30 Day Shred Successful?

I've been hearing a lot of wonderful things about the 30 Day Shred, and I am definitely picking up my copy tomorrow to get started,
but from reading a lot of the success stories and such, I've learned that the shred doesn't really cause you to lose weight, but to tone up your body, really. I was just wondering if that would be an effective approach for me right now, as I would like to see the scale move, should I focus on pure cardio and weight loss before considering the 30 Day Shred toning, as I would like to be a certain weight, but also be sure to lose fat in certain areas of my body?


  • PennyLane1114
    PennyLane1114 Posts: 36 Member
    I just finished my second day of it. I am also looking for more of a movement on the scale. I am doing it along side with a long brisk walk each day or another type of cardio. I think the 30 Day Shred is going to help with endurance for when more of the body fat is gone. Hope you enjoy it! It's tough but worth it!
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    Bump......waiting for my copy
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm on day 4 now and I haven't seen the scale budge. Which is a bit disappointing, but what's cool is I can already feel myself getting stronger. If you want to lose weight I would recommend pairing the shred with some other form of daily cardio. It's tough, but rewarding! Good luck!
  • I think its a good idea to combine this type of work out with more pure cardio. Toning and weight training builds muscle, and having muscle burns more calories than having fat, so in turn you will see the scale move.

    The # 1 thing to see the scale move is the diet! :) hope that helps, good luck!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    I did the Shred and definitely lost more inches than weight but the strength training will help in the long run so you'll burn more calories at rest. I did extra cardio with the Shred and found that I was able to do much more, stamina-wise, than before. And overall that's going to make you more effective in your other workouts.

    Also remember you can't spot reduce fat - you have to get cardio in to lose the fat and it'll come off when and where it wants too (mostly determined by your genetics) so don't get frustrated if it's doesn't happen according to your plan.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    In my opinion, 30DS can only help. I didn't have any weight to lose, only tone, but it has helped tremendously. I wouldn't wait as it will tighten your core tremendously. AND it is a workout! So don't be mistaken you can lose weight doing the program.

    Remember, weight loss is not only about the pounds but re-shaping your body. So I would go for it. I'm on Level 3, 4 days to go. There is a after pic somewhere in my photos.

    I liked it so much I ordered Ripped In 30 after 3 days. I'll do that one in the next week or two after 30DS.
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    I lost my first 15 pounds by sticking to the 30 day shred religiously and running, plus i started to get some muscles so not only was I slimming down but shaping up too :) I started it again 2 days ago and can't wait for more results!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    The thing that causes you to lose weight is creating a calorie deficit. You can create that deficit by eating less than your body requires for maintenance, by exercising to burn additional calories, or by a combination of the two. The Shred does not generally burn a huge amount of calories unless you are a larger person (bigger people can burn more calories doing the same activity - I burn around 200-250 doing 1 level of the Shred but my DH who is 60 lbs heavier than me tends to burn 350-400). So if you're eating at a maintenance level of calories and then using the Shred to create your calorie deficit, and doing the Shred every single day, you might expect to lose somewhere from 1/2 lb to 1 lb per week. (keep in mind that many people feel it is best to take a day for rest here and ere, so you may not end up doing it every single day). If, however, you use your daily calorie consumption to make that deficit bigger, you may be able to lose more wait per week. You could also add in additional cardio to help make that deficit bigger. Weightloss is all about the calorie deficit. Create it whatever way works for you, but also make sure that the rate of weightloss you are shooting for is appropriate for the amount you have left to lose. The less you have to lose to reach your goal, the slower your loss should be in order to be healthy and sustainable. :-)

    The main focus of the Shred is on working your muscles to tighten things up - you will lose inches off your body even if the scale does not show a huge loss. And consider the fact that your body's measurements are what determines what size clothes you wear and how good you look in them, not the number on the scale. Take your measurements at various points on your body before you start - you will see definite differences even after 2 weeks, even more so by the end. That will help you keep things in perspective. :-)
  • I am on my 3rd day and I have already lost 2 lbs! I have about 150 total to lose. I had the same thought as you do I really want to tone the muscles that are all under this fat and gain weight?! But, you have to think about about the inches too. In my opinon I dont care what the scale says if I am fitting into clothes that I havent been able to fit into before! But, it is up to you and it all just depends on what you are looking for. One thing I can tell you...those workouts are no joke! My ab muscles are so sore that it hurts to breathe!! But, I am excited to see the where I will be in 30 days! Also I am on low cal low fat diet along with the videos. Good luck with whatever you choice you make!!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm on day 4 now and I haven't seen the scale budge. Which is a bit disappointing, but what's cool is I can already feel myself getting stronger. If you want to lose weight I would recommend pairing the shred with some other form of daily cardio. It's tough, but rewarding! Good luck!

