What am I doing wrong?



  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    ok so lets address the water first at a minimum you should be at 64 0z ( 8 servings ) you might try increasing your water intake also. so lets say you are consuming 1200 cals a day, but then you are burning at or around 400 per workout giving you a net of 800 cals per day. it looks like you are in starvation mode ? I would say eat more, not junk food though. you might also try adding a whey protein drink maybe as a smoothie ? i use 2 sccops protein powder, some berries, and coconut milk ( 1 cup ) and some ice and a little water. thats good for about close to 500 cals, 55p 10f 45c
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    I put creamer in my coffee but I am pretty careful to only put a tbsp in. I don't know if that could hurt me or not. usually if I crave something sweet like ice cream or candy I try to eat a piece of fruit instead.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Maybe this should go on the support board, but I just need help. I am so frustrated I don't know what to do.

    I have been stuck at 165 pounds for MONTHS!!!!!! I would love just once to see 164 on my scale to feel like I am not working my butt off for nothing. I just don't get what I am doing wrong. I work out 5 days a week for 40-50 minutes its a mix of strength training and cardio. I eat 1000-1200 calories a day I drink 72 ounces of water and I take a multivitamin. So what else can I do? My goal is to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight (145) by my birthday April 14th.

    My eating looks like this
    Oat meal, or toast w/pb, and usually a cup of coffee a glass of water and a fruit ( apples, blue berries, strawberries)

    Ham and cheese, chicken salad, or tuna salad on whole grain bread, glass of water and a salad

    Protein ( chicken, pork, beef)
    carb ( bread or roll)

    for snacks I eat
    Sting cheese, lunch meat, salad or fruit

    So what am I doing wrong?! please some one any advice is welcome!!

    Definitely think your calories are too low. My personal trainer told me to never go under 1200 and to stay closer to 1500, plus he said to eat back my exercise calories. Try bumping up your calories by eating more protein or even having a protein shake in between. Set your calorie goal higher and make sure to log your exercise calories and see if that makes a difference.
  • JOANIE69
    JOANIE69 Posts: 132 Member
    well im thinking your calorie intake is low .x
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    ok so lets address the water first at a minimum you should be at 64 0z ( 8 servings ) you might try increasing your water intake also. so lets say you are consuming 1200 cals a day, but then you are burning at or around 400 per workout giving you a net of 800 cals per day. it looks like you are in starvation mode ? I would say eat more, not junk food though. you might also try adding a whey protein drink maybe as a smoothie ? i use 2 sccops protein powder, some berries, and coconut milk ( 1 cup ) and some ice and a little water. thats good for about close to 500 cals, 55p 10f 45c

    Is there a powder that you recommend I have looked at them in the store a few times, but I always associated them with people are are trying to be beef cakes. I want to be toned but not big muscles.

    I have come to realize I don't anything about weight loss and exercise.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I've gone through something similar and here's what has helped me in the past and recently.

    I watch my sodium very closely. If I get high, I really pump up the water.
    I also watch carbs. This has been my recent epiphany. I was eating too many carbs! :sad: I lowered the level and then I started losing again.

    Also, make sure you eating at least 1200 calories per day. I've noticed the more I eat, the more weight I lose. Weird, but true.
    Changing up your food and the amounts you eat a day can also help. Worth a try.

    Change up your exercise routine. As soon as I start a zumba class or try something new, I also notice a difference.
    If I stick to the same thing every day, there is no challenge and my body is bored. I need to spice it up. :laugh:

    You'll get there - just experiment and don't give up. Good Luck. :happy:
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    if you're eating only 1000-1200...even on exercise days...you're not eating enough. Adjust your MFP goals to "lose 1 pound per week" and eat all of those calories PLUS at least 50% of the calories you burn while exercising. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but sometimes eating more is what your body needs to dump weight.

    Another thing...although you aren't eating a ton, for me, I have found that I do better when I limit/avoid bread and starches. It seems like you're eating a bread product with every meal. Try replacing those bread products with carbs that have a low glycemic index value (i.e., berries, apples, pears, veggies)....these also make great snack options. Nothing like an apple or pear for a solid 80-100 calorie boost. I love blackberries and raspberries in the morning...so much fiber in both. consider some protein powder just as a means of adding 100-150 quality calories to your daily intake. I strongly recommend Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein and I love the Extreme Milk Chocolate Flavor (130 calories with 24 grams of protein and not much other stuff). If you like nuts, they are a great snack for healthy fat and protein. I'm allergic to nuts, but have recently found a crunchy, healthy snack called Somersaults. They add a solid 150 calories per healthy serving. Nut butters are also very healthy (I love Smucker's crunchy natural peanut butter)...

