SGD - skinny girl diet

Few of my mfp friends are on this really low intake diet, i dont really know why :ohwell: . It interested me so i checked how many calories they should it and it totally shocked me :noway:

They eat most of the time 300-400 and two days in a weak 650 or 700, they also exercise a lot, so their net is mostly all of the time negative. One of them is now saying that she gained 2lbs, and people are saying to her thats because she is starving herself so her body hold to anything she is giving it.

So why they do it? Why they starve themselves ? Wouldnt it be healthier and definitely better for them if they would eat around 1200kcl ?


  • chugglebunny
    In a word YES. Of course it would be healthier to eat more for exactly the reasons you said, they are eating too few calories and they are in starvation mode so their bodies will hold on to anything they are given.

    They will be doing it because it sounds drastic and they hope they will have drastic and fast results. Thats not how healthy weight loss works...they are being dangerous, and not fuelling their bodies enough for all the exercise they are doing.
  • Acherona
    Acherona Posts: 134 Member
    In a word YES. Of course it would be healthier to eat more for exactly the reasons you said, they are eating too few calories and they are in starvation mode so their bodies will hold on to anything they are given.

    They will be doing it because it sounds drastic and they hope they will have drastic and fast results. Thats not how healthy weight loss works...they are being dangerous, and not fuelling their bodies enough for all the exercise they are doing.

    totally agree they are not eating no where near enough, they could be doing more damage to their bodies, Minimum is usually 1200 but depending on the person it can fluctuate
  • Icklemellie
    Warped sense of calorie intake if you ask me. Unless you take in enough to sustain you your body will just hold onto all the nutrients and store it.
    I personally think I would pass out on such little calorie intake. It sounds like a short term attempted quick fix fad if you ask me. Where did they hear about this ludacrus diet? Good on you for not jumping on the band wagon.
    And yes you ar right it would be definately healthier for them to eat 1200 cals a day.
    I personally had eating issues when I was younger where I would limit my intake to very little and I ended up emaciated, anaemic, and always on the verge of collapse (not healthy or sufficient for all the activities I was involved in swimming netball air cadets). Which might I add was soon rectified by a kick up the backside by my mother lol.
    Healthy eating and more excercise is the only way forward I say and the only long term sustainable solution. x
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    Warped sense of calorie intake if you ask me. Unless you take in enough to sustain you your body will just hold onto all the nutrients and store it.
    I personally think I would pass out on such little calorie intake. It sounds like a short term attempted quick fix fad if you ask me.

    yeah same here i would pass out too, and its 30 day diet, but still if they come back to eating more after arent they going to gain it all back ? but yeah one of them is normally eating 200kcl net a day anyway :ohwell:
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    I agree with what the others wrote and I think they might know that they are doing nothing good to their bodies. I had a time where I would only eat hardly anything so I lost about 24 lbs in 4 weeks. Did it stay that way? Did I look healthy? Did I feel good (healthy)? No to all and it all came back on. That is the problem with eating unhealthy, no matter which way, you are risking your health.

    I hope that they will realize that they are doing the wrong things.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Should be renamed DPD - the dead persons diet.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    It's not healthy and not sustainable and I think they know this.
    However I understand why people follow these diets.From personal experience It makes you feel like you are in control and sticking to a low calorie limit and pushing through the hunger gives a huge sense of acomplishment. In high school I would go through phases of not eating or eating very little. It was the only thing that made me feel good about myself.

    It's not possible to get all your nutrients on such a low energy intake. I hope that being on this sight they can see the sucess of people who are eating more and losing weight and realise that they are better off doing it this way.
  • chugglebunny
    Maybe you can try telling them that they are going to put it all back on as soon as they eat again to help suggest a healthier way of losing weight, because they will. Their bodies will be starving and will store anything once they start eating again. The only way to keep it really off without gaining anything back on that sort of diet is to continue with the diet....and that will lead to very severe health problems. The human body is not meant to function on that low amount of calories.
  • Karamonster
    Karamonster Posts: 40 Member
    Should be renamed DPD - the dead persons diet.

    Yes it should!!!!
  • Icklemellie
    I would say they would gain as soon as they finished as its only a short term. Its like all crash diets. Last 5 minutes and they they will gain when they start eating normally. x
  • beautybloom
    I have had a few friends like that in the past and I actually deleted them.
    I tried talking to them, telling them what they were doing was so incredibly UNHEATHLY. Naturally, they were extremely offended, called me a ***** and crap.
    I tried it once.
    The first day I ate about 600 cals I lost 4 pounds and the next 2 days 2 pounds and then I ate 1,000 cals and gained a pound... I learned quickly that I had to eat 1,200-1,600. Not only that, I got tired of not eating and was really, really tired.
    They need to learn that what they are doing is extremely unhealthy.
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    you all are right , i tried to tell them but it didnt worked :cry: they just dont care what anybody think of that
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    If they won't see sense, then just tell them to make sure to put the money they save on food into a savings account to pay for the doctor and therapists bills down the track.
  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    I deleted a friend off my list who was. I can't handle it. I even tried to talk to her ect. Then she started fasting.
    I don't get it.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    That would be an eating disorder.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    That would be an eating disorder.

  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    That would be an eating disorder.
    Yep. This site attracts anorexics so they can count every single calorie. Kinda sad :(
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    That would be an eating disorder.

    that's exactly what it is.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    That would be an eating disorder.
    Yep. This site attracts anorexics so they can count every single calorie. Kinda sad :(
    Kinda life - either they track here or they do it on paper. I have an eating disorder. I use this site to show myself how much I undereat. It helps me eat more. Don't stereotype. Thanks.

    As far as SGD goes, it's used by people who glorify eating disorders. Rarely by those who have a genuine mental health issue. It's a crash diet. Also just to dispell the myth that netting under 500 calories is unsustainable - untrue. I did it for months. It's deadly and unhealthy but not completely unsustainable. Especially if you're doing it starting from a position of good health. The body is an amazing thing and can cope with a lot of bad treatment.
  • mistersmithsbox
    SGD is supposed to follow the rule that you can eat unlimited fruits and vegetables but you count the calories of everything else (breads, meats, sauces, drinks, etc). I'm not saying that living on lettuce and apples for 30 days is healthy either but idea is to get people to eat much more good things and less of the bad. (Salad dressing is a *****.) I've done it ages ago and while I don't condone it, it wasn't all bad. (Then again, I'm a banana fiend.)
    That would be an eating disorder.

    No, that's disordered eating. These two are not synonymous. EDs are mental health problems NOT someone eating too little, being really skinny, etc. You can be these things w/o having an ED.