My dog is dead. Help?



  • sydanne33
    I know you did the right thing. When I had to put my poodle down, I was crushed. I went on anti depressants for a while I was so upset and I felt terrible guilt over the whole situation.

    The best advice I can give is to get another dog right away. You will NEVER forget the dog you lost and you can’t ever replace that special bond you had with your dog, but getting a puppy will bring so much joy! It helped me so much to get a new dog and really helps with the grieving process. I know your dog is in a better place and not having to suffer any more. It will take some time but I know you made the right call!
  • Kateinprogress
    I'm so sorry for your loss but it truly sounds like you did everything you could. I know it's hard to put on a public face while you're at work but maybe it would be helpful to step out a minute, even just go to the bathroom and pull yourself together. I know sometimes the hardest thing is just holding it all in to hold yourself together but taking 2 minutes to let all those emotions go can help you make it through the rest of the day.
  • angelyn8
    I lost my dog Star 8 months ago, she was a black lab I raised as a puppy to be a seeing eye dog. We had to put her down from cancer, she was dying and we could not watch it another moment. We did not want her to suffer. I promised when it got bad, I would look beyond my own pain and do what was best for her. It is horrible to lose a pet, and you did the most unselfish act of love for your dog by sending her to a place of peace. I had a Corgi mix named Gizmo, she also had the most horrible skin, it was so sad. She lived on meds for her skin, and got so crazy from the prednisone, she only cared about getting food and water. We finally put her down because she had no quality of life the way she was, and she just got sicker. I felt relieved in a way, knowing she was at peace. Please be gentle on yourself and know what you did was out of love. Take care of yourself, you sound like a sweet soul.