    it also wouldn't hurt to either: (a) switch up your exercise routine some...perhaps try some more intense, shorter workouts; (b) workout 3 times a week for a few weeks under my philosophy that sometimes "less is more" or "less stress, more rest"; or (c) combination of both.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    3 keys to weight loss.
    1) Moderation - eat everything in moderation. Don't cut fulll food groups from your diet but eat them in moderation
    2) Balance - Balancing your Macros can be hard but once you find what works for you weight will start to come off.
    3) Variety - Change things up so your body gets different nutrients from different foods. If you are feeding it different things it tends to hold on to fat less as it is getting all the nutrition it needs.

    Good luck!!
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Maybe this should go on the support board, but I just need help. I am so frustrated I don't know what to do.

    I have been stuck at 165 pounds for MONTHS!!!!!! I would love just once to see 164 on my scale to feel like I am not working my butt off for nothing. I just don't get what I am doing wrong. I work out 5 days a week for 40-50 minutes its a mix of strength training and cardio. I eat 1000-1200 calories a day I drink 72 ounces of water and I take a multivitamin. So what else can I do? My goal is to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight (145) by my birthday April 14th.

    My eating looks like this
    Oat meal, or toast w/pb, and usually a cup of coffee a glass of water and a fruit ( apples, blue berries, strawberries)

    Ham and cheese, chicken salad, or tuna salad on whole grain bread, glass of water and a salad

    Protein ( chicken, pork, beef)
    carb ( bread or roll)

    for snacks I eat
    Sting cheese, lunch meat, salad or fruit

    So what am I doing wrong?! please some one any advice is welcome!!

    You can easily add a few hundred more calories by adding a slice of avocado to you sandwiches and adding almonds or other nuts to your snacks. You can also try protein shakes as one of your snacks. Upping your calories a little is the key.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    As most others have said, it appears you're not eating enough. I always eat my exercise calories and it hasn't stopped me from losing.

    Jillian Michaels recommends increasing calorie intake by 10% if you're on a plateau, but I'm thinking you might need even more than that.

    Good luck!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Try snacking more and more often. Snacking helps!

    Sia Bevis
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I buy Whey protein powder without any additives. My sister thought the same thing about protein shakes and that it would "bulk" her up. Not true - you would have to do some major weight lifting to do that! I was told to just make sure to use pure whey protein without any of the additives you can find in a lot of the brands. I get one from GNC that works well, or if I'm splurging - I'll order Jay Robb Whey protein - its my favorite but not as easy to find in the stores so I order form his website and it cost a litte more. I also add psylluum seed husk to my protein shakes in the morning to help with my fiber intake and keep things moving. You have the right idea on losing weight, you just need to add in more good foods. I cut all processed foods the first time I lost a bunch of weight, which included cutting all my breads and boxed foods. Made a huge difference! Let us know how it goes!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Maybe this should go on the support board, but I just need help. I am so frustrated I don't know what to do.

    I have been stuck at 165 pounds for MONTHS!!!!!! I would love just once to see 164 on my scale to feel like I am not working my butt off for nothing. I just don't get what I am doing wrong. I work out 5 days a week for 40-50 minutes its a mix of strength training and cardio. I eat 1000-1200 calories a day I drink 72 ounces of water and I take a multivitamin. So what else can I do? My goal is to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight (145) by my birthday April 14th.

    My eating looks like this
    Oat meal, or toast w/pb, and usually a cup of coffee a glass of water and a fruit ( apples, blue berries, strawberries)

    Ham and cheese, chicken salad, or tuna salad on whole grain bread, glass of water and a salad

    Protein ( chicken, pork, beef)
    carb ( bread or roll)

    for snacks I eat
    Sting cheese, lunch meat, salad or fruit

    So what am I doing wrong?! please some one any advice is welcome!!

    I am 54, 5' 5 1/2" tall and weigh 138.6 today. Before the Holiday eating hit I was well on my way to rapidly meeting my goal of 135 and seemed to be breezing through the last 5 - 10 pounds! I am "lightly active" and add 30 minutes of walking 2x per day at 3.5 speed. Since October I have changed my diet to add as many fresh and raw veggies as possible. Shooting for 1 pound of mostly raw veggies and one pound of cooked veggies. I decided to have only a serving of regular oatmeal with fresh berries for breakfast daily. I can eat a cup of cooked beans or lentils, and have an ounce of nuts or seeds per day. Up to 1 TBSP of oil, per day. No sugar or salt added to my food and cook the majority of the food myself meaning no cans or cured meats. In fact I limit any animal protein serving to 2 oz and have that only at dinner IF I am eating any animal protein that day. I don't eat cheese or milk. I switched to soy. I cut out bread and crackers and most other whole grains even.

