Blue Team WEEK 2



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    My weight today is 206.8.

    vickim26 - did you also send RachVR6 a message....

    I got it :wink:

    Good Morning Rach!!!!
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Checking in with my weigh in today, down 1 lb!!! at 142 lb now.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My weight today is 206.8.

    vickim26 - did you also send RachVR6 a message....

    I got it :wink:

    Good Morning Rach!!!!

    Hello!! dancegirl2.gif
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm leaving work at 10 today and going home. Not feeling to well, mostly just emotionally drained and need some time to myself. I figure I'll head out to the MVA and DMV and return some license plates and then head home to pack and take some things to my mom's. I got a text from an old friend of mine last night and was sooo unbelievably happy. I felt like a dork! But it's been so long since I've even been allowed to text people without 100 questions. :bigsmile:

    Oh and another old friend is going to help me build my car!!! I've known this guy since I was 16 and haven't been able to spend any time with him in a few years so it's going to be a nice escape. I should start that project in a couple weeks, after he finishes up some things on his car and gets back from the 'Dubs at the Beach' car show. :smile:

    Eating well, but I feel extreeeeemely thristy and forgot my water. I'll fill up my bottle when I get home in an hour. :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Sounds like you've got plenty to keep you busy...

    Go get that water! Try to relax this afternoon
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Bryce - Thanks for your reply! It really did make me feel better!

    Yeah, my family was a lot of the same way. One thing I was thinking about last night was that we didn't keep junk food in the house. Not because my parents didn't eat it. But because if they bought it, it was gone! I never understood self control. I've noticed the carton of ice cream I bought when I started this is still in the freezer. I've had lots of bowls of ice cream but they've been an actual portion size and therefore I have been able to enjoy it much more often. That is one thing I want to teach my daughter. That treats and junk food are OK if they are truly treats. Her pediatrician LOVES her and isn't concerned about her weight at all since she's also so tall. I'm not sure why I beat myself up over it sometimes but I guess that's how Mommy's can be! At least she has a lot of padding for all the falling she's been doing learning to pull up and figuring out how this walking thing works! :laugh: I think that if I can set a good example for my daughter on making exercise a part of my lifestyle and showing her by doing the right way to eat that the rest will fall into place.

    I guess I am going to go weigh here in a bit. I still wake up like the stay puff marshmallow man and have to drink a bottle of water and then give it time to *ahem* work it's way out before I weigh. It makes a 3-4 pound difference! (Yes, I wake up to tinkle in the middle of the night and yes, I've been watching my sodium intake. It's a lot warmer here and I tend to blow up when it gets hot.)
  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    My friends are like, "is that water bottle attached to your arm or something??????":laugh:

    If you find an attachment let me know! My co-workers keep hiding my water bottle around the office. Silly people. I have a spare hiding they don't know about though!

    Oh, and I'm at 230.4, or -3.2 from last week so their efforts are paying off - I'm losing and SO HAPPY :happy: after my little gain last week.

    How did everyone do on their fitness challenges?
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    An arm water bottle attachment would be awesome!!! I think I need to stop participating in mini challenges. We did the water one and I started drinking less. With the fitness one, I did half as many workouts as I said I would. I guess I'm just too rebellious! :laugh:

    Down one pound! party-smiley-9536.gif
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Weigh in for today 130.2

    I'm so sorry I have not been contributing. No time for computer this week!

  • chickadee10
    chickadee10 Posts: 350
    I can't find absolutely nothing to eat for breakfast. I tried oatmeal, but when it finished cooking...yeah, it didn't look good at all.

    Any idea of what I can eat for breakfast?
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Can't remember whether I said 4 or 5 days but today will be day 5 of fitness for me this week....
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    I did exercise every day, kept up with my water, ate well, but didn't lose anything this week. That sucks. BUT I did lose an inch off my waist and another off my hips... so that's what really matters, in my book.

    Anyone else experiencing bloating with this heat??? It's been upper 90's to low 100's around here, and it's making me swell up like a balloon!! (which might explain no loss too) I've been drinking 10 glasses of water a day, thinking I must be sweating more out so put more in, but that's not working. I've been trying to watch my sodium too (foods I know have salt, but not actually reading labels). Hmmmm.

    Hope all the sickies feel better... I've been pretty healthy, so I'm taking advantage of it :)
  • chickadee10
    chickadee10 Posts: 350
    I'm eating pasta for breakfast.
  • etandit
    etandit Posts: 35
    :happy: a few more pounds never be found again.....:drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    :happy: a few more pounds never be found again.....:drinker:

    Yay! And the little butterfly on your ticker is almost out of the rain! :bigsmile:
  • etandit
    etandit Posts: 35
    :laugh: LOL Rach....have a great week!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Meh... I was up at 6am wide awake and called my brother to see if he wanted to bike 10km but he was too tired so I went back to sleep.. Then I woke up at 9:30am I got out of bed and im so dizzy and nauseous :sick: I hope it doesnt last long

    I didnt get ANY exercise in :noway: Usually I get a lot... but of course the week I make the goals I dont! I did get all my water.. Over the weekend I ate a lot of high cal food but in smaller portions and still lost weight! Was very nice!

    Hope you all had a great week!
  • chosen
    chosen Posts: 31
    :happy: :happy: :smile: hello everyone, i hope everyone feels better soon. I did ok on my exercise i did not exercise everyday but i am still down a pound so thats great. I think of it as a whole pound of butter LOL it helps me to visualize.
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I'm down 1 pound. I dropped the ball (or never picked it up) with the exercise this week. I joined the 30 day Shred challenge - so I'm gonna go blow the dust off my dvd and do it this morning.
    Congrats to those who lost weight this week - and if you didn't - just keep coming back and logging your food. With persistence, we'll all get there.
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I just had to share that some of my stress has started to pay off! I got a conditional job offer today!!! It's conditional on me passing a polygraph, drug test and psychological examination. None of those should be an issue, so I'm really excited!
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