Working out and not losing lbs.. Frustrating

Hi all,

I know I am probably not the only one who has experienced this, but I have been working out hardcore continuously since March of 2011, and since I started I have stayed the exact same weight. I still count my calories, but I am guilty of mostly eating the calories I burn with working out, but I am still netting 1200 cals a day. (Example, I eat 1800 cals, and burn 600 cals from exercise). Honestly, when I work out, I seem to be a little hungrier.

Despite this frustration, my body is definitely more toned, so no complaints there.. However, there are 5 stubborn lbs I would still like to lose!! Help!


  • rtmitch88
    rtmitch88 Posts: 12 Member
    you've hit a plateau that i am all too familiar with. from my experiences talking to personal trainers and asking questions on facebook to fitness junkies, your body is accustomed to the 1200/day regime. try spiking your calories to 1500-1600 for one day, then next day return to 1200 and your body will be like "????"