good luck!


    And I feel like MFP is MUCH easier to navigate! At least it is since the last time I used e-tools!

    dogwdots - Check the sticky posts at the top of the forums about eating calories, exercise/exercise calories, etc. There is a wealth of information there that I completely ignored at first and find very useful now! If your exercise is the same over and over again, change it up! Branch out and do something you've never thought of doing or try working harder for a few minutes each workout. I was walking my daughter around our neighborhood and I started going as fast as the stroller could stand for 3 minutes and then I would walk at my normal pace for 5 minutes and so on and so forth to try to make myself work harder. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am a carboholic and when my weight loss stops , or plateaus I need to cut way back on my carb intake and that seems to help the weight loss start up again. But everyone needs to find out what works for you. For me I know I really need to watch my carb intake. I find when I quit eating a lot of carbs my calorie intake goes down and I lose weight.
  • sowens
    sowens Posts: 4 Member
    Previous posters are right about the expense -- JC is not cheap. But I think the food tastes better than NutriSystem's. And for me, the convenience is unbeatable. I liked WW because it "allowed" you to eat anything -- even fast food burgers or chocolate cake -- as long as you adhered to the healthy guidelines (getting enough water, veggies, fruits, etc.) and didn't exceed your Points (a handy way to moderate your calorie intake). But I need a stricter program. JC's boundaries give me more "protection." And the frozen meals are like having my own chef cook for me! Of course, I still steam some veggies, slice fruit and I make a yogurt/banana shake every day. But -- for me -- that's easy and well worth what I'm paying. It does get hard though when real life gets in the way. Substituting "real food" at weddings, parties, dinners out, etc. is not as easy with the JC system as it is with the WW Points system -- but people manage to do it. I just haven't mastered that skill yet. I'm still learning!