New and in need of a little advice!! SO EXCITED!



  • dabombmom23
    dabombmom23 Posts: 10 Member
    ConIgrats on quitting smoking!! that is a big challange in itself! You will do great !! Add me as a friend and like everyone here we'll take the journey with you!!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    hey Shelley, yes that is me running in the pic. I started running about a year after I quit smoking. I love it. You never know, that 20 minute jog (although I call any movement faster than a walk a run :smile: may turn into a running some day!!
  • shelleydavies1991
    shelleydavies1991 Posts: 60 Member
    I hope so Cherrieruns! I really do!!

    Thank you ladies, I will get adding and supporting!

    All my love,

    S, x
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking! That in its self is something you should be proud of. Another congrats on joining this website. I haven't been on here long either but love the support I get from others.

    I typically weight myself in the morning about once a week. I try not to get to obsessed with the scale and instead look at inches lost. You can log these as well on here. I love doing my measurements! I get more excited about inches lost than pounds.

    As for cardio listen to your body. Allow it to tell you when you are doing too much. At the beginning it's about building up a solid base and not about pushing yourself really hard. That's how injuries happen.

    Again congrats, you can do this!
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, Welcome to MFP!

    You're right about this being a very friendly and supportive place - feel free to send me a friend request if you want a buddy to lose weight with! (Click on my username and Send Friend Request)

    So in answer to your questions:
    - Do you enter your weight on here every day?
    Absolutely not! I don't even own scales as I'd be obsessing day and night lol. I weigh in once a week before breakfast but after a coffee at the scales in Boots, and always in leggings and a vest top. Aside from the Xmas fortnight there hasn't been a week I haven't been able to log at least 1lb loss as soon as I get in :)

    - When is the best time to weigh yourself? Day/Night?
    I choose first thing in the morning so in my mind my body is as empty as possible and therefore there will not be extra factors to take into consideration when weighing in (eg Oh I didn't lose anything today, but I have just eaten a full blown English breakfast and drunk 3 large coffees!) But as already said, as long as you keep it the same you'll be most accurate.

    - Also, I don't currently do ANY cardio exercise.. yesterday I did two 10 minute fast pace jogging and was shattered and sweating!
    Would you recommend building up the jogging and cardio workout before getting a workout vid like 30Day Shred?
    I started off just walking more... I've got 2 little ones and there's simply no way of getting to the gym without a) expense and b)organising childcare! Just an hour walk is a couple of hundred calories, which makes a big difference to your food allowance when you're only on 1200 or so. I've since moved up to LOTS of walking (I aim for 2hrs or so) and I have just bought an exercise bike so I can make the most of the evenings when the kids are in bed/napping in the day. As for the 30 Day Shred, it's great, (I'm on Day 5), but knackering! It's a good kickstart and you can just jog along during it if you can't quite manage all the moves straightaway. As long as you're doing the most you can manage you'll be burning those calories! You can always do it every other day too, there's no need to only do it within 30 days. I know a lot of people (including myself) who tried it out for a week or so and then got fully into it.

    Feel free to message me with any qu's etc. Good luck, today is the first step towards a new healthier, slimmer you! :flowerforyou:
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Shelley,
    I'm new here as well. Congratulations on the quitting smoking and best of luck on your future in nursing~ it's a great career choice, one that I love.

    Thanks for the questions, they answered a few of my questiond as well.

  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Shelley, I'm 20 currently studying to be a nurse. I want to lose weight so I'm not a hypocrite when teaching my patients about their diet etc.

    I stopped smoking before Christmas!! And ate lots of chocs over Christmas!
    And my mum told me about this site, I took my Day 1 of MFP pictures last night and was pretty much disgusted!

    Haha make sure you keep hold of those 'before' photos, as much as you want to burn them right now, they're a brilliant too for the future when you look back and see just how far you've come!

    Every single post I have read on this site is inspirational. You guys are fantastic and it's so nice to see everyone supporting each other. Just what we all need!

    Ok, so I was just wondering..

    - Do you enter your weight on here every day?

    Absolutely not! We have no scales in our house. I go and see the nurse at my local doctor's surgery once a month on a friday morning and get on the scales in her office. This whole weight loss thing is a marathon, not a sprint (I've been here on MFP for 17 months now!) and weighing more often that monthly won't work for me, there's too much fluctuation throughout the month due to water, hormones, ToM etc. Once a month helps me make sure I'm going in the right direction, otherwise I judge how I'm doing by how well my clothes fit and how much I feel like I want to die after I've run for the bus haha!!

    Just as an aside, I really think that having to get on the scales in front of someone else is a massive motivator too - I'm convinced that's the only reason slimming clubs work!!

    - When is the best time to weigh yourself? Day/Night?

    As others have said, doesn't matter as long as you keep it consistent so you are comparing like with like. Personally my weigh-ins at my docs surgery are always the first slot in the morning but that's just because I go on the way to work!

