How the F#@%do you run on a F#@%ing treadmill



  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I usually run on the treadmill as it's easier on my knees and hips. However, I cannot do it if I don't have some good tunes on my iPod - and it has to be loud enough to drown out the threadmill noise and my breathing. If I can hear myself I start to focus on that and it bogs me down.
  • Secret_Agent_007
    I find it pretty easy actually. Kind in mind I've never liked running, even as a kid. Hated soccer cause ... too much running. Now it's a necessary evil. I still don't run outside. Joined a gym to eliminate the potential for excuses due to bad weather and now I don't mind running at all.

    The timer and speed control alllow me to push myself and track what I'm doing. Something I could never do outside.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I have a tough time too but I set goals for myself and change things up every 5 minutes just so its not quite as monotonous.

    This is pretty much what I do. It can help to keep things interesting if you're paying attention to the time and switch up your speed or incline every 3-5 minutes. I don't like using the programs that do it for you because if I zone out and it all of a sudden goes up an incline, I feel like I'm going to fall off.

    I've never done it personally but I've got friends that zone out to music or audiobooks or tv shows/movies.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    The dreadmill is my nemesis. I've no idea how people manage those world record where they run a marathon on it. It just seems so much harder!

    I listen to audiobooks, but even that doesn't fully distract me from the mindless slog.

    What does help is to do mini intervals - after all, you don't run outside at the same speed or on the level. No need to sprint, just put up the speed by a few tenths of MPH for a few minutes then back down. Hoik the elevation up to 5 or 6 then back down. Just counting down those couple of minutes until the next change helps the time go by.
  • njfitnessgirl
    Unfortunately I have to run on the treadmill during the week because I have a 2 yr old. So I just try and mix it up with different treadmill interval workouts that I find on the internet. There are a ton of them out there. And I'll customize them to whatever mood I'm in whether I want to make them longer, shorter, faster or what not. Hope that helps and good luck.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I have never been a runner in my whole life, Outside or on a treadmill I am bored and always stop before I should. If boredom is an issue for you as well I would suggest dancing instead. Have you ever played a zumba game for X Box? A lot of people are into that once you get the hang of it. Same goes for Dance Dance Revolution (which they have for a few gaming systems) I don't have the money for a gym membership but I did have an old PS2 and DDR for it which I had neglected for a little too long with my office job. I picked up a new dance pad for 10 bucks and I dance 10 songs every other night. I've gotten pretty pro at it so on the highest difficulty level I burn about 22 cals. Per 2-3 minute song(it tells you how much you burned according to how many steps you take/difficulty) . It's really entertaining once you're good at it and it's how I get my cardio/leg workout in.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I've just recently added treadmill to my running routines. A few reasons....1 - I wanted speed work at a set speed that was flat and consistent, Treadmill was the best for this 2 - it was freezing rain and Icy on Saturday, and I needed to get my 11 mile long run in - this was the only way 3 - I can do other workouts in the AM at home, and still get my run it at night in the dark on the treadmill at the office after work.

    Someone told me the other day that treadmill is actually harder, because you lack the visual mobility of things moving and it changes how your body responds. Made sense to me, I was working with my Tai Chi instructor on sensory issues, that reasoning actually helped me move past one of my treadmill issues.

    I go into with the mindset of the positives, not the negatives.

    One thing I've found that also makes the treadmill harder, is the air gets stagnant. Which really makes it hard. I stand by a door I can open to get cool air on me, but I wonder if a fan would work too, the feeling of air moving may help the sensory issues a little.

    I've also added stationary biking to my cross training - I'm really tempted to get one of those biking videos to watch terrain changes as I ride, keep wondering if it would help.

    Best of luck - IMO it's all about mindset and perspective. So many people find it OK - you can too :)
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    I do the odd treadmill session to give my legs a rest from the pavement and when the wind has been too high - I struggle with the boredom but the other option I see is failure and get out of the routine so I guess that's my motivation. I've been on the C25K and now B210K programme and hate to miss a session so that keeps me motivated also, as finishing a session early equates to failure to me too, as you've got to complete the three sessions before you move on.

