Getting Fit and Healthy!

:happy: Hi everyone! I am a Junior High School Teacher and Cheerleading Coach. I am married to my best friend and soul mate. We have 2 wonderful children that are 21 months apart. They are truly my greatest accomplishment ever!

Before I was married and had babies, I lost 40 lbs with Weight Watchers and kept it off for two years. I have gain all 40 lbs back since having my babies. I am not having anymore children, so no more excuses! I am going to getting the baby weight off and keep it off like the last time.

I thought it would be easy to get the weight off this time. (It was pretty easy for me the last time!) Ummm....It is really hard! I am so glad that I found a site that has a support system! I need that, I think that is why Weight Watchers worked for me the last time. My husband is a 3 sport high school coach and so I can't get to meetings anymore. I super excited to get involved on here!!!


  • RussianQueen01
    Hello everyone
    I am 21 years old and trying to stay fit and healthy. I am a dancer but outside of classes find it hard to stay healthy, with all the studying and classes, stress is a common occurrence and so is bad foods!

    I have always been of a healthy weight and I know how to eat properly, but sometimes I forget how easy it is to slip up!

    I am always here for support, questions and comments and I hope I can have the same!