Bummed out and really want to eat... HELP!

I am super close to my parents and just found out they are moving 15+ hours away. They are retired and are done with the Minnesota winters so have chosen to move to Georgia. Problem is..... I am a BIG TIME emotional eater. How do you guys get through emotional times without sabotaging weight loss efforts??????


  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    Wow! This is going to be a tough time for you. Knowing that already is a good start. My suggestions: remove all junk food if it's still around, have healthy snacks ready so you don't have to prepare them, use exercise as a way to counteract any "bad" times, take time to realize you will go through a process of separation.

    Plan on using things like Skype to keep your parents close to your heart and mind. And plan for trips to see them so you have something to look forward to.
  • sylverkat
    sylverkat Posts: 55 Member
    That sucks. It is hard, but I agree with the Skype idea. As for not eating. Also agree remove all unhealthy stuff. Keep your hands busy. Throw yourself into your passions or take up a new hobby. Anything that keeps you hands moving will help.
  • alimarieban
    Thank you so much for the kind words and suggestions! It IS going to be a tough process, as I can't imagine a day or two going by without seeing my folks. I am going to try to be as positive as I can be and stay out of the goodie drawer! :wink:
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Even though I'm 40, I am still super-close to my parents. Last year they retired and decided to fulfill their lifelong dream of living in New England. Our entire family has always lived in Virginia, within a couple hours of one another, so this was a big adjustment.

    I talk to them on the phone a lot and we visit whenever we can. But it's hard - instead of living 90 minutes away, they're now a 14 hour drive. I miss them a lot! I don't really have anything to offer in way of advice, but I can totally sympathize.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    Here's what I recommend. Disregard the chips...

    Go out to the store and buy either cottage cheese or precooked chicken strips. Snack on them all you want, you won't sabatoge yourself and you'll only be binging on things that won't set you back.

    Don't let this turn into a downward spiral, you're doing so well as it is! Many times, when something like this comes up people have a tendency to see the negative effects and give up all together! Keep pushing forward!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    My whole weight loss process started with an emotional trainwreck.... I would go for walks and bawl the whole time, a few weeks later it became runs. I just had to associate the feeling with a new activity, maybe that could work for you too...

    Hang in there, I'm sure your mom will be back to visit ASAP, she might hate the bitter cold right now, but she loves you and it will bug her as much to be away from you!!
  • alimarieban
    Even though I'm 40, I am still super-close to my parents. Last year they retired and decided to fulfill their lifelong dream of living in New England. Our entire family has always lived in Virginia, within a couple hours of one another, so this was a big adjustment.

    I talk to them on the phone a lot and we visit whenever we can. But it's hard - instead of living 90 minutes away, they're now a 14 hour drive. I miss them a lot! I don't really have anything to offer in way of advice, but I can totally sympathize.

    I'm 40 as well! My mom and I have always been super close and this is just killing me. I am so sad and I can't shake it. Thanks for sharing your situation with me... It's always good to know that I'm not alone!
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    My whole weight loss process started with an emotional trainwreck.... I would go for walks and bawl the whole time, a few weeks later it became runs. I just had to associate the feeling with a new activity, maybe that could work for you too...

    Such a great suggestion! Maybe finding a new outlet for the emotions will help. And make plans now on how you will stay in touch and how often you can expect to visit or them to visit.
  • alimarieban
    My whole weight loss process started with an emotional trainwreck.... I would go for walks and bawl the whole time, a few weeks later it became runs. I just had to associate the feeling with a new activity, maybe that could work for you too...

    Hang in there, I'm sure your mom will be back to visit ASAP, she might hate the bitter cold right now, but she loves you and it will bug her as much to be away from you!!

    Thanks so much for sharing what worked for you! I thought that maybe if I got kind of angry, it would help. Maybe angry isn't the right word?? Determined might be better. I think if I go home and work out hard and cry- I will feel better?! I like how you mention associating the feeling with a new activity (as opposed to eating ALOT in my case). Great solid advice!
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    My whole weight loss process started with an emotional trainwreck.... I would go for walks and bawl the whole time, a few weeks later it became runs. I just had to associate the feeling with a new activity, maybe that could work for you too...

    Such a great suggestion! Maybe finding a new outlet for the emotions will help. And make plans now on how you will stay in touch and how often you can expect to visit or them to visit.

    I see a trend...and I agree, turn the eating into something else, a walk or run is a great idea. You can do it stay strong!
  • alimarieban
    Here's what I recommend. Disregard the chips...

    Go out to the store and buy either cottage cheese or precooked chicken strips. Snack on them all you want, you won't sabatoge yourself and you'll only be binging on things that won't set you back.

    Don't let this turn into a downward spiral, you're doing so well as it is! Many times, when something like this comes up people have a tendency to see the negative effects and give up all together! Keep pushing forward!

    Thanks so much for the great advice! I want to push through this and not depend on my old trusty friends (chips, cookies, etc...)
  • alimarieban
    My whole weight loss process started with an emotional trainwreck.... I would go for walks and bawl the whole time, a few weeks later it became runs. I just had to associate the feeling with a new activity, maybe that could work for you too...

