
I just had a look at my BMR and the reccomended calories etc in my goals section, and both say I should be eating about 1900 calories a day...that seems like ALOT. I have been eating about 1250 a day, and im always full. I have compromised, and upped my calories to 1400, instead of the full 1900.

I was just wondering if this is ok? I want to do it right, but it does seem like alot of calories to eat 1900 in a day, which would then go up when i exercise as well, there is no way id be able to keep doing that!

Please help! :)


  • Platnex
    Platnex Posts: 110 Member
    It all depends on the lifestyle you live along with the body size you have, a skinny person that leads an active life (lets say someone who works on his or her feet all day) will need a lot more than someone who works in an office, maybe change your lifestyle settings on your account?
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    1250 is quite low.

    If you keep losing weight at 1400 for three weeks then try increasing it again to 1500. I'd keep doing that until I reached a loss rate of 1% of my body weight per week.
  • Malvarez2013
    Malvarez2013 Posts: 19 Member
    1250 is not low for a woman. It is very low for a man. I've gone from 165 to 127 eating 1200 calories a day. I am 20 and 5'5" and to maintain my current weight I'd have to eat approx. 1800 calories. I would actually gain weight if I ate 1900 calories a day (with no exercise). But it does all depend on your lifestyle as said and your height, age, so on...
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    You need to eat above your BMR but below your active metabolic rate. My BMR is 1450, so I ate 1600 calories and my active rate is 1700 (my calorie allowance at my goal weight is 1690) when I started dieting and I lost all my weight by eatingn1600 calories. I didn't starve myself. I ate my exercise calories. This can be done and done properly. No need to be eating the 1200 or 1300 ridiculous amounts that MFP tells you! My success is my proof. I have muscle and I still ate like a normal person.

    If you eat below your BMR, you are starving yourself and any efforts at building muscle will be out the door because your body will be breaking down muscle to supply your body with nutrients. eventually it can't do this anymore and then you'll plateau (which you see a lot of on here, big surprise). MSG me if you want I can give you a site that helped me with all this confusion (no fads, just facts!). I think it gets modded if I put it on here.