Pet peeves at the gym-_-

I know there are a lot of weird things that people do at the gym. What are some of your pet peeves you see at the gym. My personal favs are people that sit in one spot and text for an hour.... but dont worry they still went to the gym lol. And the people that stay on one machine/bench and refuse to allow you to work in with them or even move until they've done their 12th set.


  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    OMG I don't think I should have opened this thread. There are so many things that people do at the gym that annoy me, I may not be able to stop typing (though will be very interested to see if anyone else feels the same about what I write below....)

    I mainly go to classes so am only basing my peeves on them.

    -People who come in late and expect the instructor to stop the class and explain what to do
    -People who have zero awareness of the idea of space (e.g. people come in to Body Combat and stand right next to me. Hullo there is kicking in this class?!!?)
    -People who set up their body pump bar, and take everything off, AT the weight stand. If everyone did that the class would never get started.
    -People who bring all their crap into class with them. Mobiles, bags, coats, I've even seen people getting changed *in* the class. My gym has around 500 lockers so no excuses. Also this poses a safety issue with people tripping over stuff. There is supposed to be a rule about this but the instructors never enforce it.
    -People who can't count to 4. In Body Pump it never fails to amaze me how people seem to be unable to count from 1 to 4 in a variety of ways, e.g. 2+2, 1+3. And they even have music to help them :)
    -People who chat loudly in between tracks in classes, whilst the instructor is detailing the next track, only to them ask the instructor a question that they answered while they were chatting. Seriously annoying.
    -People who bring their mobile phones into yoga class and look embarrassed when it goes off during relaxation. Doh!
    -People who take your spot in class when you go to get water during a break. That is just not on!

    I better stop before I get on to what happens in the spa... :)
  • Way too many to mention however if I was to narrow it down to my top 3 pet peeves then it would be...

    -Reading magazines/books on the cardio machines, c´mon are you really wanting to work out or do you just want to catch up on the latest celeb gossip.

    -Other gym members (mainly men) asking how to get bigger, there is no secret to this one. Being a lot bigger than the rest of my regular gym that I train at during the off season i get asked alot weather i´m on the juice or what the secret to getting big is. Really its simple work hard and eat heaps.

    -The one rep guy, he really isn´t impressing anyone loading up his bar to attempt a half rep. Really fella nobody is looking at how strong you are, most people are laughing at you.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Way too many to mention however if I was to narrow it down to my top 3 pet peeves then it would be...

    -Reading magazines/books on the cardio machines, c´mon are you really wanting to work out or do you just want to catch up on the latest celeb gossip.

    -Other gym members (mainly men) asking how to get bigger, there is no secret to this one. Being a lot bigger than the rest of my regular gym that I train at during the off season i get asked alot weather i´m on the juice or what the secret to getting big is. Really its simple work hard and eat heaps.

    -The one rep guy, he really isn´t impressing anyone loading up his bar to attempt a half rep. Really fella nobody is looking at how strong you are, most people are laughing at you.
    I don't worry about other people at the gym. Makes it much more pleasant.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    when an aerobic class gets out and all the ladies take power dumps in the locker room bathroom.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Uh oh! I read my textbooks when I'm doing the elliptical.

    My biggest pet peeve is when someone takes up an ENTIRE bench in the locker room or swims slowly in the fast lane.
  • brocksmom
    brocksmom Posts: 103 Member
    We have 2 dressing rooms at my gym. I hate it when people put their change of clothes in there and take a shower.
    Not wiping off the equipment after a workout.
  • brocksmom
    brocksmom Posts: 103 Member
    We have 2 dressing rooms at my gym. I hate it when people put their change of clothes in there and take a shower.
    Not wiping off the equipment after a workout.

    (double post sorry)
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I tell 'em to move. I pay a lot for the gym and if they ain't gonna use it, get the heck outta the way! Yep, I get pissed.....
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    The naked ness. It's fine if you're comfortable with your body....the rest of us are NOT comfortable with the nakedness.
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Way too many to mention however if I was to narrow it down to my top 3 pet peeves then it would be...

