Looking for ladies who have lost 100+ pounds by diet/exercis

and still have some more to lose. Specially if you have lost it all once and then went back up and have to work on relosing it. I am just looking for some ladies who "understand" what I have gone through and currently am going through. Specially if you have had children! I like being friends with all sorts of women but what I really need is more support and encouragement from people who I can understand and who can understand me! if you think you could be there for me and would even like me to be there for you too, send me a friend invite


  • haylez83
    hi hun your weight loss is amazing !! i have a long way to go can i ask how you have done it ? i am calorie counting at the mo as it semms to be the easiest x x hayley x x
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    Jas... In 98' i had my daughter and gained 103 pounds during my pregnancy.... pretty much one of the Olsen Twins LOL. I've yo-yo'd with losing and gaining 45-50 pounds of that 103 since her birth but never managed to go any further. Its all mental for me... I'm either all in or all out. At 42 I think I finally am sick and tired of the plus size clothing, the swollen feet, the fat comments and dating down because I didn't feel pretty enough for a good man. I've had success on this site before and fell off the wagon. My co-worker has lost 57 pounds so far... so we're eachother's cheerleaders. Back on MFP since I/2/12, joined a gym, I go every morning at 4:30 for an hour and half on the treadmill.. so far 5 pounds down - 55 more to go =). I need to stay on the wagon this time. I definately understand what your going through.
  • Manda_H
    Manda_H Posts: 80
    Just keeping busy. I didn't even really measure calories, I just stopped before i was full and drank more water. I did yardwork a lot and would walk my driveway a mile a day. I probably ate about 1700-1800 cals a day but just kept busy.

    I am like that too-- all in or im out. I am finding it hard to push myself and thats why I am looking for someone to push me! I went from 270 down to 141 lbs then got pregnant and went back up to 220 :(:(:( and now im trying to lose that weight. I flucuate between 158 and 163 and just cannot seem to get my butt in gear. I need someone to snap a whip at me