    I can't believe I am losing the last few pounds so easily (until Christmas eating parties!) and I can't tell you how much energy I have and how good I feel. I was following Dr. Oz's program for a few years to get me started and am now trying to follow Dr. Fuhrman's EAT TO LIVE program. It is more work, but I am LOVING how I feel!! I am also aiming to do this as a lifestyle permanently. Sure, I'll have something off the plan here and there but I usually feel like crap when I do. It isn't something you just one day do. It takes a certain amount of effort and understanding and I am not completely there yet. But I'll bet if you decide to limit your processed foods and just add in as many veggies like salads, and cooked veggies for dinner, etc. you'll be surprised with how well you feel and your plateau might break, too. The health benefits of adding veggies are really worth looking into and you can literally eat a TON of them for very few calories!

    Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do!
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Well, you didn't mention this.... but I'm wondering if you are nursing your baby. If so, you are using LOTS of calories there, and need to eat those back (about 500 per day).
  • goforkissy
    goforkissy Posts: 157 Member
    Bump. I have been stuck myself and would like to read the rest of this at home. Thinking I should up my calories.
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm a big believer in upping your calorie intake. I went from 1200 a day to about 1600 (my BMR) and I broke a long plateau and started dropping weight again like crazy! I use the Olivia Method on here now and it really helped. My diary is open too so feel free to take a look :)
  • corimeyers24
    corimeyers24 Posts: 13 Member
    Keep carb below 30 works for me and my calories are between 500 and 800
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Lunch meat is sooooo bad for you!!!! The sodium intake in the meat alone is bad for you! If you are going to have lunch meat for lunch I would cut it out of snacks.....once a day at most.....but I personally would only have lunch meat a couple of times a week. Maybe try making veggie sandwiches?

    Good luck...I'm at a plateau too....I know how you feel!
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    Ee, sorry this is so long. Hopefully something from it helps you :) Good luck!

    A lot of people are saying eat more -so maybe that helps?

    Here's my two cents worth..

    My understanding is that high levels of sodium in the body lead to increased levels of water retention. It seems you drink a fair bit of water every day -the weight could potentially be water weight? There is often quite a bit of sodium in the processed food (esp. meat, like the ham), and string cheeses, so if possible try to minimise them from your daily eating.

    I'm not sure what you do for a living, but is it possible for you to split up your eating into four or five meals over the day, as opposed to three mains +snacking? I've heard (am not a nutritionist/dietician, so I could be wrong..) that eating the same amount, but spread out over the day can be beneficial when it comes to weight loss.
    For example:

    * Have your morning fruit an hour or two after breakfast (toast/oats)
    * Split lunch into two, smaller meals (e.g. ham &cheese = 1 meal, salad = 1 meal)

    Also, it might be beneficial for you to increase the amount of good fats in your diet (like the fats provided by nuts, seeds and avocado). Try to avoid the sugar coated peanuts, and flavoured varieties (these have a lot of sodium). A handful of nuts 3-4 times a week is supposed to be really good for your body. I've heard that nuts like almonds and walnuts are more beneficial than some others (although, I wouldn't be able to name any 'bad' nuts -except for the candied kind! haha).
    If you're going to include something like avocado in your diet, you've got to be careful to remember that one serve of avocado is approximately three slices of the fruit. Too much, and you will more likely start to notice weight gain wherever you put it on easy. I'm a bit guilty of overindulging when it comes to avocado -because I love it so!

    By the way, if you find that you are struggling to eat nuts and seeds plain/whole, you can always do what I started off doing and crush them up and mix them with a few spoons of plain yoghurt and half a spoon of honey. As time goes on, try to reduce the amount of honey, followed by the amount of yoghurt and fineness of the nuts. Pretty soon, you should be able to eat them easy peasy! Unless you have a nut allergy -then I wouldn't recommend it..
    If you're one of those people who dislikes the texture of avocados, try adding it to your sandwich spread instead of sliced (not an avocado spread, just spread a tablespoon of avocado straight onto your sandwich)!

    Hope something in all that helps!
