Does drinking water really work???



  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I hate drinking water and rarely get 1 or 2 glasses per day. This has not hindered my weight loss at all. I think for some it might, but in my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, it has not mattered.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Drinking water "works" to keep you alive. Regardless of weight loss, you need to stay hydrated if you want your brain and other organs to function properly.

    Remember though, it doesnt have to be consumed as neat water. Tea/coffee/soda/juice/milk etc, along with water rich foods like fruit and veg all provide the water you need.

    For sure some foods provide you with lots of water.

    Yes if you are eating real foods (not boxed or processed crap). What doesn't get emphasized when "they" say get 6-8 glass of water a day is you can get about 20% of that through foods.
    I drink when I'm thirsty - interesting that I have never had the urge to eat when thirsty. Your kidneys do a pretty good job of keeping your body hydrated.
    The body is an amazing machine. It fights to keep balance and does a great job of maintaining it - when you are eating traditional foods and not the crap that fills up 90% of the grocery store. Some days I have no water at all. Some days I drink quite a bit. I know that sugar and grain carbs make me thirsty and make my body retain too much water.

    "Contrary to what your neighbor might advise you, there is no evidence that drinking eight or more glasses prevents constipation, kidney stones, bladder cancer, urinary tract infections or that it guarantees you’ll have clear skin and a toxic-free liver. Yet these are often cited as the main reasons to drink so much. And forget the so-called hyper-hydration properties of “clustered water,” “ionized super waters,” “penta-water” and the rest of the scam-waters, about which I have blogged in past posts. Water is water is water."

    It's a pretty interesting article. Makes you think. And thinking can maybe get you doing your own research and learning.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Here's a site that I love that lists several of the benefits of drinking water.
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Drinking water "works" to keep you alive. Regardless of weight loss, you need to stay hydrated if you want your brain and other organs to function properly.

    Remember though, it doesnt have to be consumed as neat water. Tea/coffee/soda/juice/milk etc, along with water rich foods like fruit and veg all provide the water you need.

    For sure some foods provide you with lots of water.

    Yes if you are eating real foods (not boxed or processed crap). What doesn't get emphasized when "they" say get 6-8 glass of water a day is you can get about 20% of that through foods.
    I drink when I'm thirsty - interesting that I have never had the urge to eat when thirsty. Your kidneys do a pretty good job of keeping your body hydrated.
    The body is an amazing machine. It fights to keep balance and does a great job of maintaining it - when you are eating traditional foods and not the crap that fills up 90% of the grocery store. Some days I have no water at all. Some days I drink quite a bit. I know that sugar and grain carbs make me thirsty and make my body retain too much water.

    "Contrary to what your neighbor might advise you, there is no evidence that drinking eight or more glasses prevents constipation, kidney stones, bladder cancer, urinary tract infections or that it guarantees you’ll have clear skin and a toxic-free liver. Yet these are often cited as the main reasons to drink so much. And forget the so-called hyper-hydration properties of “clustered water,” “ionized super waters,” “penta-water” and the rest of the scam-waters, about which I have blogged in past posts. Water is water is water."

    It's a pretty interesting article. Makes you think. And thinking can maybe get you doing your own research and learning.

    Yep, I'm exactly like you... I drink when I'm thirsty, some days more than others. Get lots of water from my whole foods. And just like you said, when I eat grain or sugar I drink more. If I go out to a restaurant, even if making a 'wise choice', I'll drink tons! There's just so much sodium in everything.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's fantastic for your skin. You can't get the same amount of hydration from other drinks in my opinion simply because you can't drink the same amount of other drinks without negative effects (black coffee-get the shakes after 4 glasses, juice-calories, diet drinks-aspartame is horrible for you, pop-just all wrong). Green tea, a bunch of water and maybe fresh juices here and there are prob the best idea).

    So, what you're saying is, it's absolutely impossible for people to drink a variety of things? I mean, why can't you drink 4 cups of coffee, and 4 cups of water? Or any combination of water, juice, soda, tea, coffee, etc? Nobody is saying to avoid water, we're just trying to put forth the information and truth that you do not have to drink ONLY water to be hydrated.
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    It's fantastic for your skin. You can't get the same amount of hydration from other drinks in my opinion simply because you can't drink the same amount of other drinks without negative effects (black coffee-get the shakes after 4 glasses, juice-calories, diet drinks-aspartame is horrible for you, pop-just all wrong). Green tea, a bunch of water and maybe fresh juices here and there are prob the best idea).

