Sweet Tooth

Can anyone give me some suggestions to curb my sweet tooth. Every night right after dinner I have to have some sort of sweet. Cupcakes, cake, donuts, twinkies or Ice cream. I try to ignore the cravings but nope no can do. Can anyone give me some low calorie ideas. It only happens at night. I can care less about sweets during the day :sad:


  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    i cant help you im afraid because i have exactly the same problem :sad:
    hopefully someone can help us both!
  • Maybe you could try some Weight Watchers ice cream and have them in the freezer for those late night cravings... they help me..
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    A. reduce or eliminate processed foods/refined sugars in your diet and you will find that the sugar cravings are largely reduced or eliminated. you see, eating refined sugar (or foods with a high glycemic index value) create cravings for more sugary foods. and, by foods, this also includes the sugar and artificial sweeteners in drinks and diet drinks.

    B. of course, part of your ongoing cravings is simply habit. one way to kick the habit is to eliminate ALL of the crap from your house. you can't eat a twinkie at night if its not in your house. (obviously, you could drive to the store and get one, but that would require one serious craving and one serious lack of will power/motivation for the journey).

    if you do A and B, you will kick the sugar cravings.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Ditto on the weight watchers ice cream treats and popsicles....I love the giant fudge pop :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    also, do the activity in my will power blog. if you dig deep enough, are honest enough with yourself for the reasons you want to get healthier, and commit all of that to writing....you will find the will to avoid crap most days. It is okay to reward yourself once in a while ;)

  • Hi there,

    I just joined 10 minutes ago :)

    Your Sweet tooth title drew me in.... I have the same problem, I think I feel I deserve my 'Treat' because I don't have anything else ie smoke or drink... so when I finally get rid of the hubby & kids I like to have '2' biscuits/ cakes or chocolate... but then I go mad & go WAY overboard....
    So I'm trying to swap for a Yogurt or a cereal bar... so far so good... ish.. :D Or you could have a 'small' bowl of dried fruit & nut mix...

    I do know if I remind myself to slow down & enjoy what I'm eating I don't eat as much.

    There I hope that helped... :D
  • slolife14
    slolife14 Posts: 22 Member
    I think I will try the weight watchers Ice cream I know I cant eat just one, but I can stop at three :blushing:
  • slolife14
    slolife14 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh I have tried yogurt, every once in a while a hand full of almonds and prunes work, but the next night here we go again. I don't know that I can stop the cravings just yet. I just think I have to come up with better choices.
  • harrietflorence
    harrietflorence Posts: 20 Member
    going to sound crazy but seriously at the beginning if you need real sugar, then i would suggest getting a small chocolate bar and melting it over the saucepan, the fact it takes time to do will start putting you off eating it, and secondly as it is melted its a lot sicklier and you will get fuller quicker, once you have had that for a few times, go onto sugar free volvic lemon flavoured water, it is good for you but tastes quite sugary which will help you grasp your sweet tooth, again a week passes u should be feeling less of the cravings for sugary things, then you can simply replace this with a piece of fruit or if your really good nothing.
    sounds mad, some people will hate me as I'm not suggesting nuts and pulses, but seriously if you go to extreme to quickly you will give up, its all about will power, no fad diet, no carbs will ever make us healthy. just eating the right quantities and exercising works. so be good to yourself but don't be too harsh, it takes time, people forget that it does sometimes,
    good luck and have a great nights sleep!!!
    Love, H <3
  • :D I totally agree... lol... that is why I added 'ish' in my original post... hee hee

    Well it's day one for me so, let's see how the week goes :)

    Best of luck x
  • SLT4273
    SLT4273 Posts: 56
    WW ice cream is the only way to go. mmmmmm @ turtle sundae!!!
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    take two grahm crackers and put fat free whipped cream between them and freeze...just like a ice cream sandwich:)
  • anshaw03
    anshaw03 Posts: 22 Member
    I am a TOTAL sugar addict. I am trying to do the same thing. What I've found is having a very sweet/tart fruit in the house (green apples, raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, etc.) really helps me. I also have given away/stopped buying so much sweets/candies so that they are not on hand as much. You can also try the Fiber One brownies-I put them in the microwave for 10 seconds so the chocolate melts-they're only 90 cals and have 20% of your recommended fiber so you feel fuller.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I do the same. I went to the freezer section at my local grocery store and found the lowest calorie ice cream treat. Perhaps surprisingly, it's in a kid's ice cream pop in the rainbow flavour. That absolutely satisfies my sweet tooth cravings and is only 103 calories.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I have a major sweet tooth,

    I like
    protein bars - some of them taste just like chocolate bars - I like the Clif Builder Bars (270 calories, 20g protein) but a lower calorie option are Special K Meal Bars (180 calories, 15g of protein) It definately helps.
    protein shakes - chocolate and vanilla flavors, shop around, the one i have is 140 calories a scoop with 24g protein.
    Yogurt (with fruit and/or cereal)
    swiss miss has diet hot chocolate - 25 calories a packet and it tastes just like the real thing
    fat free whipped cream - put it on fruit? If you buy the fat free reddi whip it only has 200 calories in the entire can. :)

    also, if you really have your heart set on that candy bar or donut, go up to the store and just buy one. Instant portion control.

    Good luck and I hope some of those help!
  • slolife14
    slolife14 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't keep any of this in my house. I just play this dumb little game. I walk to the store every night to get something sweet. That is the only way I will do it. If I can't walk for it, I can't have it. And I walk for it every night. I buy twinkies when I have guest, over so I can eat 2 or 3 and send the rest home with my guest. If I want cake, well, now they sell it by the slice I go get it.

    This is actually progress I used to buy the whole cake, and eat the whole box of twinkies. I don't drink anything but water. I don't like soda or any flavor drinks just water and occasionally I will ad half a cup of some orange or punch drink to my water.

    I'm now at the next phase where I just want to stop these stupid cravings for sugar. I'm not much of a process food's type during the day. I cook at home, hardly eat out, that is also part of the changes I've made. So far, I've lost 7 pounds in 3 mos with this switch.

    However, I need to concore this dam sweet tooth. Im not the cold turkey type I have to do it slow that is why I need some Ideas.
    ps I don't like any type of artificial sweetners.
  • slolife14
    slolife14 Posts: 22 Member
    yummmm that sounds good to me. yumm:flowerforyou:
  • slolife14
    slolife14 Posts: 22 Member
    I will check out your blog thanks
  • slolife14
    slolife14 Posts: 22 Member
    It does not sound crazy at all, Im not the cold turkey type thanks for your suggestion