This is My First Day!!!

meggiew1042 Posts: 1
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone I am new here and can use all of the support and advice I can get! I am 19 and want to lose 72 pounds, but I want my mini goal to be 40 pounds. I love to sit around on the computer or watching TV but I need to change my lifestyle. bye!

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  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    good for you! Up off that couch!

    Best of luck!
  • mfinney
    mfinney Posts: 314
    welcome! whatever advice/support you need, just ask and the answers will come to you! you can do better and we'll all help you get there!!

    good luck!!
  • jcarter0525
    jcarter0525 Posts: 84
    Good luck! You can do it. This is a great website to find support and advice. Just keep at it and keep in mind that you will have bad days but you always have tomorrow.
  • traska
    traska Posts: 18
    :flowerforyou: Best of luck. I have 35 to lose.. I have lost 31 pounds but have gained about 15 of that back.
  • Jackson347
    Jackson347 Posts: 31
    I am newish aswell :).
    I have a month to loose some way to look half normal in swimwear.
    Trying to work out if this is the best way to loose it, or following a more strict plan. Hmmm. Any ideas?
  • Topxgun
    Topxgun Posts: 38
    Just remember that 72 pounds is a LOT. It will come off fast at first (mostly water weight) but it'll take time after that. Keep it healthy, no cheating (which also meaning eating way UNDER what you're supposed toO. It's okay to be 100 over or under OCCASIONALLY, but get as close to the goal as possible.
  • FalconSays
    FalconSays Posts: 62
    Hi Meggie,

    You recognize your solution already. You know you need to just get up and get movin.
    Just do it. I used to be a big-time couch potato and my head would automatically pop
    up with any excuse under the sun to not get movin and sweatin.

    The first week was tough, but as soon as my head, my heart & my metabolism started
    getting with the program, I felt so much better and energized. Now, if I go a 1/2 a day
    without doing something sweaty and rediculously exercisie - I regret it. So I usually do
    morning and early evening work-outs. 6 days a week and on my rest day, just go for
    a long walk/run.

    Just start moving, just do it, GO GIRL, Rock it out!! You will see results in no time and
    that is powerful motivation to rock on even more, harder, faster, sweatier, hey now ♥
  • angguad0406
    angguad0406 Posts: 11
    A really good thing to do when you are vegging on the couch is doing to light weight training, maybe starting with about 3-5 pound dumb-bells, this will help keep you modivated and help get you into the whole exercise process! Another thing is stretching while watching t.v or even doing some type of leg kicks while you are laying on the couch. Good luck and don't give up, baby steps will help modivate you to want to do more. The transformation of the body is a great thing to witness and when it is your body doing the transformation it is even BETTER!
  • angguad0406
    angguad0406 Posts: 11
    Another thing is take a multi-vitamin if you are not already. I take GNC UltraMega Womens Active Vitamins..take one twice a day and it will help you get the nutrition your body needs and also help to give you a llittle boost of energy.:wink:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I think you will love this site. I do. This site is so supportive, helpful, motivational, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Welcome - glad to see you're setting shorter term goals too...don't rush it, making small changes a new food here and there, a new way to cook an old favorite, going out for a walk....

    you can do it!
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