Newbie Here - 80lb+ to lose

Hi - I joined MFP just before Christmas but have yet to start using it properly. I start off tracking but then if I go off the rails I tend to "forget" to record it. I've been overweight for at least 12 years now due to comfort eating, family problems and being in a bad relationship. Im 33 soon and I've spent all of my 20's overweight and do not want the same to happen in my 30's. Life is too short to be overweight and miserable.

I'm 5'6 and a UK size 18, ideally I'd love to be a UK size 12 again.


  • ShrinkingSusan
    ShrinkingSusan Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Here you will find like minded people who are encouraging and supportive. I am looking to drop 88 pounds myself. My journey started less than a week ago and I have already dropped almost 7 pounds just logging my meals and getting a little exercise daily. I know the big losses will stop happening soon as my body adjusts to its new routines.

    This site is awesome! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • tiare31
    tiare31 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome! I know you will love, love LOVE this site! If you are forgetting to track, which I sometimes do also, you can go back the day before or even a couple days back. Just log it! Do you have a smartphone? That works really well for me because it's fast and right there at my fingertips.

    I joined quite a while back, but just started really at it since the holiday is over. I have been on my regular lifestyle of eating/working out and this is day 3 of success! It feels so good to be at it again. I am 33 so we are the same age. I will add you as a friend and we can motivate each other.

    Just Do It!
  • Hello!!

    I am new to this site also. I was logging calories and such on (The Daily Plate) which, while accurate and informative, was not this user friendly. When I was using that site, I would often forget to log things -- BUT, the thing that I love about MyFitnessPal is the Android App! I have my phone on or near me almost all the time. Its SO nice to just log as I munch or cook or what not. I am only 3 days in but so far, so good!

    I do have a question though. After YEARS of extreme and sometimes dangerous dieting and restricting, I am finding it REALLY hard to maintain motivation when my dang metabolism is soooo sloooowwww. I know it will take FOREVER for the scale to budge since I have so much repairing to do. Any advise on how to stay motivated during this first phase of introducing your body to a healthy amount of calories??

    OH I am 33 TOO! We need a 33 club.
  • I hope my first week is a good one. 7lbs in a week is fantastic! Thats a good incentive for me to start logging my meals.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    Good Luck!! You have a awesome goal in mind and you can do it! =)
  • Welcome to MFP! I've got a lot of weight to lose. I know we can lose the weight. Feel free to add me (:
  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    I'm new too. I have gone over my limit for two days, but today I really looked at what I had to eat and compared it to yesterday. My breakfast was way less yesterday then today, but my lunch was more than yesterday. So my findings yesterday I had an egg white omlet, fat-free choc milk and was satisfied until noon. Only a little over 200 cals, but today I had little over 700 for breakfast. OMG I had 2 pieces of toast with marg & peanut butter, milk and fruit. Sounds like a nutrietous breakfast.
    So logging and looking at hmmm if I want the samething next time what was so high can I cut out. I try to take a couple of 10 min walks while I'm at work to at least get some excersise in, but today may go a little longer since I ate lunch at my desk. I'm really babbling. Good luck. I never try to lose what you are, to me that's hard goal. I take it in short lumps. I'm trying to lose 14 pounds. Then I'll try another 10 so on and so on.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I down to join the 33 club. I am adding you guys!
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    Welcomee! I have 83 to lose!
  • I started three days ago and have 20 lbs to lose and tired of yo yoing! Going to take it different this time, look at what I eat carefully and work out every day at least 30 mins. This AM I did 30 mins on the treadmil and followed with somemleg presses and ab crunches. So far so good. Your breakfast sounds yummy, maybe you can cut out one of the slices of bread and 1/2!the peanut butter and that will get you in a more workable calorie range and still give you what you like!
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    welcome you can add me it you like
  • Hi fellow mfp-ers! I have 70 pounds to lose-am getting married in June so fingers crossed I stick to this!! Good luck all.
  • Hi Sammy and welcome, I'm also from the uk and have a lot of weight to lose so with each others help we can do it.
  • I am on day 3 as well of exercise and tracking and I also am feeling great! wish I was 33 but unfortunately 55 is my number. Hopefully I can still get the weight off!
  • hello all!

