Diet Soda



  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I've lost 60 lbs since April 2011 and have continued to drink diet soda. I've cut down considerably, trying to have it at only one meal, but sometimes I have it more often. But I do try to get in 6 to 8 glasses of water a day as well.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I lost 21 pounds in 12 weeks and I had a coke zero or diet coke every day.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I've lost while occasionally having one... but I don't buy them to keep at home. I will let myself have them while out at restaurants or a quick run through a drive-thru. I've cut back and what helps me in weaning off them is thinking about getting pregnant... I definitely do NOT want to drink them while pregnant or breastfeeding... I am concerned about the aspartame no matter what scientific studies show or do not show. I will not put that into my body when I'm trying to conceive. So that is my reason and motivation to quit.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    This is what got me to quit.

    I was reading a book about how all the diet soda (and regular) are is a bunch of harmful and cancer causing chemicals in a bottle. Every time I look at a can of it I think of it as the same as drinking poison and chemicals (which is basically true). That makes it unappealing to me and I walk away! If I am really tempted, I read the ingredients... all those words that make no sense make me put it down.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Even if people lose weight while drinking it doesn't mean they are being healthy.
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    Yup a can a day. Like someone else has said, its my little vice. Its my coping. Better that than all the junk I was eating.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    There's no evidence whatsoever that diet soda is unhealthy to drink. The only thing to watch out for at all is the sodium content.... any "studies" that claim ill effects by aspartame have been blown out of the water when peer reviewed. Its a bunch of scare mongering that keeps re-propagating itself through public consciousness without any basis in fact.

    How many of the words on the can can you pronounce? The flavorings and artificial sweeteners are made in a lab. That should be enough evidence.
  • sinobaako82
    sinobaako82 Posts: 43 Member
    First, let me preface this by saying, I know that eventually I will wean off the diet coke and that it's not healthy. I want to focus on one habit at a time, though. Has anyone successfully lost without **completely** cutting out diet soda?

    before i started my weightloss, back when i was 175 lbs i had to have a can of coke after every meal. and when i decided to lose weight i cut it back just a little, and now i don't miss it anymore. we don't have soda in the house, i drink carbonated water if i miss that bite. i don't know though if it's possible, anything in moderation is okay i guess.
  • kybrandyb
    kybrandyb Posts: 52 Member
    I weened myself off diet drinks with crystal light pouches in my water and maybe 1 a day maybe 2 one day maybe none one day until really the crystal light was just as good to me. then just the water taste pretty good after a while. now i drink 4 bottles a day thats 8 cups :) i thought id never get there because i drank 6-8 diet cokes a day this time last year
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    First, let me preface this by saying, I know that eventually I will wean off the diet coke and that it's not healthy. I want to focus on one habit at a time, though. Has anyone successfully lost without **completely** cutting out diet soda?

    before i started my weightloss, back when i was 175 lbs i had to have a can of coke after every meal. and when i decided to lose weight i cut it back just a little, and now i don't miss it anymore. we don't have soda in the house, i drink carbonated water if i miss that bite. i don't know though if it's possible, anything in moderation is okay i guess.

    I too have substituted carbonated water... it really does help and I'm beginning to prefer the taste.
  • walkingd
    I must admit to drinking diet coke daily and yes, have lost weight anyway. I'm weaning off it and plan to switch to a dark roasted oolong tea.
  • JesssHerzner
    When I dieted the first time I drank Diet Big K cola (my fave) and lost a good amount of weight :)
  • JesssHerzner
    When I dieted the first time I drank Diet Big K cola (my fave) and lost a good amount of weight :)
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    The sodium content on my can of diet pepsi is 25 mg which is minimal. Why do so many people think it has too much sodium, I see this often stated
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I don't think I could give it up myself. It's my 0 calorie candy. But I don't drink alcohol either. So sue m:tongue: e for my diet soda addiction. :tongue:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I drink 2 or 3 24oz. bottles of diet Pepsi everyday and have for years and lost alitte weight while drinking it... :-)
  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    There's no evidence whatsoever that diet soda is unhealthy to drink. The only thing to watch out for at all is the sodium content.... any "studies" that claim ill effects by aspartame have been blown out of the water when peer reviewed. Its a bunch of scare mongering that keeps re-propagating itself through public consciousness without any basis in fact.

    who agrees with this? NOT ME
    people are talking about having headaches and migraines, etc u think?
  • arabidpicklejar
    It's been a real struggle of willpower to get off Dr. Pepper and I'm still having problems with it but I have accommodated to Diet Dr Pepper well. I plan to go to flavored carbonated water and then to plain water. Until then I'm drinking diet. I've lost weight and still drank diet. The danger lies in eating more because you aren't spending those calories in drinks so watch out for that. For all the people arguing about the harm of diet drinks, EVERYTHING can be bad for you and puts you at a risk for cancer. As far as I know aspartame (the root of diet drinks) is bad for you only if your body cannot break it down. As for not being able to read the label, have you ever tried reading your shampoo bottle? That's scary. All in all you only live life once and if you can't enjoy it a little then what's the point?
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I got off it once I seriously started to exercise. The syrup in sodas just dont hydrate me the same as water or tea ..etc and I always felt thirsty.
  • arabidpicklejar
    Yeah, it was a good sign for me when I wanted water after a good workout instead of soda lol