ankle injury - some days affects my workout routine

6 years ago this past august, I hurt my right ankle playing touch football.
After a few drinks, i thought I was superwoman.... I landed in the ER with a bilateral break with a dislocation.

I had surgery to fix my ankle - now I have a plate and 5 pins on the right side and two more pins on the left side.

some days I find it extremely difficult to do anything - even walking can be painful. However I still do it, push myself to keep going. I think this injury is where my inhabition for exercise and weight gain started to manifest... as you can guess my activity level dropped. however the most devistating part is I have never worn any sort of heeled shoe since this day..... sad but true.....

Anyone else have the same type of injury or previous break that affects you on a regular basis. What do you do to get through it?


  • I had a similar injury in Feb. 2010. I slipped on ice and broke my lower right leg in three places, the bi-lateral fracture and, also a broken tibia. Needless to say it was a long recovery, and I couldn't drive either. My favorite activities pre-injury were hiking, distance walking, treadmill and aerobic classes. My doctor advises against all of those activities. I do ok on even surfaces, so I can walk my dog about half a mile on even surfaces. Anything on uneven terrain or involving quick movements is too painful.

    I also was diagnosed with pre-diabetes during my recovery, so exercise is vital to my health. I was able to improve my condition by breaking the exercise into 2 or 3 times a day in shorter sessions, instead of going at it for an hour.

    Try yoga, water exercises, biking or circuit work. The pounding on hard surfaces aggravates my ankle the most.
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    thanks for the info -- i will look into those activities!
  • kstadlwiser
    kstadlwiser Posts: 11 Member
    I have a bad foot injury too. Cardio seems impossible because I can only do flat footed workouts. I do a lot of weights no lunging of course! I want to try water aerobics. Very soon hopefully.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I have repeatedly sprained my left ankle and never really recovered. I still get pain so I try to do lower impact on my ankle stuff, such as elliptical trainer or walking uphill but at a moderate pace on the treadmill rather than jogging - however I am hoping that it'll eventually pass
  • efranz12
    efranz12 Posts: 46 Member
    I have what sounds like almost the exact same break. 3 broken bones, 2 plates and 7 screws all told. It's been 4 years for me now. Physical therapy and ultrasound therapy changed my life. I was in constant pain before i went through a couple months of therapy.

    That being said water aerobics and swimming are great on my "pain" days. The Physical therapist recommended I use the elliptical rather than the treadmill or outdoors for most of my runs. Good shoes, ice, prescription tylenols and my compression brace when necessary have also helped me get through my workouts.

    Ankle pain is rough and they never heal right. It sucks.