I always fail at losing weight...

shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
Hello Everyone,

I am 32 years old. My goal is to lose 50 lbs so that I will be in the "healthy" category for my height. I fail at every diet I have ever tried. I have no support at home when it comes to losing weight. A freind at work suggested this site because her nutritionist suggested it to her. I really need some support and people to be accountable to. My husband looks at diets as a joke, that is probably the main reason I fall off the bandwagon so easily. I hope to gain some freinds and succeed this time on my diet. I have been on MFP for about 2 weeks and I have lost about 5 lbs so far. But I can tell this is going to be a long hard road.


  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    I feel the same way as you. I start off doing really good but then slack off and eventually quit dieting and exercising. I don't have a whole lot of support in my real life. Feel free to friend me :) Good luck!
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    Me too, but I think the trick is to keep trying :)
  • Skinny_Kitty
    Skinny_Kitty Posts: 136 Member
    I'm the same way. I dont have much support at work or home and it's hard to stay on track when everyone always wants to eat foods that are really bad for me. I also dont ever workout because I'm tired and lazy when I get home and cook dinner... all I want is to lay on the couch and turn on the tv.... I need to force myself to eat good... and find good things when we go to bad restaurants and I need to force myself to workout at least 4 days a week. I know I wont lose this weight if I dont get moving.... it's just finding the motivation to push me......
  • karabasik
    karabasik Posts: 62 Member
    Hello adn welcome!
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I have much more to loose that you have! I am so glad that I found this web-site. It gives me accountability. Whenever I put anything into my mouse nowdays, I calculate in my mind (since I have to plug it into the myfitnesspal) and IT HELPS ME to control myself. It helps sooooo much when you see everything you put into your mouth. You see it, you count it, you know the result coming your way :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    The only way to fail is to quit trying. Also, instead of thinking about it as "I'm going to diet and lose 50 pounds" you should think about it as a lifestyle change, "I'm going to eat healthy for the rest of my life because this is what is best for me." When I think about it as something that is going to be forever, I don't get so hard on myself when I have a day or two that I get off track. I just get back to what I should be doing because that is the life that I have chosen.
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    The only way to fail is to quit trying. Also, instead of thinking about it as "I'm going to diet and lose 50 pounds" you should think about it as a lifestyle change, "I'm going to eat healthy for the rest of my life because this is what is best for me." When I think about it as something that is going to be forever, I don't get so hard on myself when I have a day or two that I get off track. I just get back to what I should be doing because that is the life that I have chosen.
  • Monkeymin
    Monkeymin Posts: 197 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend for motivation. i'm 30 in March and am hoping to lose 50lbs this year.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Hang in there sister! I've been there... MFP is great ~ so keep on keeping on with it! If you are already down 5 lbs, you know its going to be some work, and you know what you need to expect. =) We will be here to support you and help celebrate your goals!
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    Thanks Everyone!! I am like some of you and get lazy and do not want to exercise. That will be my first downfall, we play Just Dance 3 almost every night for exercise but I know I will need other options. I have ordered the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I heard that is tough. If I can just make it a habit to work out at least 5 times a week I know I will do better than I ever have before, because exercise and getting moving is always a downfall.
  • mrsbeardtoyou
    I had an eating disorder for 14 yrs. I was "skinny" and FAT the whole time. I kept waiting to DIE, and my only thought was " at least I would die "skinny"." My EX-husband was NO SUPPORT, I can't blame HIM for my eating disorder though. I BLAME ME for allowing him to get me "down" and making me do that to my body. I am now married to a WONDERFUL SUPPORTIVE man that has NEVER called me FAT nor has he ever neglected me through this time. I gained BUNCHES of weight since we have been married in the last three years. The only thing he has EVER asked of me was to stop throwing up and get healthy. He didn't care about the extra "skin" on me. I LOVE HIM DEARLY, and now with the help and support of friends and my husband, I am "doing this" SAFE AND CAUTIOUSLY. I am on a diet that is very controversial , but it is working for me and it is allowing me to "change" the way I see food. In my world "FOOD" was the enemy.. And Oh how I LOVED the enemy. Now, I am good with the "enemy" and I am seeing results and I am happy to say I am three years NON-BULIMIC! I wish you well and DON'T listen to your husband LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND YOUR FRIENDS!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Welcome! :) Don't be discourage...

    Personally, I hate the word "Diet" too. That's why I don't diet, I just researched on what other alternative food to substitute my usual "fatty" ones. And that kinda healthy lifestyle changes can make a HUGE difference :)

    Don't give up on yourself. All of us have up and down when it comes to weight loss. So you're not alone.

