Polar FT7...How accurate is it?

I just received the gift of a Polar FT7 for Christmas...

I am wondering if these really work for measuring calories. I am really serious with dropping this weight for good and got this to help with my eating.

Has anyone used this and had great results. I have read that they are good, but I am just wondering what you all think.

Thanks in advance!

Bliss and Fitness Kisses~


  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
  • lorification
    lorification Posts: 29 Member
    Bump again. I also would like to know.
  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    I don't really know how accurate it is, but I have been using one for several months and I swear by it. I feel that it is giving me good information and I think that I have been getting better results from my workouts since I started using it.
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    I'm pretty sure its close to accurate. As a long as you have your height and weight and age set up correctly, you should be good.

    Make sure you adjust the weight on it as you lose weight.

    I've been using mine for several months as well, and I'm having a lot of success, so its gotta be somewhat close. (I always enter in a little bit under every time)