I hate vegetables

So I am looking for those people out there who hate fruits and vegetables. The problem I am having is I HATEEEEE them. The only way I can get them in my diet is if they are in a smoothie and it has to be blended until there are no chunks. I hate a smoothie that has chunks in it. I have a texture problem. I dont eat red meat or pork. I eat chicken on occasion but I dont like to eat it every day. Loosing weight with all these food problems is the hardest thing ever. Does any one have any suggestions out there for food ideas for someone who hates fruits and veggies and meat?


  • stronglikebull
    So what do you eat? Honest question, no snark.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    Well the main reason why I am large. Carbs. I love pasta, potatoes, and bread.. I eat alot of pizza. I love cheese. For breakfast I will usually have coffee and a bagel. Snacks I eat crackers usually or chips. Lunch I usually have some form of potato or pasta, and then again the same for dinner. I occasionally throw in a piece of chicken in there, sometimes a salad with just cheese and dressing. I seriously do not know what to do to diet. I am the pickiest eater on the planet.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    not sure how to help.....i know a carb diet isnt the way to go.....starches turn into sugar in the blood stream. i love all fruits and veggies and all meat except pork. maybe look up stuff online.
  • Kadunker
    Kadunker Posts: 7 Member
    I got a juicer because I don't eat enough veggies either. They have some pretty good recipes online.
  • stormchaser3
    stormchaser3 Posts: 22 Member
    Get a juicer. Sometimes a little grainy a good way to get you veggies and fruit.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Do what Mom's do to get their kids to eat: sneak some in soups, casseroles, any thing that would be disguised in big flavor. Drown it in low fat cheese?
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Ok, I don't mean to go all Dr Phil on you, but how's not eating fruits and vegetables working for you? I get texture issues, but not all fruit and veg has the same texture. There has to be something out there that you will eat.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    The only veg I like is broccoli, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, peppers and onions.

    Eating enough is a huge problem for me.

    I simply get a great big pan, chop up loads of different types of veg, ranging from butternut squash to aubergines, add stock, salt and pepper to season and then blend into a very fine soup (I do other things to it as well but to give you jut a general idea).

    I have never found one yet that I don't like and all the flavours together mixed don't taste bad at all. I try to use veg that will complement each other as well, like red peppers, sweet potato and carrot - delicious.

    Like you I can't stand bits in my food, soup, smoothies and juice have all pass through a chinois before I will touch it.

    Soup is the only thing I can suggest to get veg in your system, sorry.

    As for fruit, I love most fruits. However, again, I would suggest purchasing a juicer. I have also heard carrot juice is quite nice but never tried it.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    eating healthy is hard for a lot of us.. because it isn't what we normally eat. but the desire to lose weight, for me, is so strong, that i'm willing to step out of my comfort zone. I LOVE fruit.

    you seriously don't like fruit? that is just so hard for me to believe.. strawberries? grapes? pineapple? blueberries? apples? bananas?
  • stronglikebull
    Well to start with you have to cut out the snacks you're eating, if you aren't ready to switch to nuts, vegetables, fruit, or other dairy, stop eating them to reduce your calories and your carbohydrate intake.

    Switch to the Laughing Cow cheese wedges, they have a LOT fewer calories than real cheese.

    Start pushing yourself and force yourself to try new things. Find vegetables, fruit, nuts, dairy that are similar in texture to things you do like to eat. Work from there if texture is your issue moreso than flavor. Blend greens into pasta sauce to get some nutrients in. Try adding small amounts of broccoli to your potato with other toppings. Use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream - it is seriously almost the same thing, my picky-*kitten* 20 year old brother doesn't know I feed it to him on top of potatoes. Are you ok with beans? They're good sources of fiber and other nutrients you can get from veggies.

    You have to decide how far you are going to go to get healthy. You're young, be brave and do it girl!

    Protein powder. Find a chocolate or vanilla flavor you like and have a protein shake.
    Benefiber. You need fiber. Mix it in with your pasta to start. It honestly does dissolve.
    If you like white potatoes, sweet potatoes/yams are a good way to branch out. Try squashes like butternut, spaghetti, acorn. They have similar textures to potatoes and you can do a lot with them.

