Body by Vi - does it work long term?

My neighbor just started a program called Body by Vi - shakes, supplements, etc. One of her co-workers claims to have lost 43 pounds in 3 months which mean a loss of 3.5 lbs per week. I was wondering if anyone had any input regarding it. Is it a long term fix? Isn't losing that much weight that quickly unhealthy? What happens once you go back to eating "real" food?


  • Stoonloveskeith
    Stoonloveskeith Posts: 46 Member
    That is what I wondered. I have tried all of those weight loss shakes and such and yeah I lost weight but when you don't want to take it anymore, your weight just sky rockets higher than it was before. I say eat healthy food and change your eating lifestyle, sure it may take longer but you will be farther ahead in the long run :)
  • My boyfriend's mother is currently doing the 2 shakes and one real meal a day by them and she started losing weight. However, to keep the weight off, you basically have to do that forever and a day. I personally wouldn't do it do to the fact what would be the point of losing it all and putting it right back on
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I know people that have done it and lost weight...however... if you eat real food right from the start, you won't have to worry about going back to real food..

    Do you really want to have shakes for 2 meals a day, every day?
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I use them, but kind of in moderation. At work during the workweek. I can have some days where we have plenty of time for me to eat a real meal and other times we get so busy that I had to skip lunches and then was ravenous come dinner time and I would overeat. On weekends I generally eat "real" food. Its more of a time management issue for me and where I work there is no way of predicting so I like having the shakes here to make sure I get the proper filling nutrition. I don't take the supplements, I don't follow their meal plan, I basically use them as a protein/fiber supplement. I like the versatility they provide and well thats it. :)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Also its basically a calorie thing...there are people that use them to gain weight. Cause if you make a shake loaded with juices and fruit or peanut butter and chocolate you are gonna go over your calories. I use unsweetened vanilla milk or fresh oj diluted with water.
  • I did the "90 day challenge" and hit my goal (12 pounds) in 9 weeks. Ihave since dropped to just one shake a day just for the vitamins and nutrients. Im so bad at breakfast, it is super easy for me to make a shake and go :) also, I am a runner and it's a great shake to take after a run/workout to replenish! Hubby takes them too after a workout... I'm a believer :). So much so I decided to sell them, lol...
  • Dave59
    Dave59 Posts: 28
    I'm thinking of trying this. Someone at the gym I go to asked if I;d like to go to a special event on Saturday and I will probably go and sign up for the basic one meal a day replacement to jump start things.
  • You don't have to drink 2 shakes forever. Simply get down to the weight you desire and then have some shake mix on hand for 1 a day. Some people have one every now and then, just keep calories in check or you will gain weight back, that is true of any diet. The idea is to cut calories to lose weight and then keep them lower than where you were at to keep from gaining again. Body by Vi helps by replacing a meal with plenty less calories.
  • I will give this a try..looks I hate cooking breakfast every morning...and even forget to eat lunch....Got to buy a blender!
  • I think it might be good to try as a way to get nutrients/vitamins. The neighbor just told me she has lost 6 pounds since starting it 3 days ago. How is that even possible? 6 pounds @ 3500 calories per pound = 21,000 calories / 3 days = 7,000 calories burned per day. How is it even possible to burn that many more calories than you consume unless you run a marathon all day?
  • Water weight
  • I just started using them a few weeks ago. My personal trainer recommended it to me when I asked about Shakeology (much more expensive). I use them, but I don't rely on them for my weight loss. I eat good foods, count calories, and exercise and the shakes just help me get extra nutrients and proteins. I have one, sometimes 2 a day but I never use them as a "meal replacement." There's not enough calories in them to do that (1470 is my daily allowance) and I prefer to eat my meals not drink them. Plus most people won't stick to beverages as meals long term. That being said, it's a great protein shake, it tastes good to me (and the mix smells like cake mix :) ), and if you want to use it in ADDITION to diet and exercise, I recommend it :)
  • I just started using them a few weeks ago. My personal trainer recommended it to me when I asked about Shakeology (much more expensive). I use them, but I don't rely on them for my weight loss. I eat good foods, count calories, and exercise and the shakes just help me get extra nutrients and proteins. I have one, sometimes 2 a day but I never use them as a "meal replacement." There's not enough calories in them to do that (1470 is my daily allowance) and I prefer to eat my meals not drink them. Plus most people won't stick to beverages as meals long term. That being said, it's a great protein shake, it tastes good to me (and the mix smells like cake mix :) ), and if you want to use it in ADDITION to diet and exercise, I recommend it :)

    I like this!! I think that is the way it should be...IMO .. I think this direct sales meal replacement this is just a fad and will be over soon. It wouldn't be so popular if it were in the stores and not through consultants.
  • I have just started using Body by V..Needing friends that also use it..Add me!
  • fittraier
    fittraier Posts: 138
    My only problem with the whole shake thing, is you aren't teaching yourself how to eat right, what portion sizes are, what foods are good for you etc., so when you stop taking shakes with out altering the other will gain weight again.
  • mrslaw85
    mrslaw85 Posts: 34 Member
    I use Body by Vi Shake Mix and Chocolate Mix in during the work week for breakfast and once in a very great while as dinner. I am a diabetic and sometimes don't manage my time well so it is great to throw the mix, fruit and some almond milk in the blender with my flax seed and I have my protein plus a filling meal that I can safely have on the road as compared to hitting a fast food restraunt drive thru. It also helps with my enourmous sweet tooth. My other two meals I try and follow a balanced diet. I personally can't answer the question "does the weight stay off" as I am using it differently but I know several people at my gym who have lost a ton of weight doing the challange and have kept it off after going off the program. The key is once you go off of it, keeping your calorie count and nutrition level at the same level and continued exercise.
  • I think a shake/meal replacement would be good for me for breakfast to give me the nutrients as I tend to skip breakfast during the work week which I know is a big no-no. I could drink the shake on my drive to work. Any recommendations? Tried SlimFast and that didn't agree with me.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think a shake/meal replacement would be good for me for breakfast to give me the nutrients as I tend to skip breakfast during the work week which I know is a big no-no. I could drink the shake on my drive to work. Any recommendations? Tried SlimFast and that didn't agree with me.

    Why is skipping breakfast a big "no-no"? Breakfast is a preference and not required at all. The problem with relying on things like Body by Vi or Shakeology for getting in micronutrients is the forms of vitamins and minerals they contain, which are not the greatest
  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    I used them for about 2 months and only lost 8 lbs...i followed it to a "t" so i was a little dissapointed. They do taste better than any other shake but after 2 month of drinking 2 shakes a day (even though you can change the taste of the shake by adding ingredients) gets boring. I used the transformation kit and and i found after a while the appetite control and pills just weren't working. I had asked about what happens when you reach your goal weight....they want you to buy the maintence it's a life long thing. On their anywhere else, there were people it worked for and people it didn't. You can always try it...if you don't like it send it back before the 30 days BUT in order to get savings you have to sign up for auto's easy to cancel but if you change your mind don't forget to cancel auto ship or your credit card will be billed monthly!
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    So not worth it. Eat real food, mostly unprocessed, learn about portion sizes (I bought a food scale for this purpose) and count your calories. Shakes for weight loss are nothing but a gimmick, and they'll destroy your metabolism.