What's your job?



  • part time bartender/full time student :)
  • i work in retail (for now)
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Freelance translator
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Registered Nurse--Currently Ambulatory services manager,
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Registered Nurse--Currently Ambulatory services manager,
  • dgoard
    dgoard Posts: 11 Member
    IT Manager.
  • Kris10can
    Kris10can Posts: 103
    I have been and currently am a case manager serving individuals with severe and persistent mental illness....but I have a Masters in Counseling & Community Psychology and eager to practice as a therapist!! Craazzzy, I know! :)
  • CNA on a cardiac unit also do monitor tech watching all the heart rates
  • Nanny!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Cashier at a grocery store for now..
    Marketing assistant in the summer..
    But really, I'm a student :)
  • sharishopalot
    sharishopalot Posts: 82 Member

    Lots of RNs here!

    I am going to school to become a clinical social worker geared towards working with Hospice patients. I completed a 10 week internship through a Hospice organization.. I have to say I have never felt so honored to work with individuals that appreciate everything you do for them.. Working with patients that do not have long to live is difficult but am 100% sure this is the career path I want to take..... Hats off to you my friend!! :-
  • sharishopalot
    sharishopalot Posts: 82 Member

    Lots of RNs here!

    I am going to school to become a clinical social worker geared towards working with Hospice patients. I completed a 10 week internship through a Hospice organization.. I have to say I have never felt so honored to work with individuals that appreciate everything you do for them.. Working with patients that do not have long to live is difficult but am 100% sure this is the career path I want to take..... Hats off to you my friend!! :-
  • sharishopalot
    sharishopalot Posts: 82 Member

    Lots of RNs here!

    I am going to school to become a clinical social worker geared towards working with Hospice patients. I completed a 10 week internship through a Hospice organization.. I have to say I have never felt so honored to work with individuals that appreciate everything you do for them.. Working with patients that do not have long to live is difficult but am 100% sure this is the career path I want to take..... Hats off to you my friend!! :-
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    Courtroom Clerk. (Most commonly recognized as the person who swears you in before you testify).
    Love it!
  • KingBee79
    KingBee79 Posts: 16 Member
    Mergers and Acquisitions.

  • Academic - too much time reading, thinking and talking and not enough doing exercise!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm a bookstore manager at a trade school. I love it and it pays the bills, but I'm eventually going to look into a career change, either aquatics or baking.
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    corporate travel consultant
  • school bus driver for special needs children:happy:
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    customer assistant in a supermarket