    Even if your husband is not that supportive, we will support you and he'll be soooooooooooooooooo jealous :P
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm another of those who hate the word "diet". I don't diet and won't diet. If I want something, I eat it. I may not be losing weight as quickly as others, but I feel I'm doing it in a manageable way. It really hasn't been "hard", just frustrating at times. Here are my weightloss rules:
    1. I log every day. Every morsel. No matter what or how I feel.
    2. I make myself accountable to the calories MFP suggests. This means that if it's 7 pm and I want a cookie but I'm done with calories, I have to have a talk with myself about do I REALLY want the cookie. I'm a stress eater so if I'm stressed, I might have it. I might also wrap it up and have it for breakfast the next day. The bottom line is that I think before I eat.
    3. I rarely go over my MFP calories. If I do, it's for an "occasion" like a family picnic or Thanksgiving. But, it's a day I plan for in advance. I don't have to do cheat days because I don't restrict what I eat to begin with- just the portion sizes.
    4. Portion sizes - I'm constantly learning what those are. Rudest awakening when I found out a serving of mac & cheese wasn't 2 cups! LOL.
    5. If I'm going out, I try to look at the menu ahead of time to determine what I should eat. That being said, I always choose something that I'll like. If it's got more calories than a single meal warrants, I get a doggie bag. A could trick is to get the take-away container before you even start eating so you can move the food off your plate.
    6. I use smaller plates at home. If I finish my meal and I'm still hungry, I eat more.
    7. I acknowledge every day that this is a choice I'm making. I've been overweight all my life because I chose to not think enough about what I was doing to myself. I choose to care now. I hate feeling crummy - physically or mentally.
    8. I refuse to give up the things that I love most - like cream in my coffee. This isn't a punishment. This is an opportunity. A daily opportunity to feel better and be better.
    9. I love reading the forums. But, if I find a thread where people are getting snarky, I leave it. I don't need the stress. Sometimes, I'll send a message to the originator of the thread to let them know I think the others are being jerky. This is all about supporting each other.
    10. Beit a husband or a mother or a friend, each of us has at least one person in our lives who isn't as supportive as we'd like. But, as carolinz says, we're here for each other. If you need support, write another thread or search in the existing threads to see if anyone else has experienced what you're seeing. I find our threads truly inspirational.

    Bottom line is, decide you're going to do this, and do it. But, be patient with yourself. Remember that each day is a fresh opportunity and forget about the past. It's done, and you can't change it. So, your efforts are better focused on the here and now. We're rooting for you!!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I got told once you have only failed at something if you stop trying. Don't lose heart at weight loss its just easy to learn hard to master and I can bet my next pound of weight loss that everyone on here will help you this time around.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    I think all the advice everyone has given you is right on....

    If this were easy, everyone would be thin. You CAN do this! Please keep in mind you are not perfect; and when you slip, pick yourself up and keep going. That's the difference between the mindset of a diet and a lifestyle.

    If you are looking for support, feel free to friend request me.

  • Neptunemonkey
    I LOVE this article. It's about not beating yourself up when you slip. It's about getting back on the horse and staying determined. Determination is the key- don't let past results determine your future!

  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    If you mean we as your husband and yourself then keep doing that too. slowly change what you cook for dinner. you can put him on a diet and he won't even notice. don't say anything about his other eats he a guy they can think diet and lose weight. whose the funny guy now?!:wink::wink:
    Thanks Everyone!! I am like some of you and get lazy and do not want to exercise. That will be my first downfall, we play Just Dance 3 almost every night for exercise but I know I will need other options. I have ordered the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I heard that is tough. If I can just make it a habit to work out at least 5 times a week I know I will do better than I ever have before, because exercise and getting moving is always a downfall.
  • trustmyself
    trustmyself Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I just joined about a week ago. Been trying to loose weight all my life. It's a vicious cycle. I have a really bad thyroid problem which makes it even harder. People say they support me, but then turn around and hand me a cookie or something I would rather not be tempted with - what's with that???? Truth is in your actions, not in your words - that's what I always say.

    I am single so don't have the lack of support from a husband - but I have two kids that live with me (age 24 and 20) and they support me, somewhat. My son is skinnier than all get out and eats whatever he wants when he wants. I make him keep all his "junk" food in a cabinet and won't allow it on the counter - lol and that helps.

    I am really trying hard this time around for myself. Don't want to be alone all my life and unfortunately a lot of "attraction" out there is looks first, then get to know someone.

    So please feel free to friend me - I will encourage you... promise.

    Age 51
    Weight 183
    Goal - 140
    Height 5'3"
  • nikkidouglas
    It is hard to stay focused. I have never really been successful at losing either but we can do this. There are so many tempatations but if people can give up doing drugs or smoking, we can give up our bad eating habits to lose weight. Be encouraged.