Anyone looking to loose 30-40 lb this year!



  • firstjog11
    firstjog11 Posts: 58 Member
    My goal is to lose 30 pounds by September, with the first 10 pounds by March (my birthday). I will be rewarding myself with buying an outfit down a size from now. Woo Hoo. I can almost see it!
  • firstjog11
    firstjog11 Posts: 58 Member
    My goal is to lose 30 pounds by September, with the first 10 pounds by March (my birthday). I will be rewarding myself with buying an outfit down a size from now. Woo Hoo. I can almost see it!
  • GSDmom
    GSDmom Posts: 1
    Yep, looking at 35 lbs to lose this year. Been fighting it for years but I have to control my big girl portions. Dang.......I'm gonna do it though :)
  • mstankowski
    mstankowski Posts: 32 Member
    I'm looking to lose 40-50 this year. I would be happy if I lose 30 by summer!
  • Definitely planning on losing 40 additional lbs by summer. That would be amazing
  • Jyster
    Jyster Posts: 74 Member
    Anybody feel free to add me. I lost 33 lbs last year and this year I am looking to do 40 more, should be easier because this year *so far* I am healthy enough to exercise. woohoo
  • Hi! I just started this yesterday. I am breastfeeding also. Need to lose 35-40 lbs...hope this works! I've never lost weight while nursing, but I guess I've never actively tried.
  • Hi! I just started this yesterday. I am breastfeeding also. Need to lose 35-40 lbs...hope this works! I've never lost weight while nursing, but I guess I've never actively tried.
  • carcrsh
    carcrsh Posts: 70
    Currently I'm 157.5
    I'm hoping on losing at least another 15 by March and have lost a total of 38-40 by the end of the year.
  • My goal is to lose about 35lbs by April 2012
  • I'm looking to shed that much as well! I'm currently 166 and want to get down to 130.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am looking to lose 40 by the beginning of next year. (I would really rather by summer's end)
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    Add me! I'm hell bent on losing around 30lbs by August of this year. My reward will be a trip to Vegas for my b-day! Open invite for anyone to add. :)
  • My goal is to lose 50lbs by the end of June so I'm ready for summer. I'm always looking for people to motivate me and support in return. I'm glad to see I'm not the only person working towards that new swimsuit! :tongue:
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I'm looking to shed that much as well! I'm currently 166 and want to get down to 130.

    I'm currently 159 wanting to be 130 too! :) We got this!!
  • Hey, I'm looking to lose 30 pounds by prom..Which is in April. I'm really stressed that I won't be able to lose it, but me and a friend have decided to start working out again this week. I'm five foot, and 162 pounds..Which is just ridiculous :( I'm just looking for some support, because I want to look beautiful and feel great in my skin in front of my whole school.