
hi all i would like to know how ofter do you weigh your self?
daily? weekly? monthly?
i plan to weigh myself every week on a friday


  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Every Friday morning before breakfast :smile:
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I weigh myself monday (for a challenge), wednesday and Friday. Then I only log my weight on monday. Weighing yourself once a week is ideal since your weight will fluctuate from day to day.
  • sparkle422
    I weigh myself every morning at the same time, I won't even take a sip of water before I get on the scale! In December I thought maybe I'd try every few days, but I ended up gaining about 3 lbs. because I wasn't keeping it in check. For me, I need to have an idea everyday. I'm also working on eating my daily allotment of calories now because of it. I have screwed p my metabolism from severely limiting myself the last year or so. I've been on this site the last week trying to keep calories in check, and I'm gaining slightly from eating more than I'm used to. It's very difficult to see that on the scale, but I'm determined to fix this problem once and for all. I only have to lose about 6 lbs, but it's frustrating!
  • killingtheantagonist
    I weigh myself daily(mark it on Wednesdays), but I think I'm going to stop that and only do it on Monday's.
  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member
    Once a week is a good idea. I think it will be on Mondays for me since I joined a challenge that is recording the progress on monday. Weight does tend to fluctuate daily and even during each day.

    Pick a day and try to weigh in the same time of day on the day you choose. :wink:
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    First thing in the morning before I've eaten anything. If I eat first I skip the scale for that day. I'd recommend you do this daily if possible. What you'll see is weight fluctuations because of water weight. Don't get hung up on it. If you see it go up a little, not a big deal. But you should see it go down like 1 lb or so per week if your doing things correctliy. If you only do it once a week you won't be as in tune to things and you never know when that day will be when it actually dips down.
  • Lady_Senie
    Lady_Senie Posts: 100 Member
    I was weighing in on Wednesday in December, but now I'm thinking that maybe Mondays and Thursdays are gonna be my thing this year. If it starts to get discouraging to see it twice a week, I'll just go to Mondays only. I wanna make sure I'm staying pumped, 'cause I'm gonna make 2012 my *kitten*! ^_~
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Every time I enter my washroom. But I record it weekly.
  • tafkam08
    tafkam08 Posts: 5 Member
    Am I the only one that's intimidated by the scale? I had planned on weighing monthly as I know that in the past, the scale is what has deterred me. Hmm..maybe I can flip this into a positive and use it as a motivator? I don't know.