Newbie, Qs re 30 Day Shred?

Hi guys, new to this site but here we go, I have an 18 month old daughter and was a tiny size 8 before pregnancy, problem being my cravings were for chip shop batter! Needless to say i piled on the pounds and ended up a size 16. Luckily little one was an early walker and was walking at 9 months so has kept me busy running after her so iv eventually got down to a size 12-14.

My partner is a personal trainer but im reluctant to let him train me as iv seen him at work and he isnt nice! :tongue: I couldnt handle him screaming at me like a client and we would end up arguing :laugh:

So anyway iv just bought the 30 Day Shred Dvd from amazon after reading such good reviews. Just wondering if there are any success stories on here? My goal is to get to a size 10, i eat pretty healthy (my daughter eats what i eat so like to set an example) Do you think this is acheivable by doing this Dvd? I have a small frame its just body fat i need to lose mostly around stomach area. Also what happens after the 30 days, do i carry on doing the workout everyday to maintain results?

Sorry about the essay and all the Qs :blushing:


  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    :smile: Hi- I am glad that you asked these questions. I just got the DVD's and I was hoping to start either today or tomorrow and I would love some company and encouragement...Let me know if you are interested and if there is anyone else interested in this as well...
  • Hi! I'm really interested in this 30 Day Shred too... I don't know what it is exactly but I've seen before & after pictures of a girl after just 7 days on it and she looked great!! I need something like this to kick start my weight loss !! Good luck with your weight loss Brookef81 & mummy2marleigh :) ! x
  • Hi i am definately interested! :) some of the results people have had are Amazing! I ordered mine today so should be with me sometime next week. For the results iv seen it may just be the best £5 iv spent! We shall soon see :smile: ...
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    There is a group that started it together after new years we are only on Day 5 come Join us
    we are all doing it and posting our results after completion
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    you can also do a search of the forum tons of discussions with photo updates. at top of community page there is a search button click it and type topic and it will give you a huge search list.
    Good luck hope you have great success!!
  • I'm going to order mine now! I still don't really have any idea what it is... I'm assuming it's an exercise dvd you do every day for 30 days!? Haha I just want results!!! x
  • Yeh its a dvd got mine on amazon for £5 with free delivery! Bargain considering the results iv seen :smile: its meant to be super challenging but no pain no gain i guess! I just cant wait to see some results.
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I am going to start tomorrow :) I was hoping that the DVD would be here by now, and it is getting late.
  • Just ordered mine off Amazon! It's due to arrive on the 9th Jan! I got mine for £5 free delivery too, can't complain! Oo I'm excited to get started :D
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    I'm on level 3 of the shred right now and I have lost several inches all over my body. If you combine the shred with a calorie deficit you will lose some weight and thin out for sure... I have lost about 6 pounds while doing the shred (thus far) along with 2 inches in my belly and I'm not done yet. You won't loose the weight fast, but you will see a difference in your body. It's a great program! I intend to continue doing the routine's every couple days once I finish the 30 along with regular cardio, but I don't know that there is necessarily an after program.
  • Wow, thats what i want more than anything to lose the inches. Sounds like a fantastic program i am so excited to get started, even though i will probably pass out first time im so unfit :wink:

    Jeska iv just seen your OH is a personal trainer too :smile:
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I'm going to order mine now! I still don't really have any idea what it is... I'm assuming it's an exercise dvd you do every day for 30 days!? Haha I just want results!!! x
    You're right, it's an exercise DVD by Jillian Michaels, "TV's toughest trainer".

    She's a marmite personality. Personally I love her stuff, even when I feel like I'm going to die!!! Some folk can't stand her and could never put up with even 30 minutes.

    The shred is a 30-day program, split into 3 levels which are progressively more difficult. The idea is that you start on level 1, do that workout 10 times and then, if you feel ready, move up to level 2. Lather, rinse, repeat. Each workout takes less than 30 minutes. The workouts all follow the 3-2-1 system. You do a warmup followed by 3 circuits; each circuit consists of 3 mins strength; 2 mins cardio; 1 min abs. There's a cool down to finish. You will sweat bucketloads!

    All the equipment you will need is hand weights, although if you don't have those then a couple of bottles of water or cans of soup will do!

    JM has said that you are NOT supposed to do the shred every day - 4-5 workouts a week only, moving up to the next level when you feel ready.

    I really rate her DVDs. I have the shred and also 6 week 6 pack. I recommend both. Good luck!
  • Sounds super intense!
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    If you're on facebook, there's a group there as well...just do a search for "30 ds" and you'll find us!
  • Jillian is super-intense and no doubt you'll see results, but I believe that you only will if you have a calorie deficit. I have very strong muscles that are finally starting to show since I got my portions right. Food intake has a MUCH higher impact on your weight.
  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    I love 30 Day Shred! I actually cancelled my gym membership as I've been more productive at exercising since I bought it! After a year of gym membership I actually put on 14lbs as I never liked going, after doing 30 day shred in 30 days I lost 12lbs, so it clearly works for me, and I've now got another Jillian Michaels DVD. I love the fact that its only 20 mins a workout. i also love the fact that it doesn't cost anymore than the price for the dvd and I can just stick on a sports bra and leggings without caring about anyone staring while I workout at home!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I love this dvd, it is my go to workout when I am short on time. First time I did it I was completely out of shape and it killed me. I still often do it in the mornings before work. I just ordered her new dvd, Extreme shed and shred, it's two 40 minute workouts. Should get it next week, can't wait!!
  • bslic
    bslic Posts: 245 Member
    I'm on day 5 and say GO FOR IT! IT couldn't hurt, right? And will only take you closer to your goals. I've got a lot of weight to lose and was intimidated by the program, but then asked WHY??? I shred each day and do 45-60 mins of cardio on the stat bike. I feel my muscles :) and LOVE it! (it's a workout for sure!!!)

    Good luck!!!
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    pretty much the only exercise i did on this journey. I'm in a similar boat as you... was trying to get my pre-baby body back. :) and yes, if you stick with it, you will see amazing results! good luck!
  • Wow thank you all so much for your replies!
    I am pretty good with healthy food and my portions arent very big, i used to eat until my plate was clear now i just eat until i am full.
    I will check out the facebook page also.

    i cant believe i had never heard of this before!

    So excited to get started :happy: