Working the Night Shift.

Hello all!!

Any Idea for meal planing for some one who works 12 hr shifts at night.. 3 to 4 days a week.
On my days off i eat breakfast at 8 lunch at noon snake at 3 and dinner at 6.
But days i work its like breakfast at 6 lunch at midnight dinner at 830.
On my monday its breakfast at 8 (sleep for work) dinner at 6, Lunch at midnight, dinner at 830.
on my friday its like breakfast at 6 lunch at midnight dinner at 830 then lunch (no sleep) at 3 dinner at 6. Sleep at night.

I get about 6-8 hrs of sleep a day.

And im Trying to start making it in to the gym for at least 60 mins a day 3-4 times a week!


  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    I also work 2-3 NOCs a week. I've found the only way to stay within my calorie restriction is to eat my dinner later, maybe during my first 15 (this requires taking one) then during my lunch break I eat my snack that I probably missed during the day BC I was sleeping (usually cottage cheese and fruit) Then since I take a late lunch I'm usually set for my regular breakfast when I get off.

    I think it was hard for me at first thinking that I needed to eat a full meal at work. But its the middle of the night, I wouldn't do that normally. I try to just eat enough to stay out of starvation mode. I'm just going to pass out when I get home and I don't want all that food to sleep with :-)
  • I work the night shift too, midnight to 8 am. For meal purposes I start my day around 7/8pm. I eat a big breakfast which is more like a normal dinner. I eat a snack around midnight, yogurt and granola around 3, oatmeal or something comparable at 6am and I bring a bar or trail mix as a snack for when I get hungry between meals. I find it easier to work out right after work and I end the day with a protein shake (only if I worked out that day) I find that eating my largest meal as the first meal of my day is helping with the weight loss goal because I have all day (night to be accurate) to burn off all those calories and carbs I had from that one meal.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I actually find it easier to stay in my calories the nights I work. What I do is eat normally for dinner every night, then the nights I work I'll pack a "lunch" which I'll eat around 1am and a snack which I'll have around 6am.

    So my workdays look like this:

    6pm dinner
    1am lunch
    5-6 am snack or small meal
  • I agree. I do the most damage and eat a little more on my days off then I do while I am working nights. I find it easier to plan my meals when I am working the night shift.
  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    Try switching your meals around a bit. Maybe eat breakfast last. I've tried that and I find it works well for me. I work a 14 hour night shift so I throw in a couple of snacks as well. I'm usually eating every 3 hours or so, alternating meal, snack, meal, snack, meal.

    Good luck!
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    do small meals throughout the day! it will help and you will lose more! good luck!! :P
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    do small meals throughout the day! it will help and you will lose more! good luck!! :P
  • Hey y'all!!

    I also work the night shift and I have been having more jobs where I am sitting with my patients more than having a nursing assignment. It has been difficult lately because I have been trying to loose 10lbs and with all of this 12 hour sitting and not doing much it is hard for me. I still go running in the AM and I try to do it about three to four days a week but I still find that I am having no luck. I find that I am more hungry at night than the day. Does anyone have any sugesstions on what I should do? [/quote]
  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Hey y'all!!

    I also work the night shift and I have been having more jobs where I am sitting with my patients more than having a nursing assignment. It has been difficult lately because I have been trying to loose 10lbs and with all of this 12 hour sitting and not doing much it is hard for me. I still go running in the AM and I try to do it about three to four days a week but I still find that I am having no luck. I find that I am more hungry at night than the day. Does anyone have any sugesstions on what I should do?

    I agree. I go to work thinking I'm going to burn off a bunch of calories, then I get put in a 1:1.
  • kndlkai1
    kndlkai1 Posts: 103 Member
    I work nights also but even with eating dinner with my family before going in, taking snacks and a meal to eat at work, I get really hungry throughout the shift. I tend to graze and munch on almost anything I can get my hands on. How do you destroy the urge to eat everything all night long? I've cut back on the soda (was using caffeine to keep me awake) and I don't order out anymore with the group but there are always snacks. With the holidays it's been killer too, candy and cookies, and going away parties, etc. Oh well, thank goodness for the New Year!
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member
    I actually find it easier to stay in my calories the nights I work. What I do is eat normally for dinner every night, then the nights I work I'll pack a "lunch" which I'll eat around 1am and a snack which I'll have around 6am.

    So my workdays look like this:

    6pm dinner
    1am lunch
    5-6 am snack or small meal

    This is exactly how I do it too. I've been working night shift 7p-7a for 4 years now. I have been able to lose 60 pounds in the last year and a half. I just watch my carb intake and get 60 minutes of exercise 4x a week. Good luck!
  • BuffERRN
    BuffERRN Posts: 109 Member
    I flip between days and nights and find that it is easier to eat consistantly working nights. Day shifts are typically super busy and traumas are always unpredicatable.
  • ChasingHaven
    ChasingHaven Posts: 126 Member
    I work 10pm to 7am full time. My 'breakfast' is at around 5 pm and I usually eat whatever I made the family for dinner. My first break at work is at midnight, so I try for a light snack with a diet drink or water. Lunch is at 1:30 and I try to keep it light. I then eat something when I get home before I go to sleep. my biggest meal is the dinner with family.

    I try to keep this schedule on my days off, and usually don't eat the usual lunch mid-day like most people. I end up having some ' bonus' calories during those days since I do try to sleep at night those days. But if I do wake up at 2am I will get up and have a light snack if I'm really hungry.

    I log my calories from midnight to midnight. So far it's working ok. This is the year I'm going to get to goal and maintain!!
  • jgundo
    jgundo Posts: 26 Member
    Thank You all for all the great ideas... Im going to try and keep to a set scheual.. im finding hardest on my monday and my friday when its the switch form working nights and being off and vis-versa so wish me luck and again thanks for all the advice.
  • I just started working night shifts and my eating/sleeping habits are a mess. Everyday is a little different on when I get to sleep so I am having a hard time planning my meals. I find myself eating a lot at 6am then going straight to be which is bad. Or eating every normal meal with my family and then also eating in the middle of the night. I found everyone's advice and schedules so helpful!!
  • jgundo
    jgundo Posts: 26 Member
    One of the Bigest parts of working nights is getting into good sleep habits ... you will actuly finding yourself gaining weight from bad sleep habits... Please be careful and try and get into a routine.

    Good Luck
  • Ya so far it has been a big struggle. School also starts next week and I have some morning classes and some evening classes so that will throw a whole new spin on it! But I am prepared to do whatever it takes to reach my goal!
  • I work 11 pm - 7 am, My dinner is around 730 pm then i eat a snack around 130 am usually hummus and pretzels or veggies. Then I eat lunch at 5 am which is usually a salad or tuna or a sanwhich, raw almonds, and a special K bar. then when i get home around 730 I try and eat a couple of eggs or a homemade fruit smoothie then I am in bed by about 9 or 930 and sleep until around 6 and get up and start all over again. and yes I do fit in a workout.
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    I also work 12 hour night shift. I've been doing this for the past 3 years now, and I've definitely gained quite a lot of weight. I think it's mostly because I'm tired all the time from lack of quality sleep. I didn't have enough energy and didn't force myself too hard to exercise and eat well. I'm starting to exercise again and watch what I eat. So hopefully this will help so that I don't have to go up on my uniform size! On my work days, I usually eat before I go to work at 5:30pm, at work at 1:00am, then eat again when I come home at 8:30am. On my off days, my eating schedule is so screwed up because of my weird sleep schedule.
  • jgundo
    jgundo Posts: 26 Member
    I have almost the same prob... take a look at my food log see that can help you at all...