Looking to lose 140 pounds -- And completely overwhelmed!



  • flyawaybyebye
    Also, I will tell you that this is what I eat - while I was losing, and now that I'm maintaining (and forever, thanks to food allergies...):
    Clean, lean meat (I'll eat higher fat cuts when I know they come from clean sources, otherwise, I stick to lean)
    Veggies (the more, the better)
    Fruit (especially fruit with lots of fiber, like berries, oranges and apples)
    Some potatoes (mostly sweet potatoes and yams)
    Some corn (maybe 3 times a week)
    Some beans (less than twice a week)
    Very little added sugar
    Nuts (about an ounce a day)

    I also eat a little artificial sweetener, but I would recommend cutting that out if you can!
  • Squir88
    Squir88 Posts: 24
    Like many people have said, you can do this. Don't try and make the goal at 140 pounds to begin with. Make your goal at 5 pounds. Something that isn't that hard to do. Once you have gotten that 5 pounds out of the way, then go to 10 pounds. Much smaller goals make up bigger goals in the long run.
  • Jess102979
    Jess102979 Posts: 98 Member
    CoryIda..............I have similar issues as this young lady. I thank you for all the suggestions. You sound like a very smart woman. This was very helpful and I hope everyone reads and goes by your advice . Thank you so very much!
  • alexandralhunt
    alli, i know exactly where youre coming from! this is a tough journey to go on, so glad that there are people out there willing to lend support! lets be buddies! good luck!
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    Just take it slow, one day at a time. Log everything, even days when you're not your best, and try to exercise as much as possible, even just go for a walk. Don't expect instant results, but as long as you're consistent, the weight will eventually come off (but you will have those frustrating times where you're not losing as much as you want, or you plateau) - power through it. Also try to plan out meals and snacks as much as possible!
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    My best advice to you is this. Just take it one day at a time & Slow and steady wins the race :) Good luck!
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    you can do this...you will do this!
  • omgzitsmiranda
    omgzitsmiranda Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm Alli. :) I'm a young adult, and I'm 5'6" and 270 pounds. I've struggled with my weight since the age of 10, but I've been gaining a LOT of weight recently due to frequent binge eating. I'm so humiliated about my weight. Sometimes I don't leave the house because I'm so ashamed. I'm really determined to change my ways and lose all the weight - and gain a lot of health knowledge - in 2012.

    Here are my "before" pictures. I'm really humiliated to be posting these, but this is what I've made of my life.


    Is anyone else wanting to lose 140 pounds or so? It feels like a huge goal, but I'm sure that we can do it if we all ban together!

    Try not to look at it as 140 lbs. Instead think of it like 10 lbs at a time, but 14 times :) Or 5 lb increments, whatever works for you! Trust me, I have around the same amount I want to lose, so anything like that seems really overwhelming.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    It won't happen overnight, but since this is a lifelong committment, it doesn't have to. If you work hard, you can lose 100 lbs by Christmas.
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    I have 120 lbs to lose adn it is very overwhelming. But, I have been trying to set small goals instead of looking at the very large picture of 120 lbs! Also, I think of all the inspirational people on this website that have lost more than what I need to lose. It is POSSIBLE and it can be done with hard work and dedication! If you need a friend I am here!
  • stacieroxursox
    You can do this! It might seem overwhelming at first but it gets easier! Being healthy is a LIFESTYLE!!! Once you've adapted to it the weight will start falling off! Dont give up! : )
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Hi, I'm Alli. :) I'm a young adult, and I'm 5'6" and 270 pounds. I've struggled with my weight since the age of 10, but I've been gaining a LOT of weight recently due to frequent binge eating. I'm so humiliated about my weight. Sometimes I don't leave the house because I'm so ashamed. I'm really determined to change my ways and lose all the weight - and gain a lot of health knowledge - in 2012.

    Here are my "before" pictures. I'm really humiliated to be posting these, but this is what I've made of my life.


    Is anyone else wanting to lose 140 pounds or so? It feels like a huge goal, but I'm sure that we can do it if we all ban together!

    I started my journey at 285 lbs last February 20th, and in less then a year I am proud to say I am down to 220.6 lbs. You have to start somewhere so you've taken the 1st step. Be proud of yourself for that! As for being overwhelmed ... a trainer at my gym gave me the best advice ever with this question ... How do you eat an elephant? The answer is "one bite at a time". Take this journey day by day and you can and will do this!!!! :)
  • mlemonroe2
    I started at 247 last January 1st and by July, I weighed 186! I got pregnant in July so the weight loss is on hold, but I have been trying for years to lose weight and I am a FOOD LOVER!!!!!! MFP is what made the difference for me (and a lot of prayer!) I used my wii fit at first then went to leslie sansone walk at home dvds then started the C25K. I changed up my workouts after a few months to try and avoid the plateau and watched my sodium (only in the last 3 months) and it worked for me! Good luck and just like everyone elce is saying, take it slow and don't get discouraged when you slip up. I never passed up the chance to go out to eat or have drinks with freinds, I just logged it and tried to do extra workouts to make up for it (didnt always happen, but i'm doing this to enjoy my life more and for longer and whats the point if I cant have some good food and drinks with friends and family!)
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    I need to lose around 110lbs+ myself and find it overwhelming too, i have tried before and failed due to my poor motivation but i have recently started noticing that my right hip tends to be in discomfort a lot of the time so I really need to get going and do this!! I will send over a friend request. All the best of luck with your weight loss.
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    I agree with all the previous comments! Take it one day at a time, make mini goals, let yourself indulge every once in a while, use MFP for support, and you can do it!

    I started at 331.2. I would like to get to 180 and not feel like a liar on my drivers license. :laugh: So I have at least 150 to loose. This year's goal is to be down 100. I've lost 46+ lb since Jan 2, 2011. I go to weight watchers for my weigh in and support, but I count calories. My first goal was 5% (17lb), then 10% (33 lb), now it's 50 lb. I now am a green belt in Taekwondo, and train 3 times a week with my son and I am training to run my first 5k in 10 weeks (Couch to 5k program).

    We can do it! I'll add you as a friend!
  • cryt121
    cryt121 Posts: 10 Member
    i am looking to lose 140lbs anyone else i started eatting right and exerciseing for two days now anyone want to be weightloss partners