Breakfast Ideas



  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    Hard boiled eggs are very portable - you could do a batch in advance.

    Piece of wholemeal toast with nut butter. Take some almonds with you to nibble, or roast soy beans.

    You don't have to eat as soon as you wake - waiting for an hour or so sounds fine to me.

    I was going to suggest hard boiled eggs too. One thing I have also done is make a breakfast sandwich the night before and stick it in the tastes great after being microwaved the next morning. I've also seen people bake mini-omlets in muffin tins and freeze them to microwave in the morning.
    Oatmeal is always good too...and try overnight microwave needed! Good luck! :wink:

    I also like hard cooked eggs. I don't boil mine, I bake them (thank you Alton Brown for this alternative!) @ 325f for 30 minutes. Then I pull them out of the fridge in the morning, peel, heat and eat with a little bit of salt and pepper. Tasty and filling and SO easy!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Two hard boiled eggs- 140 cals
    1 cup of steamed white rice- 200 cals
    2 slices of bacon- 90 cals
    Coffee with 2 tsp of sugar about 40 calories.

    470 calories. which i eat when i get up at 4:00 am
    At 8:45 i eat a piece of fruit although i'm not really hungry in fact my breakast
    would last me till 11am lunch (7hours). Good balance of protein and carbs. I eat this 5 days a week at least.

    (Note all food is made ahead of time so its a pop in the microwave, eat and go thing)
  • 1 scoop protein ( i prefer Beverly international--i swear by this stuff because it truly tastes amazing) they have vanilla, chocolate, and cookies and creme.

    1/2 cup oats ( you could also do steel cut) but old fashioned oats mixed with protein truly keeps me full from 6 am to 11 am : ) great combo!

    also, you can mix in 1/2-2 tablespoons natural peanut butter. i love PB & Co Natural Peanut Butter Cinnamon Raisin. Mixed with oats and chocolate protein it tastes like cake batter. Delish!

    Oats are the way to go! Nothing keeps me full longer. I bag my oats, and bring protein and pb with me to work too if ness.
  • eschwanda
    eschwanda Posts: 69 Member
    atkins shakes are good and filling to me. I drink one every morning. I would also suggest things that can be made in advance and reheated. Things like oatmeal or eggs. You can make the oatmeal the night before by adding all of the dry and wet ingredients and then just heat it up in the am. Another one of my faves is to make a bunch of omlets using a miffin tin. Add whatever you like in your eggs, bake in a cupcake mold and freeze them individually and take them out as you need them.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    I have a hard boiled egg and 100cal english muffin with laughing cow cheese. I make my eggs on Sunday for the week and toast the muffin in advance or right before you leave. I take my to work with me everyday.

    This is sort of what I was going to suggest, only I use eggbeaters. Takes me less than 4 minutes to make beginning to end. Very yummy and filling!

    Thomas Multigrain English Muffin
    Laughing Cow cheese wedge (chipotle flavor is a fave, but most any works!)

    165 cals 13g protein 8g fiber 2.5g fat
  • SinOrSlim
    check out theres a ton of breakfast recipes you can make in minutes or even the night before and then just grab-n-go in the morning!! ALL LOW CARB TOO!!! =)