Working out with Wii

anyone else use Wii to get a workout?
we got one yesterday and it is giving me such a great workout! i have been boxing, bowling and playing tennis and burning calories like mad! i love this thing! i am so sore! but that just means i am getting a good work out so it makes me happy!LOL


  • wainey48
    wainey48 Posts: 22 Member
    anyone else use Wii to get a workout?
    we got one yesterday and it is giving me such a great workout! i have been boxing, bowling and playing tennis and burning calories like mad! i love this thing! i am so sore! but that just means i am getting a good work out so it makes me happy!LOL
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I was lucky enough to get a Wii right when they first came out. I'm up to 33 games in my library! You are right, Wii sports gives you quite a workout! Check out the Wii Fit coming in May on Nintendo's website. I can't wait to get mine.
  • robotabot
    i have a wii and didn't think about that. now i have an excuse to play :)

    i'll just have to make sure to swing extra hard when i play tennis... too bad there's not some game that counts calories for you while you play it!
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    My whole family loves playing it. My 8 year old is always doing the fitness test to see how old he is! We have DDR also and that is a workout I tell you! You want to sweat try that!
  • pfisher
    pfisher Posts: 28
    Just remember to switch arms or one will be bigger then the other L.O.L
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    DDR for the wii is out this week in the uk apparently the workout option is gr8 as unlike some you have to use arms as well as dance with your legs giving a full body workout.

    Wii fit is released 25th april in the UK don't know how much of a workout you will get with this though as you have to remain on the balance board there is a step class but the board isn't that big so may not be challenging enough. Catching hula hoops is supposed to be good.

    But way to go nintendo cant wait to see what else they will release. Oh and mario kart is out 11th april I think it will be the best yet playing against anyone relatives in australia, UK, US only 1 problem - time zones.

    mario and sonic olympic games has a lot of wii action and gr8 fun to compete and I am ashamed to say I struggle to beat my 6 year old son.
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    My game craze choice of the moment is Guitar Hero III. Not much of a workout, but I'm happy to report my fingers are looking buff!:laugh:
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    SoupNazi - Is guitar hero any good I read that there was a problem its supposed to be is stereo and it is only mono. Was going to get it for my son (despite the age rating) but he would be playing on a top of the range calibrated home cinema with spectacular surround sound and I was worried in that enviroment it would sound rubbish (probably fine for our tv at home) but my son takes his games when he sleeps at his nana and grandad as they have a full large cinema screen and the characters are bigger than him plus he has no little sisters bugging him when he is there.

    Is the sound problem noticeable I am hoping that nintendo have fixed it but not read any up to date reviews of this game lately (we were looking at Xmas).
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    SoupNazi - Is guitar hero any good I read that there was a problem its supposed to be is stereo and it is only mono. Was going to get it for my son (despite the age rating) but he would be playing on a top of the range calibrated home cinema with spectacular surround sound and I was worried in that enviroment it would sound rubbish (probably fine for our tv at home) but my son takes his games when he sleeps at his nana and grandad as they have a full large cinema screen and the characters are bigger than him plus he has no little sisters bugging him when he is there.

    Is the sound problem noticeable I am hoping that nintendo have fixed it but not read any up to date reviews of this game lately (we were looking at Xmas).

    I have had absolutely no problems at all with mine. I purchased it after Christmas. More than likely, though, if there were any bugs, Nintendo has corrected it already.

    Despite the rating, my son (who's 8) plays it and there's nothing rude or vulgar on there, or he wouldn't be playing it all.
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    We love our guitar hero. My 8 year old is playing it all the time! Better than the killing games!
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    Another game to add to my list. My local game store will love me next week.
    DDR and guitar hero don't know when I will get time to play them though. It is gr8 way to spend time with my son who left on his own would play lego star wars on his ds all night that is where the wii is gr8 a real family thing my 2 yr old gets involved too now she plays golf and laughs when the balls go into the water so she wins all the time shame the wii doesn't agree with her.

    Apparently the queen of england plays the wii so there you go. Everybody should have a go no mater how old or young.
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    I bet your kids will love DDR too. My son and finacee are hard to get off it once they start and battle! It keeps them busy and out of trouble!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Guitar hero is evil. In the best possible way. I am completely addicted, and yes, I suck at it.
    Course we have a Wii and my wife is addicted to Super Mario Galaxy. figures she likes the cartoony game.
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Guitar hero is evil. In the best possible way. I am completely addicted, and yes, I suck at it.
    Course we have a Wii and my wife is addicted to Super Mario Galaxy. figures she likes the cartoony game.

    Oohh..I love Mario Galaxy. I stopped playing it because I was spending WAY too much time on it. At least with Guitar Hero your fingers get tired so you quit after awhile.

    Hey banks, have you seen that youtube video of that little kid who doesn't miss a single note on expert doing "Through The Fire And The Flames"? You should check it out.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    lol I remember when I played it for the first time and we played it all night... bowling, tennis, dodgeball, etc. and I was being so competitive with my family that I think I nearly ripped my arm out of my socket.... boy was I sore.

    I would think though eventually your arm gets used to it.

    I didnt treat it as exercise though
  • jnkreis
    jnkreis Posts: 51 Member
    We have a Wii, and a crap ton of games for it. What do you find to be the best one for burning calories?
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    We have a Wii, and a crap ton of games for it. What do you find to be the best one for burning calories?

    Well, definitely the new Wii Fit coming out soon. But I honestly must say that even though there is quite alot of movement in most of my games, the Wii sports is the only one that makes me sweat. I'm hearing alot of great things about Dance Dance Revolution, too.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Guitar hero is evil. In the best possible way. I am completely addicted, and yes, I suck at it.
    Course we have a Wii and my wife is addicted to Super Mario Galaxy. figures she likes the cartoony game.

    Oohh..I love Mario Galaxy. I stopped playing it because I was spending WAY too much time on it. At least with Guitar Hero your fingers get tired so you quit after awhile.

    Hey banks, have you seen that youtube video of that little kid who doesn't miss a single note on expert doing "Through The Fire And The Flames"? You should check it out.

    Oh I saw it. he strums once then uses both hands cuz his fingers are too small. Damn, that kid is like Rain Man with a guitar hero console.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    My 15 yr old is getting a second guitar for Wii GH3 for easter so we will be able to play two player altho he is expert and I'm bad but at least I'll be away from the fridge!!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Guitar hero is evil. In the best possible way. I am completely addicted, and yes, I suck at it.
    Course we have a Wii and my wife is addicted to Super Mario Galaxy. figures she likes the cartoony game.

    Oohh..I love Mario Galaxy. I stopped playing it because I was spending WAY too much time on it. At least with Guitar Hero your fingers get tired so you quit after awhile.

    Hey banks, have you seen that youtube video of that little kid who doesn't miss a single note on expert doing "Through The Fire And The Flames"? You should check it out.
    He was Ellen a few weeks ago.... very talented!