    I do tend to tune out and do my thinking on there which is handy, if you can find a way of zoning out. I know some people also pick a treadmill in front of a mirror to check their running style and practise their breathing etc. I always have an audiobook, podcasts or a decent playlist to keep the boredom at bay too. How about a specific challenge which you only do on the treadmill? I'd definitely be tempted to put some inclines in to keep you going over the winter if you're used to challenging terrain. Maybe not your thing but some people use Podrunner I've seen on here, it's dance music but it's a free podcast and the intervals change with the bpm of the music. Anyway, good luck - and hopefully it won't be too long and you'll be back out there again :-)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I do time challenges, I try and run at a certain incline without my heart rate going over a certain level, I put my music on shuffle and run to the beat of whatever comes on or challenge myself to run for ten songs no matter how long or how short, I run intervals to C25K podcasts, I write shopping lists in my head, anything to make it less dull.

    Or, I get off the treadmill and use other cardio kit to alleviate the dullness of it all.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    oh the answer to your original question should have been:

    pressing go, standing on the moving bit and then placing one foot after another in a continuous motion. ;) enjoy

    haha thanks *kitten*!!!! no really that made me laugh!!!!

    To all the other suggestion I think I may try B210K or watch a show, the problem with TV is that I am at the gym so I am stuck with what they have on, but my tunes are starting to fail me so I will try a few things and see how it goes!!!!

    Thanks all, even you *kitten*, for the laugh
  • Jennymm21
    Jennymm21 Posts: 2 Member
    I definitely can push myself further on the road than on the tread. One thing you may try is intervals. i didn't read all the post so don't know if this was already suggested, sorry to repeat if it was. I run pretty frequently but lately have been a baby about running in the cold. The intervals I have done in the past go as below. (my average pace is 7.2mph so adjust to your speed)

    6.5 mph - 2 min
    7.0 mph - 2 min
    7.5 mph - 2 min
    8.0 mph - 2 min
    7.5 mph - 2 min
    repeat 2 more times.

    30 min run that goes by pretty fast!
  • rinzainab
    I used to hate the treadmill, until I found There is a 20 mintues treadmill routine (I'll do it twice sometimes) but every 2-3 mintues you change either your pace or your incline so you are always trying to reach a goal (get through to the next change).

    The track (MP3) is less than $10, it has a woman telling you what to do (changes) with music in the back ground to represent each change, i.e. small incline and faster pace = upbeat music. high incline lower pace= slower pace.

    My favorite part is that when you change speed she gives ranges for walkers, joggers, and runners. So everyone can use it!
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I usually put a sweater over the Distance and Calories burned, and then I run until I can't run anymore.......
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    A couple of things keep me truckin' on the treadmill. First, I start with a goal, usually mileage ("today I will run 3 miles"), but sometimes the goal is number of calories to burn or a timeframe ("I will run for 30 minutes"). If I find myself getting bored, I'll up the pace by at least 2 clicks (from a 5.8 to a 6.0 or higher), and I try to always have upbeat and favorite music on the ipod. What it really comes down to is willpower to stay on the treadmill for the complete run. I used to run on the treadmill for an hour WITHOUT music (I didn't have an ipod back then), and I don't know how I did it! :)
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'm not a dreadmill fan either. Do you have a local high school or community center that has an indoor track for public use? Maybe use an interval program on the treadmill??

    For me I focus to the beat of good tunes and try not to 'hop' the tread :( I use at least a 2 incline so the track doesnt pull me.

    Good luck! Only 3 more months until Spring! lol

    I wish. Spring doesn't come here till June.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I usually put a sweater over the Distance and Calories burned, and then I run until I can't run anymore.......

    That is a great idea! I'm so doing that.
  • sunleigh
    sunleigh Posts: 84 Member
    i watch the tv and listen to music but sometimes that is not enough there are always a lot of runners or speed walkers on the treadmills, i will pick a person and have the goal of outlasting them, when they get off i will pick someone else until my mileage is complete. this little mid game keeps me on when i so want to get off sometimes, kinda like when racing and having the goal to pass a certain amount of people while running. I would, like other said, look into treadmill programs, or use the c25k and work on speed, instead of running your normal speed during the run, run you max speed and then walk and the walk.
    I also always stick with a mileage goal not a time goal, if i run faster at some points during the time spent on the treadmill i know i will be done faster. this has helped my pace increase also, so there are some advantages to using the treadmill. this all coming from a person that trained outside and rather be outside, but the cold and dark has made me come inside.