    Such a great suggestion! Maybe finding a new outlet for the emotions will help. And make plans now on how you will stay in touch and how often you can expect to visit or them to visit.

    I see a trend...and I agree, turn the eating into something else, a walk or run is a great idea. You can do it stay strong!

    Thanks for the support!!!! I LOVE THIS SITE! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    I live in Minnesota and my parents travel through out the winter (well, they actually live in WI for the summer.. but close enough). This was the first Christmas season in a LONG time I did not get to see them due to finance (I bought a new home), and it was really tough, but you NEED to rely on your support system that is remaining. Unfortunately, for my poor bf, it is mostly him! He got some doses of ugliness and sadness, but he understood why. I was able to spend some extra time with his family too which was great! I'm not going to say that it will be easy, but make sure your remaining support system knows how you are feeling and understand why you feel that way.

    As for the emotional eating, replace it! I know thats easier said than done too, but look at it as a goal. Replace it with exercise, a phone call to your parents, eating healthier snacks, send your parents an email or picture, etc. :)

    It's tough, but just think, its an extra place to visit and vacation! :)
  • WhiteDoveStudios
    WhiteDoveStudios Posts: 7 Member
    Right there with ya - sorry about your folks - emotional eating is something lots of people suffer from - my self included - you have to have a back up plan - something that can take you out of that situation - it can be a great book that you can give yourself time to go read for 30 minutes or a quick trip over town - honestly journaling is a great out let - our brains are such amazing machines but if they are idle they think about thousands of things at once and you cant focus to solve anything- if we read they have to concentrate on one thing left to right syllable by syllable - if you write whats going on then go back and read it gives you a different perspective to the issue and many times you can solve it easily or at least realize there are options. Good Luck - its gonna be ok :-)
  • alimarieban
    That sucks. It is hard, but I agree with the Skype idea. As for not eating. Also agree remove all unhealthy stuff. Keep your hands busy. Throw yourself into your passions or take up a new hobby. Anything that keeps you hands moving will help.

    I am trying to imagine my mom or dad using Skype! Lol! I will have to teach them how to, after my teenager teaches me! I have two kids and so there are a few treats in the house, but I need to have will power! I can do this!
  • alimarieban
    Right there with ya - sorry about your folks - emotional eating is something lots of people suffer from - my self included - you have to have a back up plan - something that can take you out of that situation - it can be a great book that you can give yourself time to go read for 30 minutes or a quick trip over town - honestly journaling is a great out let - our brains are such amazing machines but if they are idle they think about thousands of things at once and you cant focus to solve anything- if we read they have to concentrate on one thing left to right syllable by syllable - if you write whats going on then go back and read it gives you a different perspective to the issue and many times you can solve it easily or at least realize there are options. Good Luck - its gonna be ok :-)

    I love to read. It is something that I always make time for right before bed. It has a calming affect and does stop the over thinking I tend to do! I thought about starting a journal too! I have so many emotions going on right now that writing them down would probably be very helpful! Thanks for the kind words! :-)
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Go ahead and stuff yourself on carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, bananas, apples and water.
    It's not about the eating part, it's about WHAT you're eating.

    Knock yourself out! :wink:

    Sorry to hear about your parents moving away. If your glass is half full you get a nice place to vacation in the winter.
  • alimarieban
    I live in Minnesota and my parents travel through out the winter (well, they actually live in WI for the summer.. but close enough). This was the first Christmas season in a LONG time I did not get to see them due to finance (I bought a new home), and it was really tough, but you NEED to rely on your support system that is remaining. Unfortunately, for my poor bf, it is mostly him! He got some doses of ugliness and sadness, but he understood why. I was able to spend some extra time with his family too which was great! I'm not going to say that it will be easy, but make sure your remaining support system knows how you are feeling and understand why you feel that way.

    As for the emotional eating, replace it! I know thats easier said than done too, but look at it as a goal. Replace it with exercise, a phone call to your parents, eating healthier snacks, send your parents an email or picture, etc. :)

    It's tough, but just think, its an extra place to visit and vacation! :)

    I have a WONDERFUL husband who helps me through lifes ups and downs. I know I will be leaning on him heavily in the upcoming months. :-) I'm sorry that you didn't get to spend the holidays with you parents, but it seems as if you made the best of it! I am trying to do that as well. You know, look for a life lesson and stay positive. I guess I just thought they would always live right down the street. Sometimes change sucks! THanks again for sharing your story and for the kind and uplifitng advice.
  • alimarieban
    Go ahead and stuff yourself on carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, bananas, apples and water.
    It's not about the eating part, it's about WHAT you're eating.

    Knock yourself out! :wink:

    Sorry to hear about your parents moving away. If your glass is half full you get a nice place to vacation in the winter.

    I know you are right, but usually when I'm sad I want a gigantic piece of cake! Ughgghgh. I am still in the process of changing my mind set about eating and slowly but surely the changes are taking root. THanks so much for the words of encouragement!
  • alimarieban
    Thank you to everyone who posted something! I SO appreciate all of the caring and wonderful advice you all gave me. It is going to suck not having my parents close, but I will be able to get through it without eating half of my kitchen in the process. :blushing: