How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Daily....once in the morning and once in the evening when I get home from work. I went through a 6 month period where I didn't worry about weighing in and I put on a lot of weight. It keeps me focused!
  • jasmine6912
    jasmine6912 Posts: 3 Member
    I am SO bad for this. I always get up at 4am to go pee, and then weigh myself.... then when i wake up at 8am and pee again- I jump on the scale. I have this awful pattern that i have been doing for years. I strip down... rings and all.
    My hubby used to hide the scale and only bring it out once a week- but i found myself less motivated to eat well when i didn't have daily reminders.
  • jasmine6912
    jasmine6912 Posts: 3 Member
    I am SO bad for this. I always get up at 4am to go pee, and then weigh myself.... then when i wake up at 8am and pee again- I jump on the scale. I have this awful pattern that i have been doing for years. I strip down... rings and all.
    My hubby used to hide the scale and only bring it out once a week- but i found myself less motivated to eat well when i didn't have daily reminders.
  • I weigh myself everyday, because even though I know it will fluctuate , if it goes down it motivates me, if it goes up it motivates me.
  • i agree- I weigh once a week- anymore than that i become obsessive. I will occassionally check my weight in the morning at work ( i work at a doctors office) to make sure i am making progress in the week so i know what i need to change... IF i need to change my diet/ exercise. Good Luck! :wink:
  • Christinemary6
    Christinemary6 Posts: 60 Member
    I weigh myself, naked, daily and sometimes two or three times....depends on how balanced I'm feeling!

    Until recently, I only logged weight if I'd actually lost something....which sometimes meant not logging for WEEKS!! I've just decided to log daily. It has so far been encouraging....

    I have no idea how I will feel if the numbers start to go up again!

  • rubyosburn
    rubyosburn Posts: 119 Member
    I have to refrain from checking daily -- fluctuations drive me crazy, but I get OCD about it. I know I should be weighing in once a week, max, but can't help myself.

    Truthfully, how often do you weigh yourself? And how do the numbers affect you?

    Because of having to report into my Health Coach daily (it's an insurance thing) I have to weigh daily. At first it drove me crazy but I told myself to stop it. Water weight alone can can make you weigh 2-3 pounds heavier
  • I weigh myself once a week, first time in the morning.
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    every morning..sometimes at night. but i record bi-weekly. i used to record weekly, but now bi-weekly.
  • I used to weigh myself daily. I now weigh myself every 2nd day so like 3-4 times a week
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I do find myself jumping first thing in the morning pretty much daily. I record it once a week, but for me it really helps me stay focused.
  • aecmagn
    aecmagn Posts: 30 Member
    I've gone back and forth on this one and there's only one thing I know for certain: it's personal. One size does not fit all.
    I do think it gets to be a little much when people obsess over whether to weigh before or after exercise, peeing, drinking water and so forth--it's a progression, and the minute deviations associated with the aforementioned are not big in the scheme of things. If you're getting excited because of those 3 ounces gone missing down the 'loo, then you are sure to set yourself up for a nasty surprise if you ever gain a real pound, say, over the holidays.
    Just my two penceworth,
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    Whenever I feel like it. Sometimes twice a day, but I have an" official" weigh-in once a week that I log good or bad. Weighing every day helps me see trends, but I dont get too upset over daily fluctations. I tried only weighing once a month, but I found I wouldn't try as hard until I got nearer time to weigh in. Once a week keeps me more accountable.
  • pinkchrome
    pinkchrome Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh myself every morning but like others I only record it once a week on Monday mornings (This forces me to be good on the weekends!). I know it will fluctuate so when I see it down it encourages me to keep working hard. When it is up it encourages me to push even harder. So it is a win win situation in my book. :)
  • I have to say, "most" of the time, it's looking forward to weighing myself that gets me outta bed and moving...!! Even when I know the numbers won' t be great, usually they aren't as bad as I'd dreaded. I started this journey back in June and am down about 40 lbs; It's been up and down, but thankfully, down is winning!!!!
  • once a day, in the morning, exact same routine and track it every day. My issue is that if i do not not do this it is very easy for me to get off track.
  • Mcoh01
    Mcoh01 Posts: 11
    I only do it once a week. I keep my scale in the original box in a closet and only take it out for the weigh in every Wednesday morning. I feel like the weight is just a number; in between I concentrate more on how I'm feeling better and my clothes fit better, and the weekly weight check just helps me make sure I'm on the right track.
  • Osu2k1
    Osu2k1 Posts: 116 Member
    I weigh every morning... I know I shouldn't but it's a motivator for me. I officially weigh in on Mondays at Weight Watchers, and sometimes I'll stop by WW to check in on Friday to get me through the weekends.
  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    I also only record it once a week, but I have become silly about weighing myself every morning. I shouldn't do it probably - but I feel like it helps keep me focused!

    My thoughts exactly! But usually my weight does NOT fluctuate (unless its TOM). It does keep me focused and if I don't weigh every morning, I will get back into all my other BAD habits! Thus I don't consider weighing myself daily a bad habit.
  • EJsMummy26
    EJsMummy26 Posts: 101 Member
    Keeps me on track, and every little bit keeps me motivated. My clothes don't lie. I can tell when I've moved up or down on the scale based on my clothes. Although knowing my "number" makes me feel motivated. Knowing I've eaten well, or when I need to kick it into high gear.

    I've maintained a 20-25 lb weight loss for 8 months now, and not doing anything but paying attention to how my clothes fit and what goes in my mouth. I'm now trying to bring it down, I'd like to be at 140 lbs.