Do you give yourself rewards?



  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Heck no I don't reward myself. That kind of ME FIRST thinking is what got me to 299 lbs. in the first place. I SHOULD be 210 lbs, tops. And I'm gonna be. And I'm gonna keep putting myself down until I do.

    I think of everyone who took the step to join MFP a WINNER. I hope when you said "gonna keep putting myself down until I do" you meant down in pounds.

    Me First thinking is what got me to prioritize my health issues and join MFP.
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    I reward myself after every 5 pounds, and the rewards get bigger with each milestone: earrings, new outfit, massage. I haven't decided what my big reward will be for when I hit my goal.

    I'm open to suggestions :)

    When I hit my ultimate goal, I am buying a bikini! :)
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    Double post.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I've gotten myself a new pair of gym shoes, a HRM, and some cute yoga clothes.

    My boyfriend gave me a massage certificate for Christmas, but that will be saved for my next mini-goal.

    Because I am an endomorph, it takes a lot of time to actually lose weight. I keep having mini-plateaus and even though I made it all the way to 21lbs a week and a half ago, here I am back at the 19lb mark! Those little mini rewards are great things to look forward to, and making sure they are fitness related ensures that I keep that mindset.
  • stephanieGbraswell
    I'm just now getting started on here and these are great ideas that will surely help keep me motivated. I definitely have been lacking the motivation in the past so thank yall.
  • arogers98
    arogers98 Posts: 38 Member
    I actually do food rewards and I'm not ashamed to tell everyone. I totally miss my super size Big Mac meals I used to get at least twice a week. So now I splurge. I go out and get one with every 20 pounds I lose ( and yes it is with a large fry and large regular Coke). Since I've lost only 44 lbs so far since March that has only been twice that I've had a Big Mac in 9 months and I'm ok with that! :-)
  • lougru
    lougru Posts: 55
    When i reach my 14lb (6lbs to go!) milestone i am going to reward myself with a new tattoo :) and when i reach my final goal of 20lbs loss i am booking a holiday to show off my new body! haha xx
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I usually do little things like mani/pedi or something small under $30. I buy clothes on clearance & sometimes I buy a size smaller and use it as a goal to fit into it. That motivates me to keep going. I have a friend who is losing weight too & she is bigger than me. As she loses weight she raids my closet & gets everything she always wanted to wear :) Motivation for her & I know my clothes will look good on her. She even picks out my smaller clothes so she can get into those later on too!
  • I got a small "Cupcake Bank" (I love to bake!) for Christmas, so I've put 50 dollars in it to start me off and every pound I lose, I'm adding a dollar. When I'm at a weight that I like, I'm taking the money out and going and buying myself a new wardrobe!

    Other than that, just smaller things like after every workout I take a long, hot bath or sometimes I'll let myself have ONE chocolate if I've been good and I can fit it in to my daily calories.

    Losing weight is going to be my biggest reward in the end. :)

    that's a GREAT IDEA!!! :)
  • Scoobies100
    When I reach my goal Me and my ma (who has the same amount left to lose as me) are going to book ourselves into a spa for the day and rock our bikinis. :)
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    no I dont....but I am not motivated by those things.....(not being hateful if you are)...I am just not a thing motivation so far has been the way I feel and the exhileration of running more (or in my case running at all at first), biking more and I LOVE LOVE LVOE the compliments from others on how good I look and how young I look....I have even been accused of having botox or facial work done!!!! (I have not)
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I love giving myself rewards. It's a great way to keep me motivated and focused on my goal. I have a beautiful sunflower tattoo on the side of my hip/thigh because of it! :)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Every 10 pounds I get a new charm for my charm bracelet. I only have one right now, but eventually it will be full.

    I REALLY like this idea! it is something that you will be able to show people and say that every charm is 10 lbs youve lost. It will help you remind yourself to keep on track when you are done too, since you will see it every day
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    I've tried the reward system before without much luck for some reason.

    This time around I am going to reward myself with cash every week. My friend and I are doing p90x2 together and are going to keep motivated by rewarding ourselves with $20 (pr $15, we haven't decided yet) every week we complete each workout successfully, without missing a day! For every month we do perfectly, we are going to treat ourselves to a treatment at a salon (hair dye, manicure, etc). It works out perfectly for us because we are both going on vacations with our husbands in march and, if all goes according to plan, I'll have some extra cash to spend on nice clothes for my vacation! :)
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    I usually do little things like mani/pedi or something small under $30. I buy clothes on clearance & sometimes I buy a size smaller and use it as a goal to fit into it. That motivates me to keep going. I have a friend who is losing weight too & she is bigger than me. As she loses weight she raids my closet & gets everything she always wanted to wear :) Motivation for her & I know my clothes will look good on her. She even picks out my smaller clothes so she can get into those later on too!

    That's awesome :)
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    I started a system where I have a dollar for each pound I need to lose, but I can't use any until I've lost all the weight.

    When I get to my goal weight, I'll have $40 to spend on whatever I feel like (except junk food!).

    I have 40 $1 bills in an envelope, and as I lose the weight, I transfer them to another envelope. It's motivational to see the 'weight left to lose' envelope shrinking as the 'weight I've lost" envelope is the one getting fat.