I keep binging! Need help!



  • Figuringoutme
    I've been drinking lots of water, chewing gum. My stomach hurts so bad, I wanna cry. I just want to go eat. My mouth feels like it is starving.
  • Figuringoutme
    Thanks everyone for your help
  • skatermom503
    Are you under some kind of stress right now?
  • Figuringoutme
    not stressed.

    i just....Idk
  • andiecorbo
    have you tried Hoodia? It's good for cutting back the appetite.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    wow - sounds like you are in a really tough spot right now. I feel for you. I have problems with bingeing too.

    Does it get worse when you are overwhelmed or under emotional stress?

    I agree with everyone who recommended distraction. I REALLY have to work to distract myself - lots of times I don't feel like I have the energy to distract myself!!! I really have to push myself. I do stuff like get on fb, I do puzzles like Words With Friends, I plan trips I never take (!), look at house design blogs .... - usually if I can find something to do with my hands it helps a lot.

    if it's something you're upset about then maybe write/type/journal? I quit journaling for awhile b/c every time I journaled, I'd cry (!) - But I started again. And I still cry A LOT when I write - but it is REALLY REALLY good to just process how you feel and give it some voice.

    hope this helps!

    sounds like you have lots of support here - good job reaching out! :smile:
  • jukramer
    jukramer Posts: 39 Member
    I don't know if this will help you, but when I feel like binge eating, I just go to bed. I've been in my bed reading since 7:00 tonight because I know if I'm up, I'll eat. It's just been that kind of day.
    I'm so sorry - I know exactly how you feel.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    +1 to the above - sometimes there's nothing else to do but go to bed and have a good cry - it's amazing how much clearer things can seem the next morning even when it feels like the middle of craziness.

    also - another distraction could be laying down in a dark room and listening to a podcast/book on tape.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    For me, especially when I know I am not hungry, I make a deal with myself to just wait 20 minutes, and if I still want it (whatever "it" is) I can have it. If I want more, it's another 20 minute wait. Usually helps at least cut down on the stuff I am eating.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've upped my calories to where I am trying to be close to 2000. Plus more if I exercise. Lately I have been having a day a week where I am at least 2000(!!!!) over my goal. I am going crazy and really don't know how to stop myself. I'm full. I'm not hungry yet I keep eating. Digging through cupboards, the freezer and the fridge.
    I drink water, I am trying to eat veggies when I get days like this. I just don't know what to do anymore.
    You just need to decide if being fit is something you really want.

    Sure, we all say we want it, but do we want health and fitness more than the fleeting pleasures of eating?
    You, and ONLY you can answer this. And only you are the author of your future - nobody else.

    Do you want it?
    I struggled with this very challenge. I just could not stop binge eating, so I had to consciously attach intense pain to being fat which was easy. I was an unattractive, unlovable walrus looking guy. My wife no longer wanted to be with me in bed.
    And I attached great pleasure in reaching my fitness goals. Now, any action that moves me away from my goals is an easy temptation to avoid.

    Answer for yourself: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT THIS?
  • MEGAmm
    MEGAmm Posts: 40 Member
    I've been binging a lot too recently... I am an emotional eater and I eat empty calories to feel better. The problem is, I end up feeling worse about myself.

    Some things I like to do to try and limit binges:
    -Drink lots of fluids, especially water (not empty calories like soda or juice... crystal light, coffee, or tea are good choices for me because it's hard for me to drink a lot of water).
    -Eat some fibrous vegetables. Or some fruit, if you're craving something sweet
    -Go for a walk. This one is difficult for me because often times when I binge it's because I'm depressed and don't want to move. The walk will help you avoid food AND make you feel better if you're in a slump. Hard to start, but it's worth it if you can get yourself up and moving.
    -Go to sleep early. Wake up and have a big, healthy, balanced breakfast and a little caffeine (coffee or tea).
    -Eat SLOWLY. If you are full, stop eating. Pay attention to the kinds of foods you are eating and the quantities.
    -Write EVERYTHING in your food journal. I recently made my public and it's humiliating at times... but it keeps me accountable.

    Good luck. I hope you find happiness and are able to treat your body the way it deserves. Add me as a friend if you need additional support. I can always use a fellow MFP friend to keep me in check, too. :-)
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    I actually had a binging episode today too. I find that I do this when I get upset. I turn to food to try and comfort myself I guess. I am trying to find a new outlet to turn to. The gum idea is great and I am going to try and do that now.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    The more I think about what I shouldn't eat, the more I want to eat it.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Are you pregnant?
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Can you try to split up your meals? That way you will feel like you are constantly eating- which in fact, you are! hehehe

    I try to eat every 3 hours for a total of 6 times a day, but of course have smaller portions. I try to do 3 meals and 3 snacks and drink lots in between- coffee, tea, water, seltzer water.

    Best of luck!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    It's sounds like you're really struggling and I'm sorry to hear that. It definitely sucks. You seem to be describing something very intense though. Have you considered the possibility that you may have an eating disorder or are developing one? Eating disorders range from anorexia to binge-eating disorders. It's a whole spectrum. If you would like to talk or need support, let me know :smile:
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    I have noticed that when I am going to be food naughty, I feel it coming on. It is in my thoughts long before it actually passes my lips. Think WAY ahead about when you can do/eat instead of the sugar plums dancing in your head. Good luck!:smile:
  • hellokello
    hellokello Posts: 18 Member
    I agree with the gum thing. Buy the sugar free kind, and lots of it. Water will just add bloat, and if you're binging on salty foods, the more the water in your body increases, thus triggering your body to crave MORE salt...and the cycle never ends.

    Post a picture of a pair of jeans or an outfit you'd like to fit into, or a simple note like "DON'T DO IT, You DESERVE TO BE HEALTHY AND HAPPY" on the fridge, or on the cabinets you tend to open when binging. It can serve as a small reminder of your goals.

    Or - add me as a friend and I'll help lift you up! I'm always here for support if you need it :)
  • AnastasiaVegGIrl
    I hear you - I've had a long history of binge eating and that's why I gained so much weight so fast.

    Here's what I figured out. Eating is a coping mechanism - and also puts weight on which ultimately helps you to feel safe - it's a layer of protection. Is there anything that is stressing you out in particualar? Sometimes it's unconscious.

    I've been listening to some hypnotherapy audios each day, those seem to help. There's a bunch on Itunes, weight loss hypnotherapy and meditations.

    When you get stressed out, you can have a signal in your brain that is alerting you to eat carbs, which cause a rush of seritonin and can calm you down. There is a physical reason for binging, but it's usually rooted in something emotional. You're so wise and brave to reach out for help.

    Now...Breathe. It will all be okay.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I feel for you. I'm stubborn.. so when I get it in my head that I want to binge, and many times it's totally planned, there is nothing that is going to stop me from doing it. Like most of us, it's triggered by something emotional, not by the desire for the food, although there have been days that a speeding locomotive couldn't stop me from a bucket of fried chicken, and I do mean the whole bucket. But in the end, it's usually just the desire to fill whatever need it is that is lacking. But when I'm doing all the right things, eating right, working out, the desire to binge really does go away for the most part.

    You've lost a lot of weight and so you must know in your heart of hearts that this too shall pass. I agree about turning off the lights and going to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day, and if you make it through the night without creeping to the kitchen, you'll feel empowered and great about yourself for not falling into a bad habit. Be strong.. YOU CAN DO IT!