30 day shred



  • capergal
    capergal Posts: 141 Member
    I started the 30 day shred on January 1st. I plan on doing the workout two days on and one day off, I like to give my muscles a rest but will walk on the days I'm off. I tried this workout twice before in the past year or so but never got past level 1.....hoping I can complete all three levels this time......best of luck everyone!
  • Today is day 3 of level one for me. I'm so ready to just be on day 30!
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 193 Member
    Here is a link for a 30 day shred group :) we just started yesterday so feel free to jump in!! Caronlinamomma is awesome and a big encouragement, she started the group, you should cheeck her and her story out and the group too!! Good luck ladies!!
  • Restarting today. I finished Ripped in 30 and the Shred with incredible results but the last two months I've just been walking and eating like im on vacation lol. I've gained 5 lbs and i want to lose at least 10 total, 15 max. I LOVE jillian and can't wait to feel strong again.
  • I started the 30 DS today. Day 1 of level 1. I did pretty good, loved how much energy it gave me after. However my legs were shaking all morning, and my pectoral muscle hurt really bad. I am going to try to do it every morning. I like that it is only 20min, so getting up earlier isn't as much of a problem for me. Then in the evening I will be doing other workout videos or going to Zumba class or doing Zumba for the Wii! I am excited to loss more of this weight I have gained. Lost 15 pounds in like 2-3 months then nothing for 2-3 months and it is frusterating, so hopefully this will work.
  • I 100% recommend you do this! It is amazing! I did it in the summer of 2010 and had great results, I dropped a solid pant size which was awesome. I would try to do it every day but sometimes it was tough to do on weekends if you aren't at home.

    I noticed the difference in my shoulders and legs the most. Unfortunately an injury and a holiday season later I have gained some of it back, but I am finally able to exercise again and this is my plan (anyone let me know if you're interested in doing this along with me, I think it will be exactly what I need to get this stubborn last bit of weight off.

    I'm starting with the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred to get my muscles back working properly again. I then plan to do Jillian Micahels "Making the Cut", which is a book but it gives you a 30 day meal plan to follow along with a workout schedule (it actually has rest days!) and then after that I'm hoping to only have about 5 lbs to go so then I plan on doing her Ripped in 30, which is another 30 day workout routine that is supposed to sculpt and tone! I think it is quite aggressive, and I do have a vacation planned in that period of time but I think having direction will be very helpful!

    As you can see, based on my experience with the 30ds, I have basically given myself over to JM for the next 3 months!!

    ALSO it does get easier, by the time I got to the middle of level 3, I was doing pushups like I never thought I could!!
  • How long should it take to move to the next level if you are doing it everyday for 30 days, Just wondering if I should push to do all 3 levels within 30days or try to do level 1-2 for the first 30 days and then go from there?
  • I would say push to do each level in 10 days, pretty much as soon as you feel pretty good at 1 level, you need to switch! You don't want your muscles just getting used to the workout because then you won't get the best results!
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I'm one week into it..i add on one circuit each day ...now i've completed levels one and two, and 1st circuit of level 3! I see a hurt difference and I've lost 7 lbs!
  • sandylray
    sandylray Posts: 14 Member
    Ordered the 30 Day Shred dvd from Amazon today. Can't wait to start in a few days. I also ordered the Shred It with Weights DVD and a kettlebell... I need to try different workouts in order to stay interested in working out.
  • Hey, I sent a request to join the group on facebook :) Thanks!
  • Hi All!!!! I am new to the site. i will be picking this up on my home today and can't wait to try it out. How do you log the calories burned and excersice?
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats! I just re-started it yesterday (I had to stop due to moving and lack of time as a result). So today is day 2 of level 1 for me. If you want a good laugh- after Jillian makes a huge deal about how the girls don't cheat, watch the girl doing the harder modifications on the left....makes me laugh when she skimps out every time. No wonder they look so perfect ;-)
  • hi everyone :)

    this is my first day RESTARTING the 30 day shred . i fell off last time, but i am determined to go all the way through this time. this was my first time taking before pictures and all i can say is ...its sad when your own body grosses u out =/ that was all the motivation i needed.

    good luck everyone !!!
  • I started today and didnt find it bad..it was rough at times, but I'm not sore. And I was going all the way down, giving it my all. My legs felt wobbly by the time I was done but no pain YET. Will try to do tomorrow in teh am before I start my day wiht the girls. THey were trying to excersice with me but it was NO fun! LOL

    How are you logging in the session here? As far as excercise.
  • There is a 30 day shred group on here. We all started the Shred together yesterday. It's better when you can do it with a group of people instead of on your own. keeps you more motivated. :)

    I am looking for it but there are too many references to it. Could you link the thread here? thanks!
  • stormystrickland
    stormystrickland Posts: 187 Member
    I just started a group if you want to join, just message me!
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    woohoo day two of level one done & I can still walk now thats what I call success lol pretty sore but, I did find it just a tad bit easier today so I will take that as a good sign. now weather I still feel the same when I wake up tomarrow might be a whole nother story, I hope all you made it though as well. WE CAN DO THIS LADIES !!!!!!!
  • LuaLiz
    LuaLiz Posts: 56 Member
    I'm new here, but just wanted to tell you all that you CAN do it!!! I started the 30DS several weeks ago and completed Day 26 this morning!!! I've been doing it 6x a week, taking Sunday's off and I really find that has helped to keep me going. :) i've been posting my thoughts/results on my blog here: http://mypinkthumb.com You ladies are going to ROCK it!!!
  • I started today and didnt find it bad..it was rough at times, but I'm not sore. And I was going all the way down, giving it my all. My legs felt wobbly by the time I was done but no pain YET. Will try to do tomorrow in teh am before I start my day wiht the girls. THey were trying to excersice with me but it was NO fun! LOL

    I AM SORE! LOL!!!! Well not terribly bad, but uncomfortable enough to need help to do the shred now! Will pop the vid in 30 mins.