    4 days is a little early I would wait for a couple of weeks. Maybe when you reach Level 2. It's much harder than Level 1!!
  • pglaf
    pglaf Posts: 257 Member
    Give it more time. It's a great workout and building muscle does help you lose weight.
    Of course your calorie intake plays a big role too.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I'm on day 4 now and I haven't seen the scale budge. Which is a bit disappointing, but what's cool is I can already feel myself getting stronger. If you want to lose weight I would recommend pairing the shred with some other form of daily cardio. It's tough, but rewarding! Good luck!

    4 days is a little early I would wait for a couple of weeks. Maybe when you reach Level 2. It's much harder than Level 1!!

    There is also the issue of water retention in the muscles when you're just starting out a more intense routine. Throughout my round of the 30DS, often my scale would read the same for several days or even a week, then if I took a day to rest, the next day the scale would drop down where I knew it should have been going the whole time. A lot of people hold onto water weight when starting a new routine that challenges their body in new ways - it's annoying when you're a serial scale watcher but it WILL go away with time, so don't let it freak you out if the number stays e same or goes up a bit briefly. As long as you are sticking to your calories, you will see results, it just might take a little time for your scale to actually show them. Yet another reason why taking measurements is helpful in showing progress. :-)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm on day 4 now and I haven't seen the scale budge. Which is a bit disappointing, but what's cool is I can already feel myself getting stronger. If you want to lose weight I would recommend pairing the shred with some other form of daily cardio. It's tough, but rewarding! Good luck!

    4 days is a little early I would wait for a couple of weeks. Maybe when you reach Level 2. It's much harder than Level 1!!

    There is also the issue of water retention in the muscles when you're just starting out a more intense routine. Throughout my round of the 30DS, often my scale would read the same for several days or even a week, then if I took a day to rest, the next day the scale would drop down where I knew it should have been going the whole time. A lot of people hold onto water weight when starting a new routine that challenges their body in new ways - it's annoying when you're a serial scale watcher but it WILL go away with time, so don't let it freak you out if the number stays e same or goes up a bit briefly. As long as you are sticking to your calories, you will see results, it just might take a little time for your scale to actually show them. Yet another reason why taking measurements is helpful in showing progress. :-)

    These are great things to keep in mind, thanks!
  • I have completed the 30 day shred on numerous occasions and have toned and lost weight. I would get started right away. I do not own a scale, but do know when I have tightened up my body: my clothes fit better. Good luck
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Today is my 1 year MFP anniversary, I started with the first 30 days doing the shred. I lost 13 lbs and truthfully don't remember the total inches but I felt very happy with the results. If you stick with it, you will definatly not regret it! Best of luck to you!
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 171 Member
    I lost my first 15 pounds by sticking to the 30 day shred religiously and running, plus i started to get some muscles so not only was I slimming down but shaping up too :) I started it again 2 days ago and can't wait for more results!

    ^ Ditto. 15 lbs and 23.5 inches. :) This was over 2 months. Just this and walking/running.
  • I'm just about to start level 3... Not much loss weight wise (4.5kg or 10pounds) but I have lost 50.5cm all over! So I am definitely looking forward to finishing =D With this level I am going to add an hour of Zumba on my days off or Zumba and Level 1 I haven't decided yet =D (Day 1: Shred, Day 2: zumba Day 3: shred etc for 20 days). I can show you progress pics so far - I'm heaps proud!!! =D
  • Demmuscles
    Demmuscles Posts: 228 Member
    It helped me lose a wee bit of weight and gain some muscle. Here is my progess so far, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/438448-the-diff-60-days-on-mfp-can-do-pics Before pics are on pg 3 now....
    Rather than losing weight with the shred, I lost inches :) It's a good workout!

    Good luck :)
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    I started 30 DS back in December and do it almost every day ( two levels, sometimes running instead) I began with Level 1 which was almost killing my abs, the butt etc and I did NOT lose weight initially. I was as disappointed as others but got the advice to stick to it and the explanation that, in order to keep up with increased exercise, your body stores glycogen and needs water to do so (retention). After 10 days the pounds started dropping off again. Not only am I losing body weight(scale) but my body is toned now, the skin much tighter and even by belly looks ok. Mind you, I had 3 kids, 2 of which by caesarean, and I am 52.
    So be patient and enjoy 30DS. You will see the results, believe me.
    And drink gallons of water, your body needs that and you will start losing quicker (it worked for me):drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • I love it! I had added it to an hour cardio routine and finished that last december, so during the shred I was working out at 1.5-2 hours a day. I am a lot more toned/strong than I was just doing my own routine!! (I can do real pushups now...hooray!) lost more inches than weight..overall I think it was 7 inches combined for 30 days. loveee jm workouts.
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