HELP I need to find friends and motivation...any extras anyo



  • I am 34 yrs old, with a 16mth old, 40 hour a week job and want to loose 70lbs!! dreaming right?
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I am 34 yrs old, with a 16mth old, 40 hour a week job and want to loose 70lbs!! dreaming right?

    You're not dreaming! Totally do-able!

    Chasing around a 16 month old will burn you some calories right there! :)

    In all seriousness though, it's definitely tough when you work and have a child. It makes it much more demanding on you! But as soon as you see even the smallest of results, it'll keep you going and inspire you to do more. Gotta start somewhere right?