    So, what you're saying is, it's absolutely impossible for people to drink a variety of things? I mean, why can't you drink 4 cups of coffee, and 4 cups of water? Or any combination of water, juice, soda, tea, coffee, etc? Nobody is saying to avoid water, we're just trying to put forth the information and truth that you do not have to drink ONLY water to be hydrated.
    oh excuse me for misunderstanding....but yes, I was just trying to point out that in my opinion you do need water, plain old water mixed in there somewhere.
  • leea022002
    leea022002 Posts: 16 Member
    Drinking plenty of water helps you feel full, and I usually drink a full glass of water before each meal because it helps fill you up! And it is really good for your skin and loose weight.:happy:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Water never helps me feel full, if anything it makes me hungrier. I think people who think water makes them feel full are mostly confusing the thirst signal for hunger. If you're truly hungry, no amount of water will make you feel full. It will mess with your digestion though, by diluting the acid in your stomach.
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    Almost all of the "fit" population drinks a lot of proof is in the pudding I'd say.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Really? How do you know? Do you follow them all around every minute of every day to see what they drink?

    Millions of fit people drink a lot of beer also, so I guess beer is good for fitness, too?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Does drinking lots of water actually help with weight loss? As i only drink about 3 glasses (If that) of low calorie squash per day. I would LOVE to know if drinking water would help my weight loss. :huh:

    If drinking more water causes you to eat less then yes, it will help you lose weight.
  • What great information. thanks
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I personally believe that drinking water aids the fat loss process. I'm not a scientist and cannot verify the information I read about how it works (i.e., when you drink enough water, your liver doesn't need to help out the kidneys and can, instead, focus on the digestion/fat burning process)....but I do know that I get better results...and feel better...when I drink more water.

    I refuse to get into a back and forth spat with others who question the benefits of water since I am not a scientist (nor are they) and cannot verify what is happening on the inside of my body. So, all I can tell you is that I (me, myself and I) personally benefit from drinking more water. You should test it out for yourself and see if it makes a difference for YOU.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I've been drinking a ton of water for the past month and my weight has not moved at all (not that I expected it to). On the plus side, it does help curb my appetite especially late at night when I'm more prone to snacking.
  • rochew23
    rochew23 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow I've learnt so much from these replies! No more skimping on my water intake :drinker:
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I don't drink water if I can help it. My doctor also doesn't believe in the '8-8oz glasses a day'. If other want to do it, great, but I eat enough fruits and veggies plus my 2 cups of coffee, orange spiced tea and diet soda to hydrate me just fine. I maybe have less than 4 oz of pure water a day to take medicine. Once in a awhile I will have a 16 oz bottle...but it usually takes me ALL day to finish it. I am just not a very thirsy person!!!

    Years and years ago when I first got serious about weight loss I tried an experiement for 2 weeks. I FORCED myself to drink exactly 64 ounces of water DAILY because I "heard' it would help with weight loss yada yada! I drank nothing else. No coffee, no tea. Just water. I gained 12 pounds at the end of the 2 weeks (and this was on top of eating a diet of lean meats, lots of veggies and limiting my carbs). I went back to my usual drinking routine and lost it. Asked my doctor about it and he said he guessed in my case it must not work.

    My Dr advises me to drink when I am thirsty, eat when I am hungry and the rest will work itself out. I am not anti water...I don't tell people NOT to drink it...I just do whats right for me and what works for me.
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    Really? How do you know? Do you follow them all around every minute of every day to see what they drink?

    Millions of fit people drink a lot of beer also, so I guess beer is good for fitness, too?
    Yep, I do :)
  • leea022002
    leea022002 Posts: 16 Member
    That makes a lot of sense because what works for one person may not work for another.... Everybody's body is different and may work in different ways. So I think thats a good idea just try it and see if it works for yourself and if not then you don't have to do it.
  • leea022002
    leea022002 Posts: 16 Member
    Thats how I feel..... I am cutting out soda because when I drink water and cut out the soda I loose weight and every lb counts.
  • matthewwohlrabe
    matthewwohlrabe Posts: 2 Member
    Dringking water does help alot. You really have to drink between a Half gallon to a gallon a day. Water is a natural laxative. The better your systems flushes the faster you help get the toxins out. It also makes you feel better. Hope this helps