What brings you inspiration?

There are far to many people hiding their "delicate" side. Afraid to say things that sound corny, cliche, or even happy. people trudge through life with their heads down just pushing the plow through the soil. Many people fail to look behind them and reflect on the soil they have turned, instead we look ahead at the field that is still before us. As a man I fall victim to the feeling that I must remain "Manly, Strong, Stout" only to realize these traits fail to support me in many of my lifelong journey's. So to shove off this cultural toil i begin anew. Here are the things in my life that cause me to have inspiration.


Do or do not, there is no try. "Yoda, Grand Master Jedi"
Live life like you own it, not like you owe it. "Unknown, I like to think I came up with it, but i am sure i have read it somewhere"
Change is a matter of perspective, change your perspective and the world has changed. "Unknown"


My Wife: Constantly reminds me there will always be an anchor in my life. Her.
My Mom: Reminds me not to sweat the small things.
My Dad: Reminds me to sweat the small things :laugh:

What are yours?


  • MayaNelson
    Lately I've been hearing people say that there is no "can't" in success - meaning no excuses.
    I think this saying really doesn't hit the point.

    Can - is just an intention.

    Success is in DID and DONE!

    If you DID work out, if you DID eat right, then you win.

  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I do like the quote from Yoda. Yet I often find trying is the best thing, often I do not succeed but I keep trying. And next time I may get closer to my goal.

    As for inspiration - lately its been the people here. I know I would not be riding my bike with temps below freezing if I had not signed up for challenges here.
  • chrisjagt
    chrisjagt Posts: 6 Member
    The thing i like best about Yoda is that even if "fail" it means you still did something

    it means you took action. I means you made a plan of attack. Tony Robbins has a video where he tells a lady to try to pick up a chair. When she picks it up he yells at her. "I didn't tell you to pick up the chair, all I ask was you try" she put the chair back down, again he yelled "Now you are not picking up the chair, I want you to try and pick it up" confused the lady just stands there, He applaudes her "Now you are trying, you are neither doing or not doing. You are just trying"

    He goes on to say that the word "try" is an excuse word. Its a word we use to make us feel better when we fail. It is like a smoker counting the days they have quit. Why count? is it so you can tell people you quit for 30 days and "try" as you may you failed?

    His theory was if you quit smoking tell people you quit. If people as how long you can simply reply "forever"

    This is why I love that quote so much.

    when we fail we did something, when we suceeed we did something. Even choosing not to do somthing is still a choice to do something "we did not doing it"

    I have done, not doing it. I am now doing, doing it.

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