Any active vegans or vegetarians on here?! :)



  • Niledhel
    Niledhel Posts: 134 Member
    I'm a vegeterian vegan-wannabe, and I would like more active friends in here. =) Anyday ^^
  • Wow, I did not expect such great feedback! Hello fellow veggies, thanks for all the friend requests! :) I have to agree with the carb-overload that can come from cutting out meat and meat products. Luckily I run quite a bit so I don't feel too bad eating bread and pasta frequently. I have another question for you guys: anyone have good recipes for incorporating veggies into breakfast? I seem to only get my fill at dinner and I'd like to balance that out. Thanks again!
  • Jnh16
    Jnh16 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't technically 'qualify' but I just started doing dairy free this week to see if my baby has a dairy sensitivity, so I'm still eating meat but no forms of dairy which is hard since its in nearly everything! I would love advice too!
  • linettev
    linettev Posts: 4 Member
    I've been vegan for over 2 years now, and I'm very happy with it. I've always been a bit of a carb fiend, even when I was omnivorous, and that's not changed much! My biggest worry is B12, but I take supplements to make sure all is well in that area.

    Honestly though, my food has got into a bit of a rut, and I'm not really eating the variety of foods I should be, so that's partially why I've shared my diary, to try and encourage myself to make better choices.

    Veggies for breakfast is an interesting one, as so many cultures see our habit of eating different types of food at breakfast compared to lunch and dinner, as really weird. You could try shaking off the breakfast cultural concept and having what could also be thought of as a light lunch. Or, delve into the world of fruit salads for brekkie, not veg I know, but closer than many breakfasts. Or if you like them, delve into the world of juices. Start with a fruit one with maybe some beetroot or carrot in, and slowly go full veg.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Wow, I did not expect such great feedback! Hello fellow veggies, thanks for all the friend requests! :) I have to agree with the carb-overload that can come from cutting out meat and meat products. Luckily I run quite a bit so I don't feel too bad eating bread and pasta frequently. I have another question for you guys: anyone have good recipes for incorporating veggies into breakfast? I seem to only get my fill at dinner and I'd like to balance that out. Thanks again!

    Have dinner for breakfast. Steamed veggies and rice. Tofu scramble with loads of veggies. Miso loaded with veggies.
  • amyhollar
    amyhollar Posts: 107 Member
    I don't officially label myself anything but I try to eat at least 85% plant-based diet.....I love vegan recipes, they inspire me! Veggies and vegans feel free to add me I love looking at people's diaries that aren't loaded with meat! Check out for amazing vegan creations I make her recipes all the time!

    As far as veggies for breakfast go, I make smoothies with spinach or kale in them as well as carrots, pumpkin, squash, etc. I blend leafy greens into my chia seed breakfast puddings too. Gena just posted this the other day, maybe you'd like it :
  • linettev
    linettev Posts: 4 Member

    Have dinner for breakfast. Steamed veggies and rice. Tofu scramble with loads of veggies. Miso loaded with veggies.

    Oh wow! I totally forgot to suggest scrambled tofu!! Great breakfast idea! I use variations on the postpunk kitchen's recipe here: and like they say, you can also make a burrito with scrambled tofu for brekkie on the go...
    (hmm.. I used to make piles of brekkie burritos and freeze them, microwaving one for breakfast each morning back when I ate egg still, I wonder how that would work with tofu? I know freezing changes the texture, but may be worth an experiment!!)
  • Jessmoylan3
    Jessmoylan3 Posts: 2 Member
    One tip for you, I use Arbonne's Protein shakes when I'm on the go and want a healthy and more cost friendly meal than eating out. They are certified vegan as well as gluten free! Let me know if you'd like more info.
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Hi I'm vegetarian (have been for nearly 30 yrs now!) - biggest nutrition concerns are not eating enough protein (especially when dieting as cut cheese & nuts out as too fatty so have to rely on eggs, tofu and beans/pulses) and not getting enough iron - I frequently become chronically anaemic and have to have treatment doses of ferrous sulphate to get my iron levels back up to normal. anaemia can be very debilitating as effectively not enough iron to effectively transport haemaglobin (and therefore Oxygen) round your body so get incredibly tired and breathless (not a great combo when you already feel like that through being overweight) ! Dark leafy veg (spinach), eggs, tofu, dried apricots are all good sources of iron for veggies.
  • bluestocking06
    bluestocking06 Posts: 66 Member
    I've been vegetarian since I was 13 and have been living with a vegan for the past 4, so I eat mostly vegan. I have to say my biggest struggle has actually been not enough sodium. I know that's pretty rare but since we don't really eat anything packaged and only use salt sparingly in cooking, we were both having a really hard time recovering from intense workouts (he does half marathons, I do long distance biking and triathlons.) We would feel off for days after races or long training rides/runs. We finally figured out that we need to buy some chips or something to keep our electrolytes in better balance.
  • I've been a vegetarian ( well technically pescatarian, I still eat fish) since August. Feel free to add me :) I eat a lot of beans, veggies, and fruits. And peanut butter--it's my weakness ;)
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I am no longer vegan after 15 yrs as I eat dairy now, but I still am vegetarian.... You can friend me!!!
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    I am a vegetarian with lofty hopes of transitioning to vegan....the only problem is I don't react very well with carbs...not helpful! Would be happy to be friends with any fellow non-flesh-eaters :)
  • Undeadhellokitty
    Undeadhellokitty Posts: 15 Member
    I've been a full Vegetarian for a little over 4 years now, but my journey into meatless living started over 7 years ago. I went Vegan for 2 weeks last year, and absolutely loved it, but was living with a very unsupportive individual, so couldn't really delve into it as much as I'd liked to have. With that negativity out of my life now, I'm ready to go for it again. I've been seriously impressed by some of the Vegan recipe blogs I've found recently, and have decided that starting February 1st, I'm going to try the Vegan lifestyle again. If any other Vegans want to add me and give me some starter tips, I'd be much appreciative!
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    Vegetarian here- feel free to add me ;)
  • Thamantha
    Thamantha Posts: 102 Member
    I'm vegetarian as well, quite a lot of us about :)

    I really struggle with gettig enough protein - especially as I don't like eating tofu/quorn (it's a texture thing). I've been knocking back lots of skimmed milk to get my protein levels just up to the recommended levels here, and would love to find better sources. Any suggestions?
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    in the process of transitioning to totally raw vegan right now!! add me anyone!
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I'm mostly vegetarian. I found that it helped with my joint pain a lot. I do still eat fish on occasion but about 90% of the time I'm veggie. I have issues with my love for cheese but am working on that right now. I take a whey protien suppliment 3 times a day and when I eat pasta I eat whole wheat and more raw veggies. I'm relatively new to vegetarianism (about 1 year) but I have never felt better. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    I and going back to vegetarian after a very bad ex-husband and fighting to get any food I could for a few years.I do have plans of going vegan but am worried about outside influences and getting the right amounts of well everything. I so far have changed to clean eating around here and that went over so well. I just need a bit of help. Always up for a new and helpful friend. leave a message with a request if you want to!
  • healthyyme
    healthyyme Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a vegan! :)