    I joined in december but have only really been tracking properly since after christmas. have lost 3 lbs so far (about another 95 to go) but have lost inches too :bigsmile:

    feel free to add me if you want - am 33 too and in UK. I have had trouble with motivation in the past but seem to be sticking with it so far. I joined a gym before I started with the changing of my diet and have become addicted!!!! am about to go off to zumba!!!!!

    my advice for staying motivated at the moment is don't rely just on the scales, measure yourself too. sometimes if you aren't losing weight, you have actually lost inches. Find an exercise that you love - it may take a while but if you love it then you are more likely to stick with it.

    well I have got to get my butt moving if I am going to be on time!!

    just take it one day at a time - you will get there eventually!!!
  • gbsngrl
    gbsngrl Posts: 19 Member
    I do have a question though. After YEARS of extreme and sometimes dangerous dieting and restricting, I am finding it REALLY hard to maintain motivation when my dang metabolism is soooo sloooowwww. I know it will take FOREVER for the scale to budge since I have so much repairing to do. Any advise on how to stay motivated during this first phase of introducing your body to a healthy amount of calories??

    The best thing ever is not to look at the scale...I know it sounds silly...but since I've been doing more strength training I've actually been GAINING weight (YIKES!). The big thing though is that even though the darn number is higher, my clothes are fitting differently and inches are going away. I'd suggest maybe doing body measurements (hips, waist, chest, arms, thighs, etc) and tracking that rather than a number on the scale. If I just went by weight I'd have quit long ago...but the lost inches and looking better in my jeans a great motivator! Heck...even my totally-unobservant-husband mentioned my butt looking "hott". Yes, with two "t"s. Stick with it girlie!! :happy:
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i lost that much already..its a daily battle till you find something that works for you..documenting everything is very helpful because it lets you see what you are or arent doing. i try losing weight in baby steps. having 80 lbs to lose is overwhelming so say you want to lose six pounds. that will bring you down to 74.. then your next goal could be five lbs which would bring you to 69... always try to get one lb under that five and zero mark.. mentally it makes a difference. before you know it, we will be seeing pics of you 80lbs less.. keep your chin up !! and remember that the only thing that makes you eat the way you do is you..all that other stuff is just fluff and no one else or any other situation is forcing you to eat junk.. find comfort in walking or going to a gym or volunteer somewhere to keep busy . volunteering also makes one feel better about themself knowing they are helping out someone else.. here is to success in your new lifestyle!!!!! we are here for you
  • ncbrowneyes97
    ncbrowneyes97 Posts: 48 Member
    LOL- Yep we definately need a 33 club (33 here too)! I have about 65 pounds to lose- add me- I have learned the more friends I have, the more motivated I stay!
  • I joined a few months back but haven't been very active. I could blame it on a lot of things but bottom line is I wasn't ready to commit to it. I recently underwent angioplasty and got to expierience what a heart attack feels like and let me tell you it was an eye opening experience. My cardiologist wants my diabetes under control which by any other standards it is, but for the issues I have it isn't. So I went to my family doctor and she recommended a gluten/wheat free diet. I'm gonna try it we will see what happens, she said that the research on it has delivered great results in the areas of cholesterol and blood glucose, as well as weight loss. I have about 60 pounds to lose I am 47. I hope to reverse the diabetes if it's possible, and lower my risk for a heart attack. I plan on getting a journal so if I miss a day of posting on this site I will still have it documented. Good luck on your journey!
  • gigiwaterloo
    gigiwaterloo Posts: 102 Member

    I'm 5'6 and a UK size 18, ideally I'd love to be a UK size 12 again.

    Feel free to add me! I'm aiming to lose 52 lbs myself... 5 down and 47 to go!!! Good luck to you!!