I want to talk to the MEN



  • The threat of diabetes is one that got my butt moving.. and I am a fireman who can't afford to get out of shape.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Change the channel to the Biggest Loser and see what he thinks...
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Just checking to see if women would go ahead and post their opinions anyway. As always you ladies never dissappoint.
  • I like the suggestion about the insurance policy and him paying the difference.. too funny!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Cook him a steak, give him a BeeJay, and tell him that he won't get either again until he drops 10lbs.

    Now that's the man's perspective! Hilarious. :laugh: (and will probably work best.)
  • I'm 37, 5'9", not particularly athletic, and down from 220 to 176 so far. We'll see about KEEPING it off, but anyway...

    At any rate, I agree that there's not much you can do to motivate him to work out. My wife tried everything she could think of, with no success. You shouldn't pretend that the greater weight is acceptable, but nagging won't work either: eventually, if he wants to, he'll start losing weight. It took for me the simple realization that it was time to change, and that's all there was to it.
  • hahaha
  • ukjake3
    ukjake3 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 6'2 and started at 280. I started mfp at 269 when I heard about it from a friend. I've always enjoyed playing basketball. Most men, generally speaking, like some kind of sport. Try to find a way to get him involved in his favorite sport. For me, I have 3 co-workers that most every day go play basketball on lunch. Of course I'm going to go play with them. Understanding that most people can't play on their lunch, try to find a group that may be involved in the same sport, no matter what it is.
  • chameleon73
    chameleon73 Posts: 119 Member
    Cook him a steak, give him a BeeJay, and tell him that he won't get either again until he drops 10lbs.

    ROFL....If that doesn't work, nothing will. Hahaha
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    Cook him a steak, give him a BeeJay, and tell him that he won't get either again until he drops 10lbs.

    Now that's the man's perspective! Hilarious. :laugh: (and will probably work best.)

    ha....yeah that may work too :-)
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    You can be an inspiration. When my husband saw me losing a lot of weight, keeping it off and working out and shaping up he shaped up too. Also I grocery shop and cook differently now. So he eats better without really trying. Less fat, more fish and veggies. Taste from spice and healthier options.

    Stick with it and maybe he will be inspired by you! Especially when you look hot and well…
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    Leave some business cards for divorce lawyers laying around the house or cut him off then tell him for every 10lbs he loses he will get some.
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    Work on you. Lead by example. Eat healthy and exercise.

    Then...cook him a steak, give him a BeeJay and tell him if he want's it again, he needs to be able to catch you :bigsmile:
  • Cook him a steak, give him a BeeJay, and tell him that he won't get either again until he drops 10lbs.

    Trust me...that does that work lol :laugh:
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    He's got to want it!!! He's not identifying with any of the success stories you've shared so far because he is looking for an excuse as to why HE can't do it. "Well that guy is younger, that guy is taller, that guy played basketball in college, etc etc" Those are just excuses for him as to why his situation is different. BUT, his situation is not different from a million others out there who have done it. It takes inner will power, self-motivation, discipline, and desire. Until he has those things about it, there ain't no becoming a success story himself.
  • Cook him a steak, give him a BeeJay, and tell him that he won't get either again until he drops 10lbs.

    LMFAO! That'll work.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Work on you. Lead by example. Eat healthy and exercise.

    Then...cook him a steak, give him a BeeJay and tell him if he want's it again, he needs to be able to catch you :bigsmile:
    Best answer.
  • He's got to want it!!! He's not identifying with any of the success stories you've shared so far because he is looking for an excuse as to why HE can't do it. "Well that guy is younger, that guy is taller, that guy played basketball in college, etc etc" Those are just excuses for him as to why his situation is different. BUT, his situation is not different from a million others out there who have done it. It takes inner will power, self-motivation, discipline, and desire. Until he has those things about it, there ain't no becoming a success story himself.

    Agreed but he also needs the correct information. Because there's a butt load of thw wrong info or conflicting info out there.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    Tell him that since you've started working out, a lot of guys guys are flirting with you.