What is your motivation?



  • missystinky
    missystinky Posts: 15 Member
    Just Dance is an interactive game. So much fun and doesn't feel like a workout. Just a competitive dance. Wii has it, and I think other gaming consoles have it too.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Those super graceful hula-hoopers you see running around barefoot at music festivals. I want to rock them too!
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    Below is a quote I found awhile ago. I have it on my fb wall, I have it as a picture on this site and I have it posted all over my home.
    It is my motivation........ :)

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bull**** story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Lotsa things:

    "If I blow it off today, I'm setting back my progress. That makes the last few days a waste, and will force me to work hard for a few more to get back to where I am today."

    "I don't want these new jeans, that fit me very well, to get snug on me."

    "The number on the scale has been dropping. I don't wanna see that number go back up tomorrow."

    "I'm running outta extra calories on my MFP thingamajigger. I'd better go burn some so I can eat more later."

    "I can blow off a workout (or eat that garbage) and enjoy it for 30 minutes or so, but how will I fell in those 30 minutes? I'll feel like dookie for doing what I did. I'm gonna hit the gym (or eat something healthy) instead and be proud of myself instead for the rest of the day."

    But the one that works most of all:

    "The scenery in the gym is better than the scenery in my office." ;)
  • Krissie_Triaxis
    Because I'm worth the effort :D

    When I'm flagging on the Xtrainer, or I think the next weighted squat is going to be the end of me, I just remember that I'm worth every bead of sweat, every compliment that my new physique may gain, every inch I will lose, etc.

    You're worth it and you deserve to be the best person you can be, always remember that.

  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    My motivation now is my upcoming half marathon! I know that if I dont eat well and get out there and run.....I WONT BE READY!! I want it to be a good experience so I am training correctly! I do better when I sign up for a race and I know I have a deadline to meet!
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    When I used to have really bad days, I would sit there and really FEEL it .. I would take all of that emotional/mental/physical pain and truly remember it ... I didnt know it back then, but I was storing those memories so deep into me, that I knew I'd always remember what it felt like to be in that situation. So now, when I want to skip the gym, or do something really bad food wise, I remember how it felt . Even now, I still make mistakes -- mostly with eating --- and I'll sit there and really feel my guilt ... and I'll remind myself that THIS pain is exactly what I am trying to avoid .... It may not sound like motivation per se lol but to let yourself know that you dont HAVE to be miserable is a very freeing realization

    .....That, and I take a look at my back fat and remember that the only way to get rid of it is to hit the gym ! =)
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Sex. #yeahisaidit
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member
    I have my 30 year reunion in October and I am almost twice the size I was in high school. Otherwise I am just tired of being tired and out of breath when I do a flight of stairs. Before my cholesterol spikes and I become a diabetic I need to get it together. I am trying this again and this time I am taking it seriously.
  • missystinky
    missystinky Posts: 15 Member
    That's beautiful! And I'm sorry you went through that.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    Lotsa things:

    "If I blow it off today, I'm setting back my progress. That makes the last few days a waste, and will force me to work hard for a few more to get back to where I am today."

    "I don't want these new jeans, that fit me very well, to get snug on me."

    "The number on the scale has been dropping. I don't wanna see that number go back up tomorrow."

    "I'm running outta extra calories on my MFP thingamajigger. I'd better go burn some so I can eat more later."

    "I can blow off a workout (or eat that garbage) and enjoy it for 30 minutes or so, but how will I fell in those 30 minutes? I'll feel like dookie for doing what I did. I'm gonna hit the gym (or eat something healthy) instead and be proud of myself instead for the rest of the day."

    But the one that works most of all:

    "The scenery in the gym is better than the scenery in my office." ;)

    Love it! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Mine is constantly looking at pictures before this Lifestyle change - definitely don't want to go back! :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    It used to be the mirror but now its the energy and happiness I have when I am working out regularly.
  • magiale05
    Motivation is a very individual kind of thing. Sure, there are some that are universal such as looking better, feeling better and all that. But, I think the motivations that really work are the ones that you have a personal connection with. My motivation is my daughter. I really want to set a positive example of a woman with a healthy self-esteem and attitue towards herself and her body. Plus, I just don't want to be the "fat" mom and embarrass her. You've just gotta find that inner motivation, the one that drags your booty to the gym or wherever you exercise. I know sometimes that's hard to do, lord knows it's taken me forever to find it, but you can do it!
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I want to be healthy, first and foremost.
    I want to be inspirational to others, showing them what hard work and dedication can do for someone!
    I want to feel good- light and energetic, not bogged down by weight.
    I want to look good, I want the curves in the right spots, and a flat tummy. I want to turn heads and be proud when I look in the mirror.

    Some days are hard. Even after 3 years of this lifestyle, I still mess up. It's a forever thing. This lifestyle is not just a diet. It takes time. You will fall of, you will eat a little more some weeks than others. But having the tools, resources and willpower just makes it that easier to keep going. Pick yourself up when you have a bad day, and remember you are worth it.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    What keeps me on track is how good I feel after losing some weight. I like what I see in the mirror, I am worth this effort!! I feel good, less tired and look better!
  • Aiciled123
    Aiciled123 Posts: 5 Member
    Well, my motivation is that I can't afford to go buy new clothes. So I'm going to have to reverse my holiday slide and start over again today. I figure if I can lose instead of gain, I can stay in my current size pants. One or two more pounds and I'll exceed the load limit on them. So avoiding clothing failure and public embarassment is another motivator for me.
  • Firebird_Rising
    Firebird_Rising Posts: 15 Member


    I was sick of feeling the way that I was, no energy, or motivation. Ever tightening clothes that I was replacing on a yearly basis. That feeling of being the big guy in the room when I walk in and feeling like I was being judged with every look.

    It's a fire that burns like never before inside of me, like the phoenix that my name is inspired from.

    I want to be healthy and be happy, and this time, I KNOW I can do it!
  • _hesmy19dhero
    _hesmy19dhero Posts: 53 Member
    All responses are great. I LOVE quotes, so those are nice, too. :)

    Remember - this is for everybody. I've lost 14 lbs in a month, so that's PLENTY motivation for me to keep going. :D
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    Those little ladies are my motivation...I want to be healthy for them. Another motivation is my deployed husband...I want to see his jaw drop when I pick him up from the airport for R&R in April.