how often do your weigh-in?



  • stewartgreggallan
    stewartgreggallan Posts: 20 Member
    I weigh in every Saturday morning and it works for me.
  • I try to do it once a week. I don't have a scale of my own so I need to visit my mom to do it. For me it's only good to not have a scale at home, I think I'd obsess too much if I could weigh myself everyday. But do what works for you, that's always the best solution :)
  • Probably every other day or so. It's really just when I remember to do it and happen to be clothes-free.
  • When I started I only weighed in when I went back to see my doctor which was every 5 weeks and there was a lot of excitment built up. To see the large number was awesome but now I weigh in every week at home on Mondays at 10 am. If I am not home at that time I just skip that week. I do cheat and weigh in other days of the week but what I find is that I can weigh in on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and be up but by Monday I am down again. I do like the posts where people say everyday but only record once a week. I think if you can stay off the scale the longer is better. Also make sure you take measurement because you will lose inches as well and sometimes when your losing inches come off faster than pounds.
  • kellymae04
    kellymae04 Posts: 13 Member
    thanks everyone! I like the idea of weighing everyday but recording weekly! That makes me want to go jump on the scale right now to see, but I'm almost afraid to!!
  • Every other day. But I am weight training now so I am going to stick to once a week. They say muscle weighs more than fat so it will discourge me if I see that I have gained weight. Good luck everyone!
  • stewartgreggallan
    stewartgreggallan Posts: 20 Member
    I use the same spreadsheet on my laptop and android to monitor my mountain bike mileage and times. Might copy your spreadsheet if that's ok with you

    I record everything in a spreadsheet. This way I can see how my decisions effect my endeavors. Here's a screen cap to show you what I'm doing:

    I only record the other physical attributes weekly. Sometimes every 2 weeks depending on how I feel. I've found that I'm much more pleased with the results if I take measurements bi-weekly instead. Pictures every 30-days (approximately). It helps you keep focus if you can physically see the changes. Looking at yourself everyday in the mirror doesn't help, but if you see the difference spread out by comparing month-by-month or week-by-week then you'll get addicted and push harder for greater results!
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    Sure, send me a message and I'll get you a link to copy from. I monitor it on my Android as well, I love G-Docs so much!
    I use the same spreadsheet on my laptop and android to monitor my mountain bike mileage and times. Might copy your spreadsheet if that's ok with you

    I record everything in a spreadsheet. This way I can see how my decisions effect my endeavors. Here's a screen cap to show you what I'm doing:

    I only record the other physical attributes weekly. Sometimes every 2 weeks depending on how I feel. I've found that I'm much more pleased with the results if I take measurements bi-weekly instead. Pictures every 30-days (approximately). It helps you keep focus if you can physically see the changes. Looking at yourself everyday in the mirror doesn't help, but if you see the difference spread out by comparing month-by-month or week-by-week then you'll get addicted and push harder for greater results!
  • kellymae04
    kellymae04 Posts: 13 Member
    wow, the spreadsheet is a great idea! I just don't know how great I'd be at keeping up with it. That is def a Type A personality :)
  • I weigh myself once a week or less often if I can resist the temptation!
    I find I maintain momentum with dieting if i'm not constantly checking myself.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    wow, the spreadsheet is a great idea! I just don't know how great I'd be at keeping up with it. That is def a Type A personality :)
    Thanks very much, well appreciated compliment! If you made one, you'd keep up with it everyday I'm sure. One of the added benefits to the spreadsheet and weighing in everyday is that it becomes a part of your routine. You so badly want to see those numbers drop (and others go up) each week that it becomes an additional form of support/motivation on top of MFP.

    I literally wake up in the morning, take a shower, weigh-in, and record in this spreadsheet. Every now and then I'll get curious about my measurements and that's when I'll do it.
  • MsPinVa
    MsPinVa Posts: 29 Member

    I know my body goes up and down, and if it goes up - I always know what food/meal triggered it. It keeps me on track for the day as well.
  • jandyanj
    jandyanj Posts: 16 Member
    I WI at home every morning and write it down
    I officially WI every Friday morning at Weight Watcher meetings - this is the weight I will log in once a week to MFP
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I use to weigh in once every 2 to 3 weeks because I would let the numbers take control over me (not always good with a day to day fluctuation). Now, I am slightly obsessed with weighing the first thing in the AM then right before I go to bed. I do this to see what I ate or drank that day that might cause a increase or even decrease of weight difference so I know not what to do.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member

    I record everything in a spreadsheet. This way I can see how my decisions effect my endeavors. Here's a screen cap to show you what I'm doing:

    I only record the other physical attributes weekly. Sometimes every 2 weeks depending on how I feel. I've found that I'm much more pleased with the results if I take measurements bi-weekly instead. Pictures every 30-days (approximately). It helps you keep focus if you can physically see the changes. Looking at yourself everyday in the mirror doesn't help, but if you see the difference spread out by comparing month-by-month or week-by-week then you'll get addicted and push harder for greater results!

    I love this!!!!
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I weight often, but only count weigh-ins once a week on Thursdays - that is when I record it on MFP.

    I take measurements every 2 weeks and record them on MFP. waist, arms, hips, neck, etc
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,378 Member
    Every day. They say a person's weight can fluctuate by a couple of pounds every day, so I don't wanna just weigh in once a week and have that just happen to be one of those "fluctuating" days and not know where I really am. By weighing in every day, I've got a more steady, more accurate picture of where I am, and I don't find myself bothered by those occasional days where things fluctuate.
    Exactly! That's what I do. You could also miss a low number that is encouraging if you don't check every day. There will be some up days too and you can ignore those when you see the down days along with it.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I know it's a huge no no to weigh myself everyday and I used to be so obsessed with it, but now I do it every week or every few days.
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    I weigh in every day, but only count one day a week (Sundays) as my "official" weigh-in. It's totally a personal choice, but it got me over my fear of the numbers to see the fluctuations every day. I also keep a spreadsheet (thank Lordy I didn't have to actually MAKE it! *lol*), but just for my own benefit so I can see an over-time gauge of whether I'm being consistent or not and help me analyze what might be "going wrong" if I'm fluctuating too much. (My spreadsheet keeps track of calories in, calories out, and weight, and calculates my daily deficit. It's helpful to see it in this format for consistency purposes.)
  • kaysue1
    kaysue1 Posts: 14
    I usually weigh in bi-weekly on a Monday or Tuesday. Sure I weigh myself more than that, but I decided to only log it bi-weekly.