    -Reading magazines/books on the cardio machines, c´mon are you really wanting to work out or do you just want to catch up on the latest celeb gossip.

    -Other gym members (mainly men) asking how to get bigger, there is no secret to this one. Being a lot bigger than the rest of my regular gym that I train at during the off season i get asked alot weather i´m on the juice or what the secret to getting big is. Really its simple work hard and eat heaps.

    -The one rep guy, he really isn´t impressing anyone loading up his bar to attempt a half rep. Really fella nobody is looking at how strong you are, most people are laughing at you.
    I don't worry about other people at the gym. Makes it much more pleasant.

    Ditto. I'm not them; they're not me. So unless they're personally hindering my getting a workout, then I don't care what others do.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I go to a small gym because it's cheap. They have 5 great elliptical machines and 12 crappy ones. Now that everyone has made their resolutions, too many new people using the good machines!! Ugh!!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I don't worry about other people at the gym. Makes it much more pleasant.
    Ditto. I'm not them; they're not me. So unless they're personally hindering my getting a workout, then I don't care what others do.
    (high five)
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    When people don't clean the machines after they use them. I want nothing to do with other people's sweat, etc. :grumble: :noway:
  • brindlechewy
    brindlechewy Posts: 84 Member
    The one that irritates me is when people swear really loudly. I don't mean swearing because they dropped something or hurt themselves, I mean people who are conversing with their friends and feel that every other word needs to be f*** or s***or something similar. I wish they understood how ignorant, classless, and trashy they sounded. I usually stare deeply into their eyes and give them a glare of utter disgust. :mad: Before anyone tells me to stop eavesdropping, my complaint is about people who, in addition to cursing like they're in a bar, also tend to YELL their conversations so that everybody nearby can hear.
  • People who just sit on a machine texting
  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    Wow, so many things annoy me at the gym, not to even mention in the locker room...

    - When twoi friends sit at a station not doing anything, just sitting around and chattin

    - When there's a jillion free machines but the bro who's gonna make an *kitten* out of himself on the elliptical gets on the one next to me

    - When the girl who wears a thong halfway above her workout pants decides to do her leg lifts in front of me, basically putting nothing but her *kitten* in my field of vision. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    - When there's a jillion free machines but the bro who's gonna make an *kitten* out of himself on the elliptical gets on the one next to me
    How does one "make an *kitten*" of themselves on the elliptical?
    - When the girl who wears a thong halfway above her workout pants decides to do her leg lifts in front of me, basically putting nothing but her *kitten* in my field of vision. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT
    Speak for yourself. :smile:
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    When people don't clean the machines after they use them. I want nothing to do with other people's sweat, etc. :grumble: :noway:

    This! I don't need your germs!

    I also get frustrated when two or more people come in together and have a LOUD conversation. I'm going to go deaf from my iPod so you can get your weekly chat in.

    And seriously... why torture yourself by watching THE FOOD NETWORK while you work out??

    That's all. :)
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    Oh man, I could go on and on! But i won't, I'll just stick with my pet peeves at Yoga class.
    Before class starts you are supposed to quietly enter the class, lay out your mat and either leave or lay quietly on your yoga mat until the class starts. Sounds simple? No, because "chatty Cathy" is always there whispering to her buddy for a solid 10 minutes!
    There are times that the class is so full that peoples yoga mats are nearly touching. Makes me crazy!! I shouldn't be able to smell the person next to me! Makes for a frustrating class when you keep hitting the people next to you. oh! and out of order showers? haha! I do Moksha yoga and at the end of class everyone is dripping sweat, absolutely soaked (the room is heated to 40 degrees) there are 4 showers in the ladies change room, not near enough. Even worse is when some of the showers are out of order. :/
    Thanks! I feel better! Lol.