Newby member and diet newby

Hi... name is Saj and I am getting married in two months! My goal is to lose at least 10 kgs in the two remaining month so that I would look good in a suit without having a bulging stomach. Any recommendation and tips are welcome. This is my first intense diet and I am up to day 3. I am experiencing a few symptoms like weakness and irritability. A bit of light headedness in the afternoons but so far managed to lose 1 kg.

I think I will need a lot of motivation through this so if you like encouraging people, please add me and keep pushing me!


  • anchorageb2
    anchorageb2 Posts: 55 Member
    If I only needed to loose that little and was worried about a tummy bulge I would not even worry about a diet regime( then again I am here ) but start an exercise one focused on my abs every other day and an allover workout on the other ones.. Whats Awesome is that abs tone up really fast. One of the funnest ways I use to tone my abs was by taking a belly dancing class but I know its very rare for men to do that so hopefully you could find something that would be enjoyable for you.
  • sajithj
    I suppose I better start the abs crunch every other day. Belly dancing sounds like fun though.... Not sure how belly dancing would look with a huge tummy! lol
  • prasadsshah
    We are in the same boat. Just be focused and keep in
    touch with people like me.