    - Also, I don't currently do ANY cardio exercise.. yesterday I did two 10 minute fast pace jogging and was shattered and sweating!
    Would you recommend building up the jogging and cardio workout before getting a workout vid like 30Day Shred?

    If you currently don't do anything at all, then just take it steady and slowly and build it up gently. I started just by getting out of the office on my lunchbreak for 40 mins and taking a brisk walk down to the other end of the city centre and back. Then I bought a reebok mini stepper and started getting that out on an evening once the kids were in bed - I'd catch up on a bit of tv while doing half an hour on the stepoper, then it became 40 mins, then an hour. Anything that keeps you moving and maybe gets you slightly out of puff counts as exercise, especially if you are starting from nothing like I did!

    If you can only answer one of my questions then please do!
    Would love to hear from you all..

    All my love, S x

    Good luck on your journey, MFP is definitely working for me, I know I'll be on here for years to come to help me maintain, but that's fine, it's great!

    Rosey x
  • cmrjones
    :flowerforyou: Hi Shelly,
    I am also new to the site. As for weighing you should weigh yourself everyday, naked and at the same time and with the same scales. As for exercies you should get 150 minutes in a week that is roughly 30 minutes a day x 5 days. And this exercise needs to to get your blood pumping. Like a brisk fast paced walk is wat i would start out with. But like they say always check with your Dr. before starting any exercise. I wish there was a way to put in your weight every day and since there is not you could always have a calender hanging where your scales are and record it on there. I have found that this site really makes you think about what you are eating. I thought i was eating pretty healthy everyday and my calories were still way over limit, so today i had to take drastic measures and modify my breakfast.....LOL
    I hope you stay in touch, I would really love the company while i am trying to do this.........:smile:
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Welcome! And congratulations on beginning your journey. This is an amazing site with a lot of great people who are very knowledgeable. I've been on here 51 days and lost almost 11 lbs and have gained a lot of strength!
    I just jumped right in and did the 30 day shred. I lost 10 lbs and over 10 inches on it, without cutting calories too much.

    My recommendation to you would be to chat with some of the fitness and nutrition "experts" on here. (You can generally tell by their profiles pics, and the advice they give. They really know their stuff!) Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, 10 is better. Eat a lot of protein! It aids in building muscle and helps with post workout recovery. My average is 130 grams a day. It doesn't have to be meat. It can be from protein shakes and bars. Make sure you stretch really well after the shred. It will help release the lactic acid from your muscles.

    And finally, whether or not you take this advice, Ima gonna give it! Don't drastically cut calories! If you want to be stronger and more fit, AND continue to burn fat in the long run, you need to build muscle. To build muscle you need to fuel your body. When you drastically cut calories, you lose weight, but some of it is lean muscle tissue! I don't really like seeing people go on a 1200 calorie a day diet and then workout until they drop. I've lost more weight faster and built strength while eating 1500 to 1900 calories a day. Please do your research before you begin.

    Sorry so long. I just want pros to be siccesful and happy! Good Luck!
    And with weighing...I only weigh once a week or so, in the morning. You can get really obsessive weighing every day!
  • Hattiemayperkins
    Well firstly well done for admitting you need to loose weight! Sometimes that is the hardest part!
    I started with thsi earlier in the year and lost 1 stone in a month, so it does work! Unfortuantley I then went on holiday and never got back into it so here I am!

    I have about 4 stone to loose, and Ideally want to achieve this in 6-7 months. I aim to eat 1200 calories a day and tend to have...
    Bowl of fruit for breakfast or All Bran with sliced Banna and Skimmed milk

    Soup and salad for lunch - minimal carbs

    High protein dinner so salmon potatoes etc or a steak.

    I am lucky enough to have a gym and work so I exersize 5 times a week for about 40 minutes a time...

    I'm telling you all this because this really works for me (I used to be my target weight until I fell in love and stopped working out!)

    I would only recommend that you weigh yourself once a week, and ideally if you have an Iphone download the app! It makes things a lot easier. I program my foods when I'm on the tube or have a quiet moment at work.

    How much have you got to loose?

    Good luck!

  • elliott82
    elliott82 Posts: 156 Member
    I think the best advice for working out (other than listening to your body) is to start with something you're comfortable with. You may be DYING when trying to jog, so start out walking. Once you can do that for a while and not feel so winded that you might fall over, add in sprints. Like walk for four minutes, sprint for one. You'll start to build up tolerance until you're able to run (or jog) way more than you walk. I know it's scary, but you can totally do it. I joined an all female non-combat boxing group and we always did a huge run to start off the workout. I thought I might not make it past the run (and then 45 minutes of the real workout I wanted were shot) but I finally decided they could start the rest of it without me...I'd go at my own pace. So I'd run the long blocks and briskly walk the short blocks and I found that I could actually do it. And the girls were all cheering for me at the end because I at least FINISHED. You'll be amazed what you can do when you really try!

