Food Survey

jms1985 Posts: 58 Member
Hey all! I thought it would be fun to do a little mini food survey, just a few questions. Answer if you'd like, comment, reply, ask your own questions, I don't care!

1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?
5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?

1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
Well this time around, I'm not giving anything up (well, 1 thing). If I tell myself I can't have something, I will fail. But I am being more aware of what I'm eating (obviously) & if I want a piece of pizza, I'm gonna eat it & will make up for it elsewhere. Of the items I eat less of, it's def CHEESE. I love cheese, but topping something with cheese is an easy way to go waaaay over your calories. I'm def a fan of the Weight Watcher & Baby Bell cheese, it's amazing how they can put just 30 calories in those wedgies! PS - the item I gave up was diet soda (actually - all soda). Not as hard as I thought it would be.

2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
Well, I already mentioned the Weight Watchers & Baby Bell cheese..... but I think Lean Cuisine's are great! They have a lot of sodium really, but all processed food does. They have been a life saver lately for me during the week, especially nights I go to Zumba & don't get to eat dinner 'till I get home at like 8... nothing like popping something in the microwave for a couple minutes, not being a zillion calories & tasting SOOO good!

3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
For me, it's all TIME. I don't have the time! On my non-Zumba days when I actually cook dinner, I don't end up eating 'till about 7:15ish if I start cooking as soon as I walk in the door. Also - for lunches... I try to bring a lunch to work everyday bc I can control what I'm eating better, but I have to prep it the night before or I won't make it in the morning, then I'm out buying food somewhere.

4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?
Oh geez... this one is tough, there are so many delicious foods! I'm going to say...... Macaroni & Cheese. Plus there are so many ways to change it up, it'd be amazing lol.

5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?
I haven't ate out that much since I started dieting (that's what got me here to begin with!), but I think Applebee's is great - they have a handful of under 550 calorie items on their menu. And of course - Subway.


  • kimziebaby
    kimziebaby Posts: 133 Member
    1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
    - definitely ben & jerry's fudge brownie ice cream :( haha

    2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
    jenny-o or lean cuisine for sure

    3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
    portioning my foods. constantly measuring..

    4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?
    pizza!! lol, i looove papa john's pizza. :(

    5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?
    the only place i can think of is subway. that's the only chain place i can think of. otherwise, i cook. :)
  • sharonak333
    1. chocolate tied with McDonald's french fries
    2. Winn Dixie fat free cottage cheese (weird, I know but I love it!)
    3. Salting less
    4. chocolate candy
    5. Applebees (has a weight watcher menu)
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
    Chocolate. Sweets. I love baking, and it's hard not to eat what I make.

    2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
    I really like fruit, and Fage greek yogurt. The yogurt isn't exactly low calorie, it's at 120, but it has a lot of protein, and less fake stuff than most yogurt. It keeps me going during the day.

    3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
    Meh...I haven't really had challenges. I'm the sort of person who just reaches into the fridge for a tomato and cheese when she wants lunch. I don't cook, I bake.... I've had some issues with frozen food.

    4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?
    Pumpkin bread with chocolate chips. Even in ridiculously small pieces, it has liek 372 calories...probably because I put too many goddamn chocolate chips in there...

    5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?
    Don't go to iHop. Pancakes are up to 1000 calories. Or Red Robin, it's terrible. Or Chili's. I can give you a lot of places not to go. I have a pasta restaurant in my area that's pretty good, and I just always order off the kids menu.
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
    definitely pizza! i'm still not at the point where i dare to buy my favorite frozen kind & just have two pieces instead of the whole thing!
    2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
    don't really think i have one yet.
    3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
    well when i was eating unhealthy i wasn't really cooking..more like popping a pizza or something in the oven so i guess just finding the time to actually cook.
    4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?
    chicken quesadilla from taco bell, YUM!
    5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?
    denmark's deprived, the only chains we have are mcdonalds & burger king. :(
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    1. cheeseburgers (i have them on english muffins with swiss cheese and extra lean meat now. not the same, but better for me)
    2. general mills fiber one brownie bars - 90 calories for a chocolate brownie? score!
    3. the constant measuring
    4. jack in the box ultimate cheeseburger w/bacon
    5. chick fil a and boston market - love chicken of any kind and they offer the best non-fried options
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    1) Cookies and brownies.
    2) Don't really have a favorite brand. Love the laughing cow cheese wedges though.
    3) It's a breeze now, but getting started for me was the hard part. All of the recipe finding, spice buying, finding things in the store etc.
    4) Pizza for sure.
    5) Applebees and Subway
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    1. cheeseburgers (i have them on english muffins with swiss cheese and extra lean meat now. not the same, but better for me)
    2. general mills fiber one brownie bars - 90 calories for a chocolate brownie? score!
    3. the constant measuring
    4. jack in the box ultimate cheeseburger w/bacon
    5. chick fil a and boston market - love chicken of any kind and they offer the best non-fried options

    Hmm wasn't aware of the fiber one brownie bars....where are these located? With snack cakes or with cereal type bars?
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
    Peanut Butter, for sure. I refuse to give up my chocolate.

    2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
    Laughing Cow - Can you go wrong with those little wedges? I think not.

    3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
    Making it taste good enough for my husband to eat too.

    4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?

    5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?
    Applebee's is reliable, but not my favorite. We have Taco Times here. Their light meal is delish.
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
    - Cheeseburgers, curly fries, & anything fried or overly sweet

    2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
    - Skinny Cow, Laughing Cow, Amy's Organic

    3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
    - Constant measuring, everything

    4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?
    - Curly fries! The ones from Jack in the Box are SO good :(

    5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?
    - El Pollo Loco, Subway, McDonalds, Applebee's
  • ehilgeman
    ehilgeman Posts: 45
    1) What food has been the hardest for you to give up or eat less of?
    ---Potato chips - like the slogan goes, I can't eat just one!

    2) What is your favorite "diet food" - in general or a brand?
    ---Vitamuffins are magic, Laughing Cow, Carb V Carb Check bagels, Dreamfields pasta, light soy milk, Dreyer's slow churned ice cream

    3) What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to cooking healthy?
    ---Portion sizes - I cook healthy then divide into 4 servings instead of 6, throw in a few extra ounces of ground beef, etc.

    4) If there was one food you could eat every day for the rest of your life, and that food magically had zero calories & wasn't bad for you, what would it be?
    ---Cookies.....Pizza......Pizza......Cookies.......Can't decide!

    5) What are some of the best (chain) places you have found to eat out at when watching calories?
    ---Carl's Jr!!!! Yay, turkey burgers. Applebee's, Chick Fil'A
  • jms1985
    jms1985 Posts: 58 Member
    Interesting! Never thought to have a cheeseburger on an english muffin!
  • jms1985
    jms1985 Posts: 58 Member
  • amonkey9
    1. its not TOO hard, but meals that tend to be high cal.

    2. oh gosh, fruits, veggies, oatbran, the list goes on :)

    3. learning to cook at all

    4. anything i can put chocolate on ;P

    5. I don't really eat out, but either The Cupboard Cafe, or Jason's Deli (only because they have amazing salad bars)