what was your turning point..



  • cafel3
    cafel3 Posts: 89
    Looking at myself while testing my webcam and thinking, "Who is that fat girl with the little head? Oh, it's me :("
  • Allyson1985
    My four year old neighbor pointed to a large oak tree and said, "You're as big around as that tree, Allyson!"

    Shocking, but true.

    Now, she sees me and says, "You're disappearing. Where are you going?"

    So worth the pain I felt to get this response now.
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    my best friend died (he was a healthy athlete-he had an enlarged heart and we didn't know it--his blood pressure spiked, and it tripped his heart)--anyways, he died out of the blue, and i was miserable and life was too short to be this miserable--and i could CONTROL this. haven't looked back since :) i worry that i will gain it back, but it's been 4 yrs since i started and i haven't really gained it back so doubtful it will happen!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I got diagnosed with PCOS. The only "real" natural cure is to lose weight. I feel like I can finally get this started after yearsssss of trying and giving up because if I beat it, I get the one thing I want most in the world. A baby.

    I'm right there with you on that one. PCOS has been a thorn in my side for the last nineteen years. :mad:
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I was two weeks away from our elopement, and all I could think about was how horrible I looked in the dresses I tried on and how they were all a size larger than I normally wear. I started obsessing and I realized I was ruining what was supposed to be the happiest day of my life because I was afraid of what I'd look like in our wedding picture. So I stopped obsessing, abandoned my crash diet, and made a committment to making lifestyle changes. When we got back from our elopement weekend, I joined MFP.
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    When my hips/thighs/butt were all too large to fit in a roller coaster seat!!
  • elusivezero
    elusivezero Posts: 27 Member
    Not being able to find my size in clothing stores, and if they ever did - I'd be too embarrassed to ask for it.
  • bigtone34
    bigtone34 Posts: 136
    Mine was simply seeing a photo that was taken. It didn't even look like me.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    the family pics from xmas last year. i was so embarrassed. this is the new one thats my pic. i was never so happy replacing that photo with the years. the old one is on here to show how hard i worked and remind myself every day im not that person anymore.
  • pcarbo3
    pcarbo3 Posts: 16 Member
    i have always been a "bigger" person. i'm not sure why, i know i don't exercise as much as i should have, but my sister and i have always lived together and eaten the same things, and she's about 10 sizes smaller than me. go figure.

    anyway, i went through a bad breakup in college and actually LOST a lot of weight. but once i got over it, i started going out and partying, drinking and eating crappy food in the wee hours of the morning. then i went to law school, and the stress/schedule just put me over the edge.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS my first year of law school and had a cyst removed from my ovary. my doctor sat me down to tell me how difficult it will be to have children, because that one ovary is operating at only 45%. I did some research, and found out the risks obesity carries for a pregnancy also. Finally, the PCOS can develop diabetes, and the last thing I want is to be diagnosed with type 2 at 25 yrs old. And I want to give my future babies the best chance at healthy development.

    The scale tipped at 224 and that was it. I've been on a gently downward-sloping scale since. I've lost 12 lbs since I joined MFP, but prior to this I lost 26lbs just with diet and exercise. i just have to take it day by day.
  • AMO31
    AMO31 Posts: 14
    I was in a changing room trying on clothes the next size up from what I normally wear. It was one of those changing room that have mirrors all around so you can see your body at all angles. I didnt like what I saw.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    I'm 5'7" and weighed 215. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE would tell me how fat I was, well I got sick of hearing that. So I did something about it!

    215 is not much, you need new friends... just saying... anyone ever called me fat they would be swallowing teeth. I hear there stories and it infuriates me that people would actually call someone fat. Beyond my belief.

    My story, always been bigger than everyone else... usually with a belly, but just bigger in the shoulders, etc.... Always played football or track and field (Highland Games) so lifting and throwing were my only sources of exercise. Once I discovered that I could actually do cardio, I started P90X and I hope to someday be down to 215 (Which would be a total of over 40 pounds lost for me which again, makes me a little perplexed that someone who is STARTING at 215 would be called fat. I am a little taller than you, but only 3".....
  • Dashal
    Dashal Posts: 13
    I met up with a girl I hadn't seen for a few months and we used to have a thing. She told me out-right I was getting fat. Then these two rotund and likable chaps decided to chip in and give me a confidence boost.

    Chaps: It's ok mate you'll be fine you're young you can easily get rid of it. Worry when you're 30.
    Me: Umm I've just turned 30.
    Chaps: Oh. Well watch out cos the first thing you'll do is not eat lunch thinking you can just drink and you won't put on weight. That doesn't work.
    Me: Yep I do that now. I've had no lunch.
    Chaps (laughing): well once you take up golf and telling yourself it's exercise you're doomed. Then you'll be like this (chap wiggles his paunch).

    Little did he know that I'd completed my second round of golf the weekend prior.

    Suffice to say I went to the gym the next day.. ;-)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    I put on my largest pair of jeans ever, and I didn't think I was going to be able to sit down in them. Joined MFP the next week, spent a year losing weight, and now two years after starting MFP I'm still slim. I'm still logging everything too. I'll need to keep myself accountable for life!
  • Nos150
    Nos150 Posts: 150
    On the night of my one year anniversary

    worst night of my life.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Doctor put me on blood pressure meds when I hit 233 lbs. I refuse to take blood pressure meds for the rest of my life. Now, at 193 lbs. have not taken a pill in three months and pressure is normal.

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My health is going downhill fast, and I know the only shot I have at any sort of life is to get the weight off -- especially since none of the medications are helping. I'm tired of trying pill after pill and hearing every time I see a doctor, "You know, if you dropped some weight, this would probably improve." Here's hoping they're right.
  • Lindy901
    Lindy901 Posts: 71 Member
    Feeling like I couldn't breathe well enough when I laid down at night. Too fat to sleep? I think that was my final motivation other than the usual couldn't stand myself any longer but never doing anything about it.