    Best of luck to you! (I'm adding you as well.)
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    Good job on quitting smoking!! I did this year as well and I feel better than ever. I know a lot of people wouldn't agree but what I find works best for me is weighing myself almost every morning first thing right before getting in the shower.... it keeps me motivated and I find myself really keeping on track. I think the reason I gained a lot of weight in the last couple years was never stepping on a scale and so I had no idea where I was at. All I knew was my smaller clothes had to go into a box in storage cause there was no way they were fitting. I was so discouraged that I gave a lot of smaller clothes to a consignment store because I thought I would NEVER wear them again. I started MFP after I went to a doctors appt and they weighed me and I was almost sick over the number they told me. Since then it has been about 6 weeks and I have lost 19 pounds, I work out almost every day doing at least 30 minutes on the elliptical but more usually 45-55 minutes between that, treadmill, stationary bike etc. I also do yoga every saturday morning. If you have access to fitness videos through your cable you could start with that. I do a 25 minute yoga video once or twice a week. MFP has been a godsend to me, and I know in a couple months I should be able to fit into clothes that I thought were never going to fit again. Good luck you'll do great! :flowerforyou:
  • scott7574
    Hi Shelly and good luck to you! Sounds like you are on the right track. Best time to weigh is first thing in the morning...if not, just do it the same time every time you do. Most people are at their lightest just after waking up. Start out slowly with cardio and build your way up as it becomes easier...just don't get burned out by doing too much too fast. Maybe start with 3-4 15-30 minute walks, bike rides, etc. per week and either increase time, intensity, or add days that you do it. You should progress pretty quickly since you are new to of luck to you!
  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    Hi Shelley! I am glad you decided to start your weight loss journey on MFP. It really is a great place.

    Congrats on quitting smoking. I stopped about 2 years ago and it was difficult and did make me put on a little weight, but I am so happy I did.

    To answer your questions:

    - Do you enter your weight on here every day?
    No, I actually only even step on the scale once a week. I know if I did it more often, I would get obsessive.

    - When is the best time to weigh yourself? Day/Night?
    I weigh myself in the morning after I do my business, but that is just a personal preference. Just make sure you do it at the same time everyday that you do weigh, as your weight fluctuates throughout the day.

    - Would you recommend building up the jogging and cardio workout before getting a workout vid like 30Day Shred?
    I was actually jogging a little before i started, but I think you could go into a workout like 30Day SHred without being in shape, but it will be difficult. They do have some modified versions of some of the exercises though. I would recommend something like Couch to 5k cause it starts off slow and you move up as you progress.

    P.S. feel free to add me if you would like.
  • arichardson750
    Hi Shelly!

    Awesome job on quitting smoking - that is a huge accomplishment on its own! Here are my responses to your questions - hopefully they will help!

    - Do you enter your weight on here every day?
    I only update my weight when I see a change in my weight amount, but this can just be your preference in if you want to do it daily.

    - When is the best time to weigh yourself? Day/Night?
    I weigh myself in the morning right before I get in the shower s I don't have on clothes that add extra weight :) According to, "Weighing yourself first thing in the morning is usually best. Because of variations in food and fluid consumption, we often "gain" different amounts of weight throughout the day."

    - Regarding the jogging and cardio workout before the 30 Day Shred, I would keep doing the basic cardio for a little longer until you build up some good stamina. My fear with jumping right into the 30 Day Shred routine is you may get discouraged right off the bat. I tried to do that same thing and got maybe 15 minutes into the DVD and threw my hands up because I got frustrated and was struggling so bad.

    Also, if you're looking for some fun cardio to do, try a Zumba class! I'm addicted and you sweat your butt off! (quite literally :smile: )
  • annasaidso

    Well done on your weight loss, it really is inspirational to know that you started off just doing small amounts of exercise and now you're training for a 5K! Good on you girl!!

    I'm not great with patience... I was in week 5 of the couch to 5K plan before I ran my first 5k in November. I had to interval run it (run 6 minutes, walk 2, rinse and repeat) but I made it to the finish line in one piece in under an hour.

    I ran my second official one on Dec 31st and ran it straight through and finished at 45 minutes (with old folks with knee replacements, walking and lapping me.) I came in last in my age group, but I finished and improved my time in one month.

    I'm registered to run 3 more, one every Saturday from Jan 21 to Feb 4... and I'm running 3.2 miles 3x a week to get myself ready...

    But When I started in September, I could barely run 2 minutes straight. I couldn't imagine running one city block much less a mile.

    But I focused on making through the 2 minutes. And soon I could make it through 4 minutes. Then 8 minutes... and before I knew it I could make it through 45 minutes.

    Lord know if *I* could do this, ANYONE can. A N Y O N E.
  • shelleydavies1991
    shelleydavies1991 Posts: 60 Member
    It really is heart warming to know that so many people can be so supportive and actually care! - If only it were like this in real life or at the gym.. If it was like this at the gym then I'd probably go!!

    I know I've got a bit more weight to shed before I will feel confident enough to head to the gym!


    You're all inspirations, even if you haven't lost any weight, it's overwhelming how much motivation everyone has!

    Thank you for all your posts and the people that have said I can add them, I have!

    All my love,

    S, x