Binge Eating

I think it's terrible that I can't control myself when I go into my familys kitchen. I eat so much food continuously especially when I am not hungry...within the last two hours i had 4 pancakes, eggs, cheese stick, brownie, jello, and icecream.... I work out everyday and usually do an hour or more of cardio...and even though I'm working out I am packing on the weight...I am constantly eatting at anytime of the day and I need to figure out how to stop! any ideas? its so easy to wander into the kitchen =/ im so disapointed in myself. How do you make food stop ruling your life? And just for an example, last year in college majority of my friends had about 70+ meal plans left at the end of the year...and I used mine so many times that I ran out 2 weeks before the end!


  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I don't know how to help you or any real pearls of wisdom, just know you are not alone. I mean the simple thing would be to stay out of the kitchen when you just can't control the urge to binge. I do this often! Also, try chewing gum. I chew a lot of gum and it really does stop me most of the time. Next time you have the urge to binge try to stop and ask yourself why you feel like eating everything including the kitchen table. Record your feelings, listen to those thoughts. Do you have other peeps that live in the house that always take your food? or the good stuff. If so, it could be partially a hoarding mentality.

    Anyway, just a couple things..good luck to you. I feel your pain.

    Also, I failed to mention that you are still growing. Your body (especially if you do so much cardio) might actually want a lot of food. This doesn't pertain of course to the binging episodes, but maybe to the lunch thing at school.
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    I don't really have any advice.. I just wanted you to know that you are soooo not alone! Isn't it horrible when you want to eat just because you know the food is there? That's one of my problems too! I've heard that chewing gum helps and stuffing yourself with water to give you that "full" feeling.. not sure how good those will help. Good Luck.
  • Beau815
    Beau815 Posts: 8
    Yeah that hoarding thing is a reality but seems strange. So might low self esteem. I see that your motivation is to be more confident and feel good about yourself. If you don't feel good about yourself many people eat to fill a void and food does make us feel better to a point. Once you start losing and feel better you may not be binging like that. Also boredom is huge! If you are bored grab an ipod and go for a walk. That's what I do. Then I see that hmm, I burnt over 200 calories, NOW i can have that jello or ice cream scoop. Just a few guesses.
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I'm going through the same thing right now! I'm visiting my family & home alone & just snacking away! I'm just happy that my mom has lots of those 100 calorie pack snacks. I've been trying to go lay in the sun & do some wii to distract myself. Bottom line, we all are guilty of this & it's just important to try & keep on track the best you can, but don't beat yourself up, head to the gym & do your best :flowerforyou:
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I used to find myself eating all the time, even when I wasn't hungry. After losing a few pounds I realized that I was on a role and only wanted to do better. Everytime I go to the frig I have to ask myself why I am eating what I am eating. Sometimes I put it back in the frig and get water. I keep a "skinny" picture of myself on my frig. It reminds me why I am not putting the food in my mouth when I don't really need it.
  • ElliePeace
    ElliePeace Posts: 18
    Chewing gum does work quite well! :) it gives you something else to think about, other than eating! It also helps to reduce the hunger feeling, well i find that! It is so hard not to eat if you know there is a chocolate bar or packet of crisps waiting for you!
    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Italian
    Italian Posts: 36 Member
    drink more water
  • smd2012s
    smd2012s Posts: 9
    thank you so much everyone :) its good to know that so many people struggle with it. i really need to make a list of things to do when im eatting for a poor reason (like most of the time) and post it on my bedroom wall, it would probably help a lot :) i wish i didnt like food so much! its so comforting! lol