How often do you weigh yourself?

Hi guys,

Just wondering how often you weigh in. My wii says everyday but I hear that's bad and your better to do it once a week. So just wondering how often do you weight yourself?


  • whoosh1
    whoosh1 Posts: 30 Member
    I weigh myself a few times a week but only pay attention to the overall picture week to week. Too many day to day fluctuations due to water, sodium, hard workouts,m TOM, etc.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Twice a day. Every night when I get ready for bed (but I don't pay too much attention to that number as it fluctuates based on how much I had for dinner, liquid consumed, etc) and first thing in the morning before I get dressed. I find it keeps me motivated to either dig in harder if it rises or keep up the good work if it drops.
  • I was weighing in twice a week before I stated MFP. The wii recommended to weigh yourself everyday so I think i'm gonna go with that before I eat anything.

    Goodluck everyone x
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I weigh myself Monday to Friday on the Wii when I get up.
  • sreed12
    sreed12 Posts: 10
    I weigh in every day - right before i get into the shower. it keeps me motivated - if I've gained a pound, I know that I need to do better that day, if I've lost, it validates my choices from the day before and motivates me to continue to make good choices. I love to see the numbers drop!
  • I weigh myself everyday as well. But count Friday as my official weigh in day.
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    Once a week...or so...
  • once a month
  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    I weigh myself once a week. I try to stick to Fridays in the morning before breakfast.
  • Before I fell pregnant it was once a week (Fridays) but at the minute it's not every often, less than once a month I'd say, probably been weighed 4 times since I fell preg and I'm 30 weeks!
  • I used to weigh in once a week but now I weigh in every other day just to keep my eye on things. Good luck!
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    I'm a scale *kitten*!! But it keeps me motivated!
    1-2 times a day...I weigh in the mornings...but sometimes jump on at night just to see the difference.
  • mimi10453
    mimi10453 Posts: 89 Member
    I weigh myself everyday but I only record my weight on Sundays.
  • aussiemama
    aussiemama Posts: 9 Member
    Once a month at the gym - same scales for consistent reading. More than that, you fluctuate from day to day so not worth it
  • I hear that once a week is optimal due to the fact that our weight fluctuates daily. I weigh myself far too frequently, but i try to limit myself to 3x a week max.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Once a week - Wednesdays. I have a spreadsheet I made for myself with my "progress" for the next year and I enter my weight and measurements every week.
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    I used to weight every morning, when I stopped doing it every monring I then stopped doing it at all and totally lost my way. So now back to weighin every morning!
  • Hobb3s
    Hobb3s Posts: 119 Member
    Everyday, I like all the dots on the progress report going up and down. I can see a pattern in the wave and the wonderful downward trend.
  • PrettyLydie
    PrettyLydie Posts: 54 Member
    I "officially" weigh myself once a week on Wednesdays...but I actually step on the scale multiple times a day...its addictive! lol
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I usually weigh every 2 weeks. I feel like if I'm only losing a half pound a week, it would be more encouraging to see a whole pound come off!