baby 7 months no longer sleep through the night ? HELP

Hi Mothers out there

Need some encouragement. i was wonder is there anyone out the who is facing the same problem here. my daughter who is now almost 7 months suddenly just does not sleep through the night anymore. when she was 3 months she sleeps through the night perfectly but then suddenly at 6 months she just don anymore. nothing could stop her cry. ... only milk but yet i don want to build the habit.

its taking its tole on me and my husband. she wakes up every 2 hours or so. it has been a month like this i wonder when wil this end. is there any solution? or anyone out there that faces the same problem before ? need some encourgement. Thanksss... =(


  • zombiefruit
    It could be that she needs more food to keep her satisfied. Is she weaning? Is she draining her bottles/your boobs? If all that will quiet her down is milk then it sounds like she's not eating enough during the day to keep her happy at night.
  • zombiefruit
    Another option is teething; the pain may be keeping her awake and then the action of sucking is soothing her to sleep but won't keep her asleep so she wakes again and cries with the pain. If you suspect teething then try giving her some Calpol (a dosage appropriate for her age).
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    I agree with the first suggestion that she is hungry, she has probably gone through a growth spurt too at 6months so her food/milk needs to be upped.

    If she is on solid food give her something more filling later in the evening so she is full for longer, e.g. baby rice, yogurt or something like that even baby cereal.

    The second suggestion of teething might be it also, try water instead of milk, they say she is less likely to form a habit for water. Of course if she is not using a bottle this is a useless suggestion sorry. or give her a teething ring which would help to cool the gums.

    Hope you get some rest soon.
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    Is she falling asleep fine and then waking in the middle of the night?

    I agree with the previous posting, during weaning some babies don't get as much food as you think and they may need a lot more for growth. Make sure she gets enough food in the day, it might help her stay asleep but she might need a night feed for a while longer.

    Does she sleep a lot in the day?
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member

    Well I am not a mother but I am a new dad and I feel your pain!

    Our son who is now nearly 6 months old has never slept all the way through the night! He wakes almost every 2 hours, regular as clock work! He has started teething already and we are using various things to help him through it, including Bonjela, Ambisol and occasionally Calpol if he won't settle at all.

    We are also begininng to wean him now, he has a good meal at lunchtime of various forms of solid food and his regular feeds from the breast. There is no question that he is not getting enough to eat so I think in our case, it's just the way he is and he will hopefully settle in the future.

    I know I haven't really given any advice here but I wanted you to know you are not alone and I am sure it is just a blip and 'she' will be sleeping through the night again in no time!

  • ellefun88

    Well I am not a mother but I am a new dad and I feel your pain!

    Our son who is now nearly 6 months old has never slept all the way through the night! He wakes almost every 2 hours, regular as clock work! He has started teething already and we are using various things to help him through it, including Bonjela, Ambisol and occasionally Calpol if he won't settle at all.

    We are also begininng to wean him now, he has a good meal at lunchtime of various forms of solid food and his regular feeds from the breast. There is no question that he is not getting enough to eat so I think in our case, it's just the way he is and he will hopefully settle in the future.

    I know I haven't really given any advice here but I wanted you to know you are not alone and I am sure it is just a blip and 'she' will be sleeping through the night again in no time!


    Hey chris

    thanks so much for the note. well at least im not alone. =) im feeding her solid food as well and im quite certain she have enough food. hopefully is just something temporary.then again thanks so much for the support.

  • ellefun88
    thanks for the suggestion, ya she is teething. i guess probably thats one of the problems. will try all the sugesstions. as for the food intake. i think she has enough. i fed her solid food daily. but anyway thanks again. will do my best !!!! to hang on....
  • PetersonMatthew
    Hello, I am a stay at home dad and our son was doing that when he was that age. He would get up every few hours and want food. So i ended talking to my mother and she gave us a tip they did back in her day. Mixing rice or oatmeal baby cereal in there bottles. Ever since then he sleeps super good. He would sleep all night. Even today at 14 months he still sleeps threw the night about 8-10 hours. Not saying this is right or wrong but worked for my moms nine kids and worked for our son. Just someting to try
  • ellefun88
    Hello, I am a stay at home dad and our son was doing that when he was that age. He would get up every few hours and want food. So i ended talking to my mother and she gave us a tip they did back in her day. Mixing rice or oatmeal baby cereal in there bottles. Ever since then he sleeps super good. He would sleep all night. Even today at 14 months he still sleeps threw the night about 8-10 hours. Not saying this is right or wrong but worked for my moms nine kids and worked for our son. Just someting to try

    ive heard of that too. Will definitely try that out. thanks so much for sharing that info with me. ! ^^
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Hello.. I feel your pain, my youngest didn't start sleeping through the night til he turned 2 years old. Couple of questions for you, are you nursing, or bottle feeding. Also, the solids you have started, does she seem to have any issues with them during the day? She could just be coming off a growth spurt while teething and that can be brutal, or she may have an allergy to some of the solids. If your issues are only during the evening, I would either give her a larger bottle, or cluster nurse her the last couple of hours before bed to get her tummy nice and full. However, there is a chance it could just be a phase she's going through. She may be having separation anixiety and when she wakes during the night she notices she is alone, so she cries rather than goes back to sleep. As frustrating as it can be, it will pass.. :smile:
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    I started putting baby rice/cereal in my kids bottles when they were about that age, it does wonders, really. And for teething I always used humphreys, do they still sell that? It's all natural, and I loved it, but my youngest is 8 so there are probably better things on the market now.

    I feel your pain though, when my youngest was about 8 months old she started projectile vomiting at night due to gas in her stomach and nothing worked, she was healthy otherwise so the doctors just said she had to grow out of it, but it was about twice a night she threw up and she didn't wake up when she did it, so she slept in my bed. That way when I got wet, I'd wake up, clean her up, change the sheets, change me and go back to sleep. It wore me out. Hope you get some sleep soon, it'll pass, I promise, and then it'll start all over again when she's a teen.... the things we do for our kids, lol.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    My 2nd baby did this too. She always had her snack before bedtime so I knew it wasn't hunger.
    At this age they don't need and extra feeding at night time. She wanted the confort of bottle and
    seeing me. I stopped picking her up from crib, if she kept crying for bottle I'd give water in the bottle (she would
    usually rejected) And giving milk at night to older babies promotes tooth decay. I'd pad her back and say good night or better
    yet nothing just shushing.
    After a while that she knew she wasn't getting anything she went back to sleep and stopped the waking during the night.