    Is the no red meat or pork for a specific reason or is it a texture thing too?
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    I have a 3 year old that hates fruits and veggies, too AND I'm a vegetarian so I don't cook meat. He loves waffles with applesauce and pumpkin, though. Mac and cheese can have any yellow, orange or white veggie puree blended in the cheese sauce and he'll eat it. Baked goods with prunes (if they are chocolate or dark) or applesauce (if they are light) instead of oil and half the white flour with wheat. There are several cookbooks out right now (like Jessica Seinfeld's Deceptively Delicious) that sneak fruits and veggies into lots of different foods. Hummus (bean spread) can be made from lots of different beans and he likes that on bread or crackers. He likes Dave Butternut Squash Pasta sauce (amazingly). Puree your veggie soups and put wheat pasta or barley in there. He eats Boca Burgers and veggie sausage. Is any of this helpful? I can go on all day ;)
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    Sometimes you just have to work it in in little ways. Try adding something new and healthy into your diet once a week or something. Starting this week, just try to eat 1 piece of fruit instead of an unhealthy snack. Try different fruit, but get that 1 piece in everyday. You might find that after a while you wont dread eating that piece of fruit everyday, you might even begin to like it. Then maybe next week, start integrating something else and replacing something bad.
    I did it with soda to water. I HATED water. Wouldn't drink it at all. But I know how important it is to drink it so I slowly started cutting it out and replacing it with gatorade then I started replacing the gatorade with water, and now that is all I drink besides the occasional glass of milk or fruit juice. And I actually crave water now which still seems weird to me. I started the transition 3 months ago and I honestly thought it would take longer to stop craving soda.
    Moral of the story. Do a little at a time, as a human you are highly adaptable. Adapt for your health.
    And making juices and smoothies and sneaking veggies and fruit in to things you normally eat is also a good way to start making some headway.
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    @shoechick5 I have had this issue since I was a kid. My parents tried all kind of things with me since I was little. Cooking it different ways, hiding it in food, trying TONS of fruits and vegetables. I cant even put them in my mouth. I start chewing and I immediately start gagging. I dont know if its a mental thing or what but its that nasty texture of fruits and vegetables that I dont like. Some are slimey, chewy, rubbery, crunchy with skin. Just all gross. Even when I blend up the fruit, I cant stand strawberries because of the seeds. Its that bad. Ive considered seeing a hypnotist. I WANT to like vegetables. Trust me I do, it would be alot easier to loose weight.
  • JerseyGirlHeart
    JerseyGirlHeart Posts: 133 Member
    If you want to loose the weight you want, you can't make excuses. You really need to cut a lot of you diet, and eat more of the fruits and veggies, and make yourself like at least some of it. There are some foods I cannot stand, but sometimes I eat it over the junk because I know it is good for my body. I don't even buy the junk or keep it in my house, but you do have to treat yourself some of the time or you will binge. I am not trying to be offensive at all, but at your weight you are going to have to change a lot to lose the weight you say you want to lose. A long time ago, I said I would never consume raw veggies, but here I am, eating veggies with no dressing, and I actually like the taste of it now. It takes time, persistence, and hard work. You can do it, I promise, but you have to tell yourself you can do it.
  • JerseyGirlHeart
    JerseyGirlHeart Posts: 133 Member
    If you want to loose the weight you want, you can't make excuses. You really need to cut a lot of you diet, and eat more of the fruits and veggies, and make yourself like at least some of it. There are some foods I cannot stand, but sometimes I eat it over the junk because I know it is good for my body. I don't even buy the junk or keep it in my house, but you do have to treat yourself some of the time or you will binge. I am not trying to be offensive at all, but at your weight you are going to have to change a lot to lose the weight you say you want to lose. A long time ago, I said I would never consume raw veggies, but here I am, eating veggies with no dressing, and I actually like the taste of it now. It takes time, persistence, and hard work. You can do it, I promise, but you have to tell yourself you can do it.
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    @ cathdrew2. yes that is helpful. I think I am going to go out and buy a cookbook for kids on how to hide fruits and vegetables. My brother is vegan but he loves eating fruits and veggies so he has no problem. I would love to become vegetarian (I cant give up cheese to be vegan I love it too much) but I have to eat the occasional piece of chicken for some protein because I dont eat any other kind of protein.
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    Keep in mind, too, that while you won't be your healthiest or leanest eating what you currently do, you absolutely can lose weight by eating LESS of it. Weigh, measure, and log everything BEFORE you eat it and STOP when you are out of calories on your plan. Make a plan to move every day. Get a pedometer and log your steps every day, adding steps as your health allows. Consider working with a speech pathologist; some specialize in desensitization therapy for people with food/texture aversions.
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    @ sarackr The only fruit I can eat whole is an apple...without the skin. I cant eat anything else whole. Bananas are too mushy, strawberries have seeds and hair on them. Blueberries are rubbery. I wish I didnt have this problem. You dont know how many times I have sat at the table WANTING to eat these things and gagging on my plate.
  • zclark13
    zclark13 Posts: 135 Member
    I don't like cooked vegies all that much. I like them crunchy and raw so I eat a lot of salad. It's easy to chop up raw spinach real small and put it into spaghetti sauce or soups, though, and you never notice it's there. If you've had the problem forever it might be a sensory thing in your brain somewhere. I'